The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 397 Letting go (1)

"Since you are a royal concubine, you should enter the imperial mausoleum justifiably. Find a good time and bury it properly." The man said calmly: "By the way, let the world know the truth about the witch who is a disaster for the country."

Jiang Ruan was struck by lightning, fixedly staring at the cold and handsome man, she thought that she would never get a grievance in this life, but at the last moment, it became clear at the last moment, the man's words were her cruel life in this life. The last trace of warmth I got was the only nostalgia born at this desperate time.

She suddenly widened her eyes and called out, "Xiao Shao!"


"Xiao Shao!" Jiang Ruan widened her eyes and woke up suddenly from the bed.

The oil lamp was like ink, and the burning charcoal in the house was extraordinarily warm in winter. A concerned voice came: "Are you awake?"

Jiang Ruan raised her eyes and saw that the cold and handsome man in the dream was sitting beside the bed at the moment, probably because Fang was awakened by her, his eyes were a little nervous, but their eyes were as deep as ink, and they could not stop attracting people into them.

"You..." Jiang Ruan suddenly lost his mind, the tragic past was just a dream, like a big dream for three lifetimes, seeing all kinds of people's fate, seeing Xiao Shao at this moment, it feels like a world away.

Seeing that Jiang Ruan was just sitting on the bed in a daze, Xiao Shao thought she was not feeling well, so she stood up and poured water for her: "But I feel thirsty, you have been in a coma for more than ten days, drink some water." He was about to get up, Just being grabbed by Jiang Ruan, Xiao Shao turned around, a little worried, and sat down beside Jiang Ruan again: "What's wrong?"

His voice is gentle and reassuring, making people suddenly feel a trace of reality after experiencing the tragedy in the dream. Jiang Ruan stretched out her hand, as if a little timid, Xiao Shao frowned, and she touched Xiao Shao's collar, as if To confirm whether this person is real. After pausing for a while with his hands on the collar, Jiang Ruan suddenly put his hands around Xiao Shao's neck, threw himself forward, and hugged her tightly.

Even now, Jiang Ruan's actions are surprising, Xiao Shao was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Jiang Ruan with some hesitation. Jiang Ruan's head was buried on his neck, and the bracelet was extremely tight. After thinking for a while, he stretched out his hand and patted Jiang Ruan's back lightly, and said softly, "Ah Ruan?"

"Xiao Shao," Jiang Ruan's voice was a little strange, as if she was suppressing some emotion, and her words were also a little strange: "I didn't understand at first, and I didn't understand why it was you, but now I understand." Her words The voice slowly lowered, almost inaudible: "It turns out that you have appeared a long time ago."

There is no fate for no reason in this world. She and Xiao Shao seemed to have nothing to do in the previous life, but she was always entangled with him in this life. At first I thought it was just a coincidence, until in my dream, it seemed like a dream of Nankey, and all kinds of things from the day before yesterday reappeared in front of my eyes. Some things suddenly became clear in my mind. In the previous life, it was Xiao Shao who avenged her and let her rest in peace. Is it because of this that there is such an unforgettable fate in this life.

Is there cause and effect in the world? Have it? do not have it?

Xiao Shao lowered his eyes to hide the deep meaning in them, but Jiang Ruan didn't see the turbulent emotions in them. However, his movements were gentle, he just patted Jiang Ruan's back lightly, as if he would always be by her side like this.

After a long while, she felt hot liquid flowing over her neck, did she actually cry?

Xiao Shao paused in his heart, slowly supported Jiang Ruan's shoulders, and raised her chin with one hand, the bright face that never smiled was covered with tears at this moment, a large tear was hanging on her chin, crystal clear Precarious, just like her expression at the moment.

"You..." Xiao Shao was stunned by her expression, and was about to speak, when he saw the woman in front of her suddenly pounced forward, her lips warmed up, and a soft touch came from her lips.

Body froze, Xiao Shao frowned, Jiang Ruan's movements today were already very unusual. He wanted to pull Jiang Ruan away, but the woman hugged him even tighter, as if she was afraid that he would run away, Xiao Shao's heart softened inexplicably.

He only hesitated for a moment, then the kiss fell gently on her lips like a dragonfly.

It seems to be looking at the spring flowers in full bloom in the cold winter, and the peach blossoms in the frozen field for thousands of miles, beautiful and sinking. The door was opened suddenly, Qi Feng and Xia Qing were all stunned in place when they saw the scene in front of them, Xiao Shao moved very quickly, held Jiang Ruan's head in his arms with one hand, and looked out the door angrily. Xia Qing blushed instantly, scratched her head, and said with a guilty conscience: "Third Brother, I'll come over to see Third Sister-in-law, you go on, go on." After saying that, he tugged Qi Feng, Qi Feng withdrew his sad eyes and smiled Said: "Lao Wu and I will go to see the master first." After that, he closed the door and the two went out together.

Jiang Ruan had already woken up when he heard the voice, and buried his head in Xiao Shao's arms at the moment, the man's clear fragrance filled his nose, and for a moment he didn't dare to look up at Xiao Shao. Just now he got excited for a moment, and actually did such a rude thing. It's just impulsive, and I don't know what Xiao Shao is thinking at the moment.

"Are you going to suffocate yourself?" Xiao Shao wanted to laugh a little, and picked up Jiang Ruan, who was like an ostrich, from his arms. Jiang Ruan's cheeks were hot, and he pretended to be calm: "Where is this? What's wrong with me?"

Seeing her appearance like this, Xiao Shao seemed to find it very interesting. He reached out and touched her head, and said, "This is Canaan Mountain, the place where I studied as a teacher. You were poisoned with incense when you were young, and you were lured out of the poison." , I will take you up the mountain for treatment."

"Incense poison?" Jiang Ruan was startled: "You mean childhood?"

"Yes." A chill flashed in Xiao Shao's eyes: "It's not an ordinary poison."

"I know." Jiang Ruan smiled slightly: "After I defeated my aunt, I heard her say that in order to get rid of my mother and me when I was young, she also let my fourth sister, now Jiang Zhaoyi, poison me .It’s just that I was sent to Zhuangzi later, and I got rid of this poison.”

It was the first time that she took the initiative to tell Xiao Shao about her own affairs. Even Xiao Shao glanced at her in surprise, and when he heard about Jiang Dan, he frowned and said, "Your mother once raised Jiang Dan."

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