Xiao Shao stared closely at her eyes, feeling shocked and at a loss for the first time, he suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Ye Feng!"

Ye Feng suddenly pushed the door open and came in: "Master, what's the matter?" When he saw Jiang Ruan's appearance, Ye Feng was also quite shocked. When did Jiang Ruan have such a embarrassed expression, it seemed that he was not facing Xiao Shao, but an old enemy with a bloody feud. Before he recovered from the scene in front of him, he heard Xiao Shao's indifferent voice: "Tell Xia Wu to get out!"

Xia Qing rushed over quickly. In order to take care of Jiang Ruan's condition, he simply lived in Jinying Palace. Being lifted out of the quilt in the middle of the night, Xia Qing had a vague premonition. When I entered the room, I saw Jiang Ruan's abnormal appearance and behavior, and I felt my heart was shocked. Xiao Shao's face was so heavy that water dripped out, and he asked, "Why did she become like this?"

Xia Qing didn't dare to be careless, and immediately stepped forward to feel Jiang Ruan's pulse, and was stunned, as if she couldn't believe it, and then checked carefully again, then looked at Xiao Shao and said: "Third brother, The third sister-in-law's body is fine. But this behavior seems to be haunted. I'm afraid she has some demons in her heart, and now she has been provoked by accident." Xia Qing was a little embarrassed, and broke through unconsciously. Jiang Ruan's secret, with this third sister-in-law's vigorous temperament, she doesn't know how to treat him after waking up. But even though he had some scruples about whether it was his sister-in-law, Xia Qing still said: "This is the third sister-in-law's inner demon, I can only give her a soothing prescription, but I don't know if it will work or not. Third brother, I am a doctor, but I can't heal people's heart disease, don't make things difficult for me."

This is true, Xiao Shao knew that Xia Qing would not be able to come up with any good solutions if he continued to ask, so he said in a deep voice, "Get out." Xia Qing rubbed his head, and quickly retreated out with everyone in the room. Only Ye Feng and Xiao Shao were left in the room.

Jiang Ruan huddled in a corner of the bed, her expression was terrified, her eyes were hollow and staring, Xiao Shao was stunned the first time she saw her gaze, how could people in the world have such gazes? Over the years, Jin Yiwei's subordinates have lost a lot of lives, and there were some who struggled and begged for mercy before they died, but they were not as tragic as the girl in front of them. There was no usual indifference and cunning in those upturned winking eyes, only despair engraved into the marrow of the bone, as if one glanced at by those eyes, one felt that there was no light in the world anymore.

Devil? Xiao Shao remembered Xia Qing's words, Jiang Ruan has a demon? His eyes were cold, looking at the girl in front of him. From a long time ago, he felt that Jiang Ruan had a secret that no one knew. She often has some strange actions, but those actions are never useless, she is like a sudden glimmer of light in the Great Jin Dynasty, strange and mysterious, I don't know what it means. And Xiao Shao didn't ignore what she said just now. Ye Li... Many of the things she did were closely related to Ye Li. He also sent secret guards to investigate the relationship between Jiang Ruan and Ye Li, but found nothing. I thought it was just a coincidence, but now it seems that his guess is correct, Jiang Ruan and Ye Liding have some kind of festival, looking at it, it is not too much to treat it as a blood feud! What did Ye Li do to her? She asked so sadly.

Ye Feng couldn't help but be terrified when he watched from the side. What kind of person Jiang Ruan is in ordinary times, it seems that there is no weakness. Even in the face of the most cunning enemy, he can always remain calm. Now after being poisoned, trapped by demons, he actually showed a very fragile side. What has she been through?

Xiao Shao walked over gently, afraid of disturbing her, Jiang Ruan stared at him coldly. Xiao Shao stretched out his hand, wanting to hold her in front of his chest to comfort him, but when Fang didn't want to get close to her, Jiang Ruan grabbed his arm and bit down hard.

"Master!" Ye Feng screamed, seeing Jiang Ruan's bite was extremely heavy, and Xiao Shao's light-colored clothes that he was wearing today were bloodstained immediately. But he didn't move, raised his hand to stop Ye Feng from coming forward, let her bite, then stretched out the other hand to gently stroke her hair, comforting in a gentle voice: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

He didn't move, and Jiang Ruan didn't let go, making Ye Feng anxious. I don't know how long it took, Jiang Ruan seemed to be tired, so she let go, and Xiao Shao released his hand from her mouth, but he was not in a hurry to look at his injury. Instead, he reached out to help her wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth. Jiang Ruan stared at him blankly, his eyes turned red suddenly, and hot tears rolled down Xiao Shao's hands.

Could this be waking up? Xiao Shao was startled, Jiang Ruan covered her face suddenly, her voice was like laughing or crying, Ye Feng didn't dare to let out a breath, in this silent night, her crying was very clear. She took her hand away, and there was an indistinguishable expression on her bright face, which seemed to be a hopeless smile, but also seemed to be frighteningly sad. She asked loudly: "Father, you sent me to hell like this. So you lied to me with them, so you wanted my life to be a stepping stone for Jiang Susu! So from the beginning, you wanted me to fulfill your wish." Contributions and official career, you are so cruel!"

Isn't Jiang Susu dead? Zensheng mentioned her again? Ye Feng wondered, what about Jiang Quan's achievements and official career? Jiang Ruan's words made Ye Feng confused. Jiang Ruan shook his head and said: "I am not a demon girl who will harm the country, I did not kill the emperor!"

"Hey, Ah Ruan, don't think about it." Xiao Shao forced her into his arms, no emotion could be seen in his dark eyes, but his tone was full of gentleness and comfort.

Jiang Ruan grabbed his sleeve and said suddenly: "You save my brother, you save him, they want to kill him, you save my brother."

Xiao Shao closed her eyes, and when she raised her eyes again, her pupils were as cold as ice, and she said coldly: "Ye Feng, you should go to the Shangshu Mansion right away and invite Jiang Xinzhi over here!"

When Jiang Xinzhi rushed to the Jinying Palace, his expression could no longer be described as ugly. In the middle of the night, someone suddenly broke into his house at night. If he hadn't revealed his identity in time, he would have been treated as an assassin. The person came in a hurry, and only said that something happened to Jiang Ruan and asked him to go to the palace immediately. Jiang Xin became anxious when he heard this, and rushed to the Jinying Palace on horseback without caring about anything. The more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became. Why did something happen to his good girl who married into the palace just a day ago? The person who came said it was vague and didn't know what it was. But Jiang Xinzhi also knew in his heart that if it wasn't something very serious, Xiao Shao would definitely not have someone come to inform him in person.

Sure enough, when we arrived at Prince Jinying’s Mansion, as soon as we entered the gate of the main courtyard, we saw Zisu and Forsythia with dignified faces outside. Jiang Xin’s heart sank, and he strode in. At a glance, he saw Xiao Shao crying in his arms Jiang Nguyen.

Since Jiang Ruan was brought back from Zhuangzi, she almost never cried in such a gaffe. Even in front of Jiang Xinzhi, she is always calm and composed. Jiang Xinzhi knows that his younger sister has been tempered to be extremely tenacious over the years. When had he ever seen her show such an expression, he was in a daze for a moment, the girl in front of him overlapped with the soft and weak girl many years ago when Zhao Mei was still there.

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