The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 396 Cause and Effect (3)

Jiang Quan took her as a stepping stone for Queen Jiang Susu's seat as a matter of course, as if it should be like this. But she forgot that she is also the daughter of the Jiang family's prostitute, one can be discarded casually like a pair of shoes, and the other can be held like a bright pearl. At least at this moment, Jiang Ruan no longer has the slightest affection for Jiang Quan. If she can, she is willing to use all vicious and painful methods to torture him and regard him as a real enemy.

Jiang Susu seemed to think of something suddenly, and said: "Jiang Dan is becoming more and more ignorant now, her husband is just doing things for His Majesty outside, but now he is also powerful with the reputation of a first-class imperial command. Don't take it seriously either."

Jiang Ruan was taken aback, Jiang Dan's husband actually worked for Ye Li? Jiang Dan has also been promoted to a rank?

Jiang Quan shook his head: "No matter how powerful she is, she can surpass you? Susu, you have to remember that she cannot compare with you no matter in the Shangshu Mansion or the Imperial Palace, or even under the Great Jin Dynasty. I You have always been the only daughter of the Shangshu Mansion. Her husband is now relied on by His Majesty, and is also a great help to you in the palace. Don't play childish temper, you must remember to get along well with her."

"I see." Jiang Susu pouted dissatisfied. Jiang Ruan, who was standing aside, suddenly realized that what he didn't understand in the previous and present lives became clear at this moment. How could Jiang Dan be willing to pave the way for Jiang Susu as a pawn of the Jiang family with such a temperament, but it turned out that her businessman husband had been working for Ye Li early in the morning. Jiang Dan really had means, after she died, she got an imperial order by virtue of that husband. After all, she was the only one who was sacrificed in the previous life.

Looking at the ironic scene in front of her, she only felt a salty taste overflowing from her mouth. Immediately afterwards, the scene in front of her changed again, this time, it was a magnificent palace, a place she was not familiar with. But the person sitting on the edge of the bed, the man in bright yellow clothes, was all too familiar.

That was her lover in the previous life and her nemesis in this life, Ye Li.

The original gentle and jade-like appearance has been covered by the unique calmness and introversion among emperors. Ye Li, who put on the dragon robe, is completely different from Jiang Ruan's memory. He always smiled, his smile was like a spring breeze, even though it was just a fake mask, it was still pleasing to the eye. But now Ye Li's brows are tightly frowned, and his expression is much haggard, and he can't find a trace of the proud appearance of the past.

"Eunuch Chen," Ye Li said to the little eunuch in front of him, "I can't sleep again today."

"Does your majesty want to go to the empress's place? Her gentle interpretation may calm down your majesty's mood." Chen Gonggong said.

"No need." Ye Li waved his hand: "It's the same everywhere, I still have nightmares every day, I can't sleep peacefully because of the nightmares, I don't want to wake up from the dream, I always feel... I always feel that there is something wrong with me." Someone is looking at me."

Standing beside the dragon bed, Jiang Ruan looked at Ye Li, who looked a bit embarrassed, and sneered silently, so there were times when he couldn't sleep? He planned forbearance and sent her to the palace as an excellent chess piece. Now that the great achievement has been accomplished, he alone can enjoy the high throne of emperor. Does it mean that he can't sleep at night? What is it for? Is it true that people who do bad things will always be punished? In his nightmare, she turned into a ghost and came to claim her life?

"Your Majesty has worked too hard on state affairs." Mr. Chen said.

"I feel tired only after I sit in this position, just like I think the women in the harem are as boring! It's not even as good as Jiang Ruan..." He seemed to have thought of something, and there was a trace of regret on his face: "It's just a pity Now, if she wasn't of such a status, I really liked her a little bit back then."

"Do you love me?" Jiang Ruan couldn't help laughing at the first glance, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. Knowing that Ye Li couldn't hear it, she still said coldly: "What you love is just A fool who regards you as a god, has always been obedient to you and has nothing to ask for. I was too stupid to favor your nonsense. Now that you want to say these words, are you lying to me or you? Ye Li , you just love all the victims in this world who sacrificed for your throne. You sacrificed them, and you still pretend to comfort them, how hypocritical."

The figure in the bright yellow robe gradually faded away, and the front of him became blurred again. Jiang Ruan walked in the white mist, as if he had come to a huge maze. I could only hear the sound of thousands of troops fighting, the loud noise of the city gate being knocked open, the sound of clashing swords everywhere, and someone shouted loudly: "It's not good, it's not good! , Jin Yiwei has entered the customs—"

Jin Yiwei? The name was so familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before, Jiang Ruan walked forward in a daze. She saw chaos in the Golden Luan Hall, with blood flowing like rivers. From time to time, guards in black armor with swords walked past the hall. The Imperial Forest Army outside was killed and wounded, while in the hall, a pair of men and women in bright yellow clothes fell under the nine steps, just like she was in the same embarrassment as before, except that she was still alive at that time. And they are dead.

A man in a black robe stood quietly in front of the dragon chair. His face was as handsome as jade, but his eyes were as cold as ice, and his arrogance was like thin clouds on top of a mountain. The guard on the side said: "A dog thief with a bad name, dare to talk nonsense, and I don't know who is the real traitor! General Guan also sent that old thief Jiang Quan to the west, master...? "

The handsome man turned around and said calmly, "Let's go."

Ye Li and Jiang Susu planned their whole lives to gain the most supreme power in the world, and the other wanted to be the mother of the world from the beginning, but they were killed after their great achievements were accomplished. Even Jiang Quan himself ended up decapitated. This man is clearly the future emperor who was killed halfway, Jiang Ruan only felt happy in his heart. Looking at the dark blue figure again, I just feel my heart beating extremely fast, I feel as if I have met this man somewhere, but I really can't remember. She wanted to find out what was going on, so she followed the man and walked straight forward.

Walking straight to an imperial garden, I saw a middle-aged man with gray hair coming forward and said: "Master, Taifu Liu found something in the dry well, and fished out a box from the well, and there are two corpses in it. Inquire It's clear, she's the eldest daughter of Mrs. Jiang's family. She's the one who was slandered by her own father as a witch who harmed the country—" He shook his head and said, "Hey, how can there be such a cruel father in the world."

The man looked at the ground with Jiang Ruan's eyes. The two corpses, one big and one small, had rotted out of shape, looking gray and black. However, it can be vaguely seen that the adult's limbs are already mutilated, and it is clear that he was greatly wronged before he died.

Jiang Ruan looked at his dead body indifferently, a young man in purple came over, he was handsome, but with a mustache around his lips, he looked very funny. Looking at the corpse, he sighed and said: "They were born from the same root, so why rush each other. This woman was originally a beauty in the palace, but this child was raised under her knees by His Highness the Thirteenth Prince. It's embarrassing." He bent down, took off his clothes and covered the corpse, looked at the man in black and said, "Third brother, what should you do with the corpse?"

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