The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 398 Letting go (2)

"It's a pity to raise a wolf," Jiang Ruan said, "She was afraid of Xia Yan's threats, and she wanted to kill my mother alone. But later, she was just afraid that I would divide her favor, so she also poisoned me. Maybe She is not just afraid that I will take away her favor, she is just paving the way for the future." In her previous life, Jiang Dan was a concubine, and she finally became a first-rank wife, which shows that she started planning a long time ago. Even Xu's poisoning was a conspiracy, who knows.

"Leave this to me." Xiao Shao said, "You just need to recover from your injuries."

"No need." Jiang Ruan said, Xiao Shao paused, Jiang Ruan looked at him and smiled: "I want to do this by myself, I know who that person is."

"Who?" Xiao Shao asked.

"The person I should deal with." Jiang Ruan lowered her eyes: "I was careless. But I will be careful in the future." She raised her eyes and smiled at Xiao Shao. Although the smile was very light, there was something different. Xiao Shao felt sensitively that something seemed to have changed unknowingly, she paused in her heart, and looked at her without speaking.


In the imperial palace, in the concubine's hall, the woman is dressed in brocade clothes, and her expression seems to be very comfortable. The hall is full of warmth, the incense is rising, and the exquisite jade articles are randomly placed on the compartments. It is obvious that the master is extremely favored. Jiang Dan slowly picked up a plum from the crystal plate and swallowed it, looked at the man in gray in front of him, and said, "After all, I did as you said, why on earth did you want me to say that?"

The long robe of the man in gray covered his feet, and the hat almost covered half of his face, only his beautiful chin was exposed, and his tone was a bit slow and weird: "Those who know too much will only end up in greater trouble. Does Zhaoyi really want to know?"

Jiang Ruan paused while Nian Meizi moved, and a trace of imperceptible tension flashed across his face. She is a smart person, so she knows the meaning of this sentence. Unlike Jiang Susu, she never had to control others and put herself in the highest position. Before that, she always knew how to lurk, and she always knew how to accept when she was good. The deep meaning in this person's words is really thought-provoking, and Jiang Susu has an intuition that the person opposite is not ordinary. Immediately he laughed and said: "Why do you want me to say those words, I don't care, as long as you can achieve your goal. You said before that as long as I said that, Jiang Ruan would no longer be able to exist in this world .Now I haven't heard from her for a long time, so you must have missed it, right?"

When he was in the palace before, Jiang Dan passed Ye Li and saw the man in gray in front of him. The man in gray sent Ye Li away and told her about Jiang Ruan. The strange thing is that he seems to be able to understand Jiang Dan's fear of Jiang Ruan, and proposes cooperation to make Jiang Ruan disappear from this world. With Jiang Dan's cautious temperament, he shouldn't have agreed to the request of the man in gray so hastily, but now Jiang Ruan is the princess of Jinying, and she looks quite favored by Xiao Shao, which really makes Jiang Dan very disturbed . It would be great if Jiang Ruan could be dealt with very early. Besides, this matter does not require her to take risks, all she needs to say is a few words. Although I don't know what method the man in gray is using, it is clear that Jiang Ruan has unknowingly offended a seemingly difficult person, which is exactly what Jiang Dan is happy to see.

"Your doubts are unnecessary." The man in gray said, "If you don't believe me, Zhaoyi can do it herself."

Jiang Dan's complexion tightened, and then he smiled: "I believe in you, I am waiting for your good news, and after it is done, I have to thank you a lot."

"Zhaoyi should be thankful to herself." The man in gray suddenly laughed. Although he couldn't see his expression, he could hear the smile in his voice, which faintly brushed over people's hearts. be terrified. He said: "If it weren't for Zhaoyi's methods many years ago, today's affairs would not be so smooth, so it is also thanks to Zhaoyi's planning many years ago."

Every word and every word of his seemed to hit Jiang Dan heavily. Jiang Dan trembled, as if someone had glimpsed the deepest secret, and almost collapsed on the chair. She thought that except for Xia Yan and Jiang Ruan, no one in the world would know about this matter. Xia Yan is dead, nothing to fear, the only thing to be wary of is Jiang Ruan. But this stranger who doesn't know the origin, seems to know it already. How did he know it? What do you want to do again?

She forced herself to be calm and said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

The man in gray stood up slowly, with a vaguely weird voice: "Miss Zhaoyi, don't worry too much, my goal is the same as yours. Because all we want is for her to disappear. On this point, you are no different from me. I don't have the heart to intervene in other matters, so why should Empress Zhaoyi worry too much."

"You have a grudge against her?" Jiang Dan asked tentatively.

"Actually, I don't have any enmity with Princess Hong'an." The man in gray's answer made Jiang Dan's heart tighten, and then she heard the man in gray's voice: "But if she hinders others, she must disappear."

The answer from the man in gray made Jiang Dan take a long breath. She secretly suppressed the doubts in her heart, and a smile appeared on her face: "No matter what, I will wait for your good news."


The scenery of Mount Canaan is different from that of the capital city. There is no trace of the bustling atmosphere of the city, but it looks like a paradise. When Jiang Ruanfang woke up, she found that the place she was staying in was very beautiful. Even a person like her who didn't care about surprises was surprised by the beauty in front of her eyes. This place seems to be isolated from the world, and it is not contaminated by fireworks at all. It seems that as long as someone steps into this place, the dirty place in their heart will be washed away.

It was also in Luyang Villa that Jiang Ruan met Xiao Shao's master, Mr. Baqi. This is an old man who looks very fairy-like, unlike Taoist Master Xukong who pretends to be, Mr. Baqi has a temperament that is detached from the world, he has a gentle temperament, and he has already glimpsed his mind in a game of chess with Jiang Ruan Clear and exquisite, he is a person of great wisdom. Because Xia Qing didn't study the toxicity of Jiang Ruan's body, she had been practicing medicine hard for the past few days, so she dug out all the medical books in the attic of Canaan Mountain again, trying to make up for her lack of knowledge, and stayed in the hospital all day long. In the attic, no one was seen.

Now Xiao Shao and Qi Feng went out to hunt again, only Jiang Ruan and Mr. Baqi were left in the huge Luyang Villa. The chessboard is exquisite, and Mr. Baqi picked up a sunspot and dropped it, and suddenly said: "Ah Shao is very nervous about you."

Jiang Ruan raised his eyes to look at Mr. Baqi, and Mr. Baqi smiled slightly: "Girl, watch chess." His expression was calm, Jiang Ruan couldn't think of anything else, so he reached out and picked out a sunspot from the porcelain jar, and said: "I know."

"Do you like Ah Shao, girl?" Mr. Baqi said. It's a bit strange for an elder to ask a junior this question, let alone Xiao Shao's mentor, Jiang Ruan didn't want to hide this wise old man in front of him, and replied straightforwardly without hesitation: "I like it."

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