Steward Lin asked for a prescription from Xia Qing, and was instructing his servants to grab the medicine, when he looked up and saw the carriage of Prince Jinying's mansion parked at the door. I was wondering how come back so early, I found that the curtain was lifted from inside, Lianqiao and Zisu half-supported and half-carried a person out, took a closer look, who is it if it is not Jiang Ruan?

Although Lao Lin is over half a hundred years old, his eyes are sharp. At a glance, he noticed the blood on the corner of Jiang Ruan's lips, and his heart skipped a beat, and saw that Xiao Shao was not here. Immediately trotted to greet her, said: "What's going on? What's wrong with the princess?"

"The princess has fainted." Zisu said anxiously: "Go and call the doctor, Housekeeper Lin, please ask someone to help the princess back."

Lin Butler became anxious when he heard this. It wasn't the first day of the wedding that this scene happened. Thinking that there was a ready-made miracle doctor in the adjacent mansion, he immediately sent someone to invite Xia Qing to come and see him. After helping Jiang Ruan into the room to lie down, Steward Lin asked Lian Qiao, "Why did the princess faint when she was well? How did you take care of the princess?"

Luzhu and Tianzhu rushed over after hearing the words, Jiang Ruan didn't have any other wounds on her body, it didn't look like she was injured. Lian Qiao blamed herself: "Young lady met Fourth Miss in the palace, and after talking to Fourth Miss, something went wrong when she turned around in the carriage, as if she was in a daze, and then she vomited blood and passed out .”

"What did she say to the princess?" Tianzhu asked.

"There's nothing wrong with that. I'm just talking about fate. It doesn't sound wrong." Lian Qiao frowned. Just as he was talking, he saw Xia Qing and Qi Feng hurrying in. The two of them were discussing when they would leave the capital, but on the way they rushed in to the servants of the palace, saying that something happened to Jiang Ruan , asking Xia Qing to go and have a look.

Xia Qing originally thought that everyone in the Jinying Palace was too nervous, but it was as earth-shattering to do something as small as a sesame seed. As a result, when he came in and saw Jiang Ruan lying on the bed with his eyes tightly closed, he was stunned for a moment, Qi Feng's face changed, and he said, "Why did the third sister-in-law become like this?"

"Oh, my Fifth Lord," Lin Butler hurriedly pulled Xia Qing towards the bed, "You have to take a look, I'm afraid the princess is mad at something, and Fang even vomited blood, which is terrible. Don’t hurt your body if you’re young.” In Lianqiao’s words, Jiang Ruan didn’t suffer any kind of knife wound, but was angered by Jiang Dan’s few words. Although I don't understand why he is so angry, it seems that there is no better way to say it.

Xia Qing frowned, walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, reaching out to check Jiang Ruan's veins. Everyone looked at him nervously, after a while, Xia Qing let go of his hands, Qi Feng said nervously: "Old five, what's the matter?"

"Third sister-in-law is too worried. She already has a long-standing illness. She was aroused by someone today, but she was depressed and spit out a mouthful of blood. The blood clot was stuck in her chest. She couldn't wake up right now." Xia Qing hesitated to speak. , and finally shook his head and said: "I'll prescribe the side prescription first, butler Lin, find someone to grab the medicine and make it up for the third sister-in-law to drink immediately." Although he said it lightly, there was no trace of relaxation between his brows, but a bit dignified , This is not an ordinary thing for Xia Qing, who is known as the master of Jinling. Just a few forsythias, Qi Feng clenched his fists as soon as Xia Qing looked like this.

Butler Lin didn't dare to delay, so he immediately sent someone to grab the medicine. Sitting in the room, Xia Qing looked at Jiang Ruan with a gloomy expression, wondering what she was thinking. Qi Feng stood by the window, raising his eyes to glance at Jiang Ruan from time to time. Several maids were busy, but Jiang Ruan never showed signs of waking up.

About half an hour later, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a gust of cold winter air was brought in from outside. Xiao Shao strode in from the door, his body was still covered with unmelted snow. He walked to the side of the bed, looked at Jiang Ruan's tightly closed eyes, his face immediately turned cold, turned his head to look at Forsythia and Zisu, his voice was as cold as ice, and asked: "What's going on?"

Forsythia and Zisu looked at each other, and Zisu had no choice but to repeat the explanation to everyone just now: "Just now after the prince and the girl separated, the girl met the fourth lady in the palace, and said a few words to the fourth lady, The girl vomited blood when she turned around in the carriage, and then passed out. Mr. Xia Wu said that it caused the girl's old illness." After a pause, Zi Su said again: "But what old illness does the girl have?"

Xiao Shao frowned, looked up at Xia Qing who was on the side, paused, and said to Lian Qiao: "What did Jiang Dan tell her, tell me everything."

His tone was cold, his eyes were dark and filled with deep anger, Lian Qiao's heart trembled, and he repeated every word Jiang Dan and Jiang Ruan said. After that, he said: "That's all. The servant girl dared to say something. I couldn't hear anything strange in these few words, but the girl seemed to have been violated some taboo in the carriage and was very afraid. The servant girl I have been with the girl for so many years, and since I returned to Beijing a few years ago, I have never seen a girl so scared."

Hearing this, Qi Feng looked at Forsythia inquisitively. Xiao Shao tightened his hands, as if he stood there thinking for a moment, turned around and was about to leave, Qi Feng grabbed him: "Third brother, what do you want to do?"

"To untie the bell, the person who tied it has to be tied. This matter has something to do with Jiang Dan, so it's natural to look for her." Xiao Shao said.

"What can you do now? With these few words, she can't be convicted." Qi Feng glanced at Jiang Ruan: "Are you going to kill her now? This will only bring trouble to the third sister-in-law." In his words, he put himself in Jiang Ruan's shoes, but Xiao Shao's eyes froze when he heard the words, he looked at him and said coldly: "That's my wife, don't worry about it."

Qi Feng's throat was astringent, but he couldn't speak, and his expression was a bit embarrassed. But Xia Qing also stood up, with a seriousness that didn't match her age written all over her baby face: "Stop arguing. Third brother, third sister-in-law is not angry because of other people's words, even if it is just an opportunity, but really What caused her to look like this is because she was poisoned."

Qi Feng loosened Xiao Shao's hand and said in disbelief, "Poisoned?"

"Impossible," Xiao Shao said, "No one can do anything in the palace." Everything here is handled by Steward Lin himself, and it is impossible for the guards in the palace to feel betrayed. Poisoning Jiang Ruan is more difficult than killing her directly.

"It wasn't poison in the palace." Xia Qing shook his head: "This poison is very strange. It didn't look fatal at first, but after all, it accumulated in the body. Now someone used something to induce the poison to come out. As for what the two maids said I got angry at what people said in the palace, and it just made the toxin induced in the third sister-in-law's body flow faster." He hesitated: "And this toxin is very special, it seems to have been seen somewhere before, but I think not come out."

"Old five!" Qi Feng didn't care about confronting Xiao Shao, and said anxiously: "Then the medicine you just prescribed is effective? Can you undo the poison of the third sister-in-law?"

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