The vase on the head of the bed shattered, and blood slowly overflowed from between the fingers, Jiang Ruan trembled, Jiang Xinzhi looked at her, she grabbed Jiang Xinzhi's hand, and murmured: "Bleeding!" , Eldest Brother is bleeding, Eldest Brother is dead... Eldest Brother died in battle, Elder Brother didn’t die in battle, he was murdered! Elder Brother!” Her originally stable mood was suddenly agitated, and her eyes were filled with madness, but Every word is Jiang Xinzhi. Although Jiang Xinzhi didn't understand what she said, his nose was sour when he heard it, and he couldn't help but hugged Jiang Ruan into his arms, as if comforting his little sister many years ago, and said softly: "Aru, brother is fine, Big brother won't leave you behind, don't be afraid. I'm not going anywhere..."

In the silence of the night, the movements of the two brothers and sisters could not be ignored even if they wanted to, as they could be heard clearly in the ears of everyone outside the door. Luzhu covered her mouth, her eyes filled with tears, and whispered: "I never knew that the girl was so bitter." Ever since she followed Jiang Ruan on Zhuangzi, Jiang Ruan had never shown a bitter side. One's own mind, but among all emotions, vulnerability is the only one not included.

Jin Er patted her shoulder for fear: "Young Madam is strong and will get better."

Tianzhu remained motionless, just looking at the room quietly. She once admired the tenacity and means of the woman in that room, and wanted to work hard to become as strong as her. Seeing Jiang Ruan's appearance suddenly now, Tianzhu is also confused.

"She must have suffered a lot." Lin Butler said suddenly, it was rare for everyone to see him so serious, and they all turned their heads to look at him. Lin Butler stood outside the house, his shrewd eyes seemed to have some strange emotions at this moment, and he looked vicissitudes and sorrow for a moment. He said: "The mental means are different from ordinary people, not because they are born talents. But those who only endured ordinary people when they were young Only by being unable to endure can ordinary people become unobtainable. She has such great means, and she has never been afraid of something. It must be because, as early as a long time ago, she experienced a very desperate moment. People who have no intention must have been Heartbroken."

Have you ever been hurt? Everyone looked at the pair of silhouettes under the lights in the room again. The woman seemed extremely sad. Under the shadow of the shaking lights, her shoulders were surprisingly weak, which was really unbearable. The person who thought he was strong and cold at first turned out to be so painful in his heart. For a moment, everyone felt a little more pity for the future mistress of the palace.

"Where did master go?" Jin San looked around, and Xiao Shao disappeared after leaving the house.

Jin Si was stunned: "Oops, master won't go directly to Jiang Dan impulsively?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.


From the end of the new year, even the palace is very lively, and everyone starts to buy things for the new year. In addition, the weather has been very good in the past few days. Even if it is light snow, the sun is always lovely. The emperor Longyan is happy, all the concubines in the palace are happy, the master is happy, and the servants below are of course good. The previous depression was swept away in the palace, and it became lively and lively.

In a corner of the palace, Mingyue was serving the young man for breakfast, Ye Peifang got up, the young man was valued by the emperor now, even Ye Li and Ye Hua were not much stronger in front of him. The thirteen princes are a little dangerous, but judging by the emperor's attitude, they are a little uncertain.

The thirteenth prince, Ye Pei, is familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, and writes well in policy theory. Even Liu Min, the always strict Taifu, is full of praise for him. He is not proud of being favored, even though he is still young, he has a lot of opinions on the affairs of the court, every time the emperor tests him on the official affairs of the court, Ye Pei can come up with several good ideas.

Now that the sky had just turned pale, he had already ordered someone to light the lamps, had a casual breakfast, and after washing up, he walked to the desk by himself, on which there was a thick stack of scriptures and histories. He is always like this, getting up when the cock crows, everyone only sees the future of others, but they don't see the young man's hard work in private. He never said this to anyone, but Mingyue was secretly startled, the longer she stayed by Ye Pei's side, the more she felt that this delicate and beautiful young man was really incredible. At a young age, he knows how to hide his strength and bide his time, and has amazing self-control. He hardly needs to be reminded by others. He can always know exactly what he wants to do and work hard for it. Even the emperor's affection for him was within Ye Pei's step-by-step plan. For example, at this moment, the current hard study is just for him to answer fluently before the emperor asks new questions.

Ye Pei had already sat at the table, and Mingyue got up to clean up the remaining dishes. I didn't want to receive half of it, but I heard the panicked voice of another personal maid of Ye Pei, Chaoyang outside: "Prince Xiao, why are you here? Your Highness is still resting, you..." Before the words finished, I heard the door "bang!" " was pushed away at once, and the young man in black clothes stood at the door with a cold face, his eyes were cold, but his expression was faintly anxious.

Chaoyang rushed in, looking at Ye Pei with some fear: "Your Highness, the servants can't stop..."

Although Ye Pei looks very talkative on weekdays, he doesn't seem to have said anything serious to his servants, but once he is angered, the end is always creepy. Therefore, even though Chaoyang is smiling on weekdays, he treats this master with all his heart and soul. Chaoyang's words reminded Mingyue that she was originally arranged by Xiao Shao to be with Ye Pei, but Xiao Shao was his master, and Ye Pei could easily use her in his daily life. At this moment, she definitely has no intention of stopping Xiao Shao.

Fortunately, Ye Pei was not angry at all, just glanced at Xiao Shao, and said to Mingyue and Chaoyang: "I want to read books in this palace, you all go down." The words were to conceal Xiao Shao's meaning here, Mingyue He Chaoyang quickly stepped back and closed the door. After the two left, Ye Pei walked to the table and sat down unhurriedly. Today he was wearing a court gown with pine green brocade and gold trim. Now that the emperor treats him well, the clothes are no longer inappropriate. The figure and the fabric are very suitable for Ye Pei's temperament. He was born with a delicate and elegant appearance, but now he is full of extravagance, and has a special flavor between immaturity and maturity.

He leaned back in his chair, his voice was still immature and clear, but his tone was full of adult style: "The prince broke into my palace early in the morning, so you may as well speak directly if you have something to say." As he spoke, he picked up his pen, as if wanting to To practice calligraphy.

"What's your relationship with Jiang Ruan?" Xiao Shao said coldly.

Ye Pei paused, and a large drop of ink dripped from the wolf's hair and condensed on the paper. He put down his pen, concealed the deep meaning in his eyes, and then slowly said: "Oh? Why did Prince Xiao say that?"

"You answer my question first." Xiao Shao stared at him without giving in.

Ye Pei turned to look at him, his eyes slowly fell on Xiao Shao's arm. Jiang Ruan took a bite last night, butler Lin bandaged him up. The wound on his arm was bandaged, but the scratches from Jiang Ruan's madness were left on the back of his hand. Ye Pei saw the scratch clearly, and immediately stood up, his expression changed: "What did you do to her?"

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