Xiao Shao is indifferent and arrogant, besides Jin Yiwei, there are almost no other women who can get close to him, but now he is married to a wife, and Jiang Ruan is also the one who has the closest relationship with him. The scratches of a woman's fingernails appeared on the back of her fine hand, it was really hard not to think of it elsewhere.

It's not that Xiao Shao has never met Ye Pei, and he also knows that this immature boy is also a master at disguising his emotions, but now he is showing his emotions so much, which is really surprising. Fortunately, even so, his attitude towards Xiao Shao is so clear, and it can be seen that he cares about Jiang Ruan. At least it will never be disadvantageous to Jiang Ruan.

Seeing Xiao Shao meditating and not speaking, Ye Pei felt anxious, stepped forward a few steps and said, "Quickly answer me, what did you do to her?"

Hearing this, Xiao Shao raised her eyes to look at him, Ye Pei was caught by those cool deep eyes, and suddenly realized her gaffe. However, it was too late, Xiao Shao asked calmly, "Why do you care so much?"

"I..." Ye Pei was at a loss for words for a moment, and then seemed to think of something, and immediately said: "The princess of Hong'an is now at least half of the elder sister of the hall. Since she is a brother, she should take care of each other. If you bully her, you will beat her up." The face of the royal family. This hall is not afraid to tell you clearly today that if you dare to touch her, even though this hall is small and weak, even if you risk your life, you will seek justice for her!"

Although this young man is not expressing his emotions or anger on weekdays, he is extremely persistent in dealing with Jiang Ruan's affairs. When it comes to the end, even if his words are a little bit childish, he can still see his determination. Those words were not fake, but sincere. If Xiao Shao really bullied Jiang Ruan one day, Ye Pei would really desperately find an explanation for her. Such a relationship is really unusual, after all, Jiang Ruan is only a princess in name, and has never been in contact with Ye Pei for a long time. What's more, he has also investigated, the intersection of Jiang Ruan and Ye Pei originated from helping Ye Pei out of the siege from Princess Heyi in the palace. It's just a very small thing, how can there be such a big deep friendship. But since then, Ye Pei even testified for Jiang Ruan at the imperial trial in the Golden Luan Palace, and Ye Pei was even responsible for the prince's departure and Xia Qing's visit to Beijing. Ye Pei's congratulatory gift on the day of marriage is so generous, it can really catch up with the very rich dowry of ordinary official daughters.

No matter how you look at it, they are not nodding acquaintances, and Ye Pei's expression now confirms Xiao Shao's conjecture. But even so, there are still many unreasonable things, it is clear that the two of them have not had much contact, Jiang Ruan still... last night.

He lowered his head and looked down at Ye Pei. The boy's stature hadn't grown yet, and his delicate appearance made him very cute, but there was deep hostility in his eyes. Xiao Shao's voice was calm: "I didn't do anything, she was poisoned."

"Poisoning?" Ye Pei was taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "Then how is she doing now? Is she still okay?"

"Not good." A hint of deep meaning flashed in Xiao Shao's eyes, and said: "The whole person is trapped in a demon, muttering to himself, and can't hear the words of others at all."

"What should I do?" Ye Pei lost his usual precocity in a hurry, and said, "Aren't you the king of Jinying? Why didn't you invite the imperial physician? By the way, is the master of Jinling still in the capital? Why don't you go?" Invite him? Our hall immediately sent someone to invite him with a post!"

"No need," Xiao Shao interrupted his movements, and his voice became cold for a moment: "He is at the mansion. It's just that Ah Ruan mentioned a name while muttering to himself, and this king thought it sounded familiar."

Ye Pei was stunned.

Xiao Shao said slowly: "She said, Pei'er."

Ye Pei's expression changed suddenly, he was so startled that he took a few steps back, and then his expression changed drastically, like joy or sadness, Xiao Shao had a panoramic view of his expression, but his face remained calm.

After a while, Ye Pei finally recovered from the entangled emotions. He looked at Xiao Shao, and Xiao Shao suddenly had an illusion, as if standing in front of him was not an immature young man, but a vicissitudes old man. The corners of Ye Pei's curved lips seemed to be relieved, but also seemed to be a wry smile. He looked at Xiao Shao and said slowly, "I want to see her."

Xiao Shao replied in a low voice: "Okay."

"Mingyue, Chaoyang." Ye Pei suddenly called out loudly, and the two maids guarding the door rushed in. Ye Pei's expression turned cold, and his tone became extremely cold in an instant: "I'm going out of the palace, I haven't returned yet. Before entering the palace, use all means to guard this matter."

"Your Highness can't." Hearing this, Chaoyang said anxiously, "It's a big deal to be found out when you leave the palace without permission. If His Majesty interrogates you... how many people in the palace are staring at you, you can't tell me about it yourself."

"Am I the master or are you the master?" Ye Pei asked back: "If you can't handle this matter well, then you don't have to stay by my side." There was no room for negotiation. Chaoyang suddenly remembered that the young man in front of him had never changed his face when he watched the maid who had been with him for more than ten years die in front of his eyes. He was never an ordinary young man. At this moment, his tone was so cold that Chaoyang shivered. Frightened by such cruel eyes, he couldn't speak anymore.

Xiao Shao watched coldly from the side, and winked at Mingyue calmly, and when Mingyue saw it, she said to Ye Pei: "Don't worry, Your Highness, the servants in the palace will take care of themselves." Ye Pei's departure from the palace today is also due to Xiao Shao, it is impossible for Xiao Shao to stand by and watch, not to mention that Ye Pei and Jiang Ruan seem to have a very close relationship, and he can't make Ye Pei suffer because of this matter.

What her court lady obeyed was someone else's order, Ye Pei sneered, grabbed the cloak from one side casually, and said, "Let's go."


In Prince Jinying's mansion, Xia Qing had just checked Jiang Ruan's pulse. After drinking the medicine, she finally calmed down early this morning and fell into a deep sleep. It's just that all the people in the palace had no intention of sleeping peacefully, and their eyes turned blue. As a doctor, Xia Qing racked his brains to detoxify Jiang Ruan, but he couldn't do anything after reading medical books all night, let alone Jiang Xinzhi. What did they hear there? Today when everyone saw his face, he was very sad, as if he had aged ten years overnight.

Qi Feng was sitting at the gate of the courtyard, Guan Lianghan and Mo Cong were beside him. Guan Lianghan said: "This girl from the Jiang family sees her being so lively and vigorous, and her scheming is very human-like. I don't know where she got it? She is so lively and vigorous on weekdays, but now she looks a little pitiful." Damn, it's disgusting to talk about these backyard dirty facts.

Mo Cong always saw that Jiang Ruan was a little bit unruly, but now he is quite uncomfortable and said: "Although I used to think that the third sister-in-law was too strong as a woman, but I would rather have her be so pitiful than having her lie on the bed now." As arrogant as before." He looked at Qi Feng to one side, and said, "Fourth Brother, why do you look so out of your mind?"

Qi Feng came back to his senses and smiled wryly: "I'm fine."

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