When the two entered the palace to meet Queen Mother Yide, Queen Mother Yide seemed very happy. In recent years, Queen Mother Yide has shown a more loving side in front of Jiang Ruan. Today Xiao Shao and Jiang Ruan came in together, and Yide The Empress Dowager Xu Shi was very happy with the golden and jade marriage she bestowed on her, and kept saying to Aunt Yang: "Seeing that you are so affectionate, the Ai family will be satisfied."

Although Jiang Ruan didn't understand how the Empress Dowager Yide understood the word "enai".

Jiang Ruan and Xiao Shao did not consummate their marriage, this matter must never be taught to Empress Dowager Yide, so in the Palace of Compassion, she has always been shy and gentle, as if she really was a newlywed wife loved by her husband. She acted very well, and there was nothing wrong with it at first glance, but Xiao Shao was still frightened after all, and her expression was a little stiff all the time.

Empress Dowager Yide treated them very generously, the congratulatory gift before the wedding was not counted, and today she entered the palace and bestowed a bunch of rewards. And obviously very excited. Jiang Ruan noticed that Empress Dowager Yide looked at Xiao Shao very differently, she didn't look at a courtier, but like a grandmother looking at her grandson, her eyes were full of love. Just because Jiang Ruan had been with Empress Dowager Yide for a period of time, she had a more or less clear understanding of Empress Dowager Yide's temperament. Seeing this scene, she was surprised and suspicious, but she didn't show it in the end.

After leaving the Palace of Compassion and Ning, Eunuch Li, who was beside the emperor, brought someone to spread the word that the emperor had something to discuss with Xiao Shao. It must be a matter in the court again, Jiang Ruan has no reason to follow. Eunuch Li hinted that it would take a long time to talk, so Jiang Ruan asked Xiao Shao to go there first, and just go out of the palace by himself and go back in a carriage.

She lived in the palace for a period of time, and she knew the way by herself without even being asked by the maids. Taking Forsythia and Zisu on the way out of the palace, I didn't want to walk to the end of the corridor in the imperial garden, and saw two beauties in palace costumes approaching from a distance, and the two of them also saw her. Ruan opened his mouth, and one of them called out in surprise: "Big sister!"

That person is Jiang Dan. Today she is wearing an apricot-colored cotton satin brocade dress. The white crane embroidered on the dress looks like flying, and she is wearing a ring around her body. The jewelry is also very valuable. It seems that he is doing well in the palace, and it is not a lie that he pleases the Holy One. The woman next to Jiang Dan was dressed slightly worse than her, and the original delicate expression was now only the same smile as the women in the palace, with a bit of falsehood, and she couldn't see the sincerity at a glance, it was Dong Ying'er.

Jiang Dan looked at Jiang Ruan and just smiled, his appearance was full of enthusiasm: "Big sister, Danniang was not able to go out of the palace to add makeup to you on the big day last night, I am really ashamed, but Danniang has a messenger Come to give a gift, big sister still like it?"

It's just a set of jewelry, Jiang Ruan took a look at it and was thrown into the box, she smiled slightly: "I like Jiang Zhaoyi's gift very much, thank you."

"Why should you be so polite?" Jiang Dan took her hand: "You and I are sisters from the same family, so naturally we have to support each other. I am naturally very happy that you have become the princess of the Jinying Palace."

Jiang Ruan didn't want to spend too much time talking with her, but Jiang Dan was so obsessive, she simply stood aside and said nothing openly. Jiang Dan never does useless things, and today he will definitely not just want to catch up with her, there must be some intentions. Now let's see what she really wants to do.

Sure enough, Jiang Dan saw her slightly impatient expression, and suddenly smiled: "Speaking of which, people's chances are really different. Back then, when the elder sister came back from Zhuangzi, how many people were waiting to see the elder sister?" This is a joke. The elder sister stunned and became the current princess of Hong'an County and Princess Jinying. The elder brother was forced to leave home for many years without hearing from him, and suddenly became a great general with great military achievements. On the other hand, the second elder sister and mother have long since turned into Bone bones. Just like the Thirteenth Highness in this palace, he was just an inconspicuous prince before, but now he is protected by His Majesty. It is really intriguing how the fate of people can change so much. If there is an afterlife, but I don’t know what’s going on.”

Hearing this, Jiang Ruan's eyes flashed, she stared at Jiang Dan closely, and said slowly, "What did you say?"

"I said that if there is an afterlife, what would it be like? Could it be a completely different fate, and what would happen to the big sister?" Jiang Dan's voice was sweet, but lowered to a lower pitch, and the voice seemed a little weird. Seeing Jiang Ruan's expression suddenly changed, Jiang Dan giggled, and said casually: "Tianniang still has something to do, so I won't chat with Eldest Sister, Eldest Sister is easy to leave." After speaking, she turned around and left, Dong Yinger on the side lowered her eyes , his eyes never fell on Jiang Ruan for a moment, and he also left.


On the carriage back home, Jiang Ruan stared at Xiao Ji in front of him, Lian Qiao and Zi Su stared at her nervously. Ever since Jiang Dan and Jiang Ruan talked, Jiang Ruan seemed a little dazed, and Lianqiao and Zisu felt a little different with that dignified expression.

Jiang Ruan was naturally suspicious, Jiang Dan's words had a lot of meaning, it might be nothing to other people's ears, but it was like a thunderbolt to her ears. She has always buried the secret of rebirth in her heart, a secret that no one can touch. How surprising it is to hear this from Jiang Dan's mouth now. Jiang Dan would not say such things for no reason. What did she discover? Could it be that she was also reborn?

She was lost in thought, frowning tightly. In the eyes of Forsythia and Zisu, it was really unusual. Jiang Ruan has never expressed his emotions or anger, even if he encounters a big thing, at least he can't see any disturbance on his face. Now she is just staring at the little girl in front of her, but her eyes have not been fixed, as if she has fallen into crazy thinking, even Lian Qiao can feel a little bit of fear in her. This is too strange.

"Why do I feel like the girl is in a daze?" Lianqiao whispered to Zisu, "Just now Miss Si said something about the girl being so nervous, I don't think there's anything wrong with it."

Zi Su's face was solemn: "I don't know why, but I always feel uneasy."

Jiang Ruan only felt that the more he thought about the key points, the more chaotic his mind became, and he couldn't even hear what Zisu and Forsythia were saying beside his ears. Jiang Dan's words were like a curse, and what she recalled like crazy was the news of Jiang Xinzhi's death in her previous life. She was pushed down from the hall by Jiang Quan, and fell in embarrassment from the nine steps. She heard them indifferently declare that she was a disaster The voice of the country demon girl saw Jiang Susu's crazy expression. It was the moment when she was made into a human pig, witnessed Pei'er struggling and crying, was beaten to death with sticks, and made a poisonous oath.

The screen went round and round, each one was full of blood and tears. The fear of not getting and losing filled her, she only felt that her heart was getting more and more frantic, and a kind of unreasonable anxiety surrounded her.

"Girl, what's wrong with you, girl?" Lian Qiao patted her on the back anxiously, Jiang Ruan's eyes were straightened, and his eyes were already crazy.

With a "poof", she suddenly felt sweet in her throat, spat out a mouthful of blood, and sprayed all the blood on the white tablecloth in front of her, the blood stains were shocking, and the next moment, Lian Qiao screamed.

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