But just lost his mind for a moment, Jiang Xinzhi came back to his senses, walked up to Xiao Shao in two or three steps, and said angrily: "Ah Ruan, what's wrong with you? Did he bully you?"

Jiang Ruan cried so hard that Jiang Xinzhi's heart ached. Probably no one in this world could make her cry like this, but if it was Xiao Shao... Jiang Xinzhi frowned coldly, Ye Feng was a little nervous, as if If Jiang Ruan answered yes, Jiang Xinzhi would immediately have a fight with Xiao Shao here.

"She was poisoned." Xiao Shao's face was also ugly: "Now I am troubled by demons and unconscious. I called you here because I want to ask you something. Have you ever fallen into someone else's trap?"

"What poisoning, what are you talking about?" Jiang Xinzhi frowned, not understanding what Xiao Shao was talking about. Seeing that Jiang Ruan didn't seem to be aware of his arrival, he faintly felt something was wrong. Then he took a step forward, bent down and approached Jiang Ruan, and said, "Ah Ruan?"

Jiang Ruan didn't realize it, her eyes were empty like a deep pool, but her words were clear, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, exploding in Jiang Xinzhi's ears. She said, "Brother, don't die, don't leave me alone."

Jiang Xinzhi froze on the spot, Xiao Shao looked at him coldly: "Now you understand why I called you over."

"What's going on here?" Jiang Xinzhi is not a fool, seeing Jiang Ruan's abnormal state has already made some sense. He looked at Jiang Ruan up and down, but he didn't see any other wounds on her body, so he felt a little more at ease. Looking at Xiao Shao's gaze was already very unkind: "What's wrong with Ruan? Why don't you even know me? It looks like he's been haunted." Thinking of what Xiao Shao said just now, Jiang Xinzhi was startled : "You said she was poisoned?"

"Yes." Xiao Shao looked at Jiang Ruan in her arms. She had been in such panic for too long, and the words she spit out from time to time contained endless secrets, each of which was heart-pounding. Even he had a lot of confusion. Jiang Xinzhi is Jiang Ruan's elder brother. I thought that Jiang Xinzhi knew at least a little about many of these things, but now it seems that the two brothers and sisters don't talk about everything. Jiang Ruan has always sealed herself in a small space, and no one can walk in, because the secret she guards seems to be a huge conspiracy.

"How could she be poisoned?" Jiang Xinyi grabbed Xiao Shao's lapel, perhaps because he was afraid of hurting Jiang Ruan, but he was much lighter after all. He lowered his voice, but his eyes were a little red, and his tone was full of anger: "Xiao Shao, you let her be poisoned right under your noses after only one day in the house? That's how you take care of her! If I had known that this palace was such a den, I would have kept her there for the rest of my life." , and will never let her marry you!"

He has always been protective of his weaknesses, but Ye Feng, who was listening, wanted to complain for his master, saying: "Master uncle, what you said is inappropriate. The young lady is not poisoned by someone in our house." The next thing to do, if you investigate it, you were tampered with when you were in Jiang's house, so it's too unreasonable for you to blame the master."

Jin Yiwei treated Xiao Shao with full respect, but they didn't pay much attention to others, and Ye Feng was not polite when he spoke. Jiang Xin was stunned when he heard it, and he asked back: "Jiang's family?"

"That's why I ask you." Xiao Shao looked at him coldly: "In Jiang's mansion, someone once did harm to you, who is it?"

Jiang Xinzhi was slightly startled, and then sneered, he has always been kind and open to others, and he rarely saw such a gloomy expression. He said: "Ah Ruan and I are thorns in everyone's eyes in Jiang's mansion. If you want to ask me who is not good for us, it is too much. A Ruan has been framed by others since he was born. Mother and I are protecting her, at least she can live in peace, if you didn’t mention it today, I would not have known that she was poisoned long before then.” Jiang Xinzhi clenched his fists: “If I knew who that person was , he must be shredded into pieces!"

"The death of Mrs. Xian also seems to be strange," Xiao Shao said calmly, but it seemed to contain deep anger, "but you don't seem to have been tricked," Xiao Shao glanced at Jiang Ruan in his arms: "Jiang Ruan Only you know the family affairs of the house best. You need to understand the origin of it. After finding that person, you don’t need to do anything, and I won’t make him feel better.”

What he said was calm and breezy, but the room was suddenly chilly, and the last few words almost carried a faint killing intent, sweeping across the sky and covering the sky. One does not hesitate that this beautiful and elegant man will turn into Shura bloodthirsty and ruthless in the next moment.

Jiang Xinzhi looked at him firmly, and Xiao Shao looked at him calmly. After a while, Jiang Xinzhi said in a deep voice: "If you ask me who my biggest enemy is, it must be Xia Yan's family. At the beginning, she wanted to do The mistress of the house is clearly just a concubine, but she is always in trouble with her mother, but she still pretends to be generous, and Jiang Quan always protects her." Jiang Xinzhi's expression seemed to swallow a fly, as long as one Thinking of those days, the humiliation that Xia Yan brought to the three of them, the mother and the child, made him feel sick from the bottom of his heart. Now he is not even willing to call Jiang Quan "Father", it can be seen that he has no affection for Shang Shufu.

"Xia Yan is already dead, but she was induced to stimulate the old poison in her body. It can be seen that the person who did the attack was not Xia Yan." Xiao Shao said: "I will investigate this matter, now..." He looked at the woman in his arms. Jiang Ruan: "Come and see her." He let go, Jiang Ruan had calmed down a little after being coaxed by him before, at least there was no hysterical questioning, but he still looked very terrified and miserable, as if he had experienced something extreme desperate thing.

As soon as Xiao Shao got out of the way, Jiang Xinzhi stepped forward and hugged Jiang Ruan. Jiang Ruan's eyes were already red and swollen. Although Jiang Xinzhi had answered Xiao Shao's question before, he was still full of doubts when he saw this scene, so he hurriedly asked: " How did Ah Ruan become like this?"

"It was a mistake, and now her inner demon has arisen." Xiao Shao's voice could not hear any joy or anger, but it could make people feel the hostility contained in those calm words. He stood up and glanced at Jiang Ruan: "This is her inner demon. Jiang Xinzhi, she is immersed in such fear every day. I can't understand it, and you don't understand it, but there are some things, I thought you You should know." He lowered his eyes, and there seemed to be a hint of sarcasm in his tone: "Your sister, Princess Hong'an, is not as fearless as she appears on the surface. She is terrified every day, but you and I don't know that's all. "After saying this, he opened the door and walked out, leaving only Jiang Xin in place.

After being stunned for a moment, Jiang Xinzhi seemed to understand, and he looked down at Jiang Ruan. Jiang Ruan didn't realize that even though Jiang Xinzhi was by her side, her eyes seemed to be looking at something else through Jiang Xinzhi. Jiang Xinzhi noticed her little finger, which was deeply bent and wrapped in the palm, and Jiang Xinzhi's eyes turned red immediately. Jiang Ruan was very timid when she was young, but whenever she was extremely scared, she would always do this little trick unconsciously. Later, when Jiang Ruan came back from Zhuangzi, she was smart, calm, and bold. She seemed to have nothing to fear, and I never saw her make such an action again. I thought it was because she no longer had anything to be afraid of, and she no longer kept this habit, but when I saw her today, it turned out that she was always the same little girl as before. How could he let his sister fall into such a situation? What Xiao Shao said hit his heart like a heavy hammer, Jiang Ruan was immersed in fear day and night, but he didn't know it? He didn't even know? Jiang Xinzhi gritted his teeth and punched the head of the bed fiercely.

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