The Rebirth of an Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 399: The Past (1)

"The old man has taken in a total of nine apprentices, and among the nine apprentices, Ah Shao has the coldest temper." Mr. Baqi dropped another son without raising his head, and his tone seemed to be as long as a memory: "At that time in Jia Nanshan, he originally learned the art of making poison. Even if there was no accident at Prince Jinying's mansion, he had to bear a lot of burdens. Although he studied poison making, he didn't take it seriously. In fact, he is the most spiritual disciple. The old man's nine apprentices have learned nine unique skills." Mr. Baqi said with a smile: "But later, something happened to Prince Jinying's mansion, and Ah Shao knelt in front of the old man, wanting to learn how to kill." His expression was slightly perplexed: " Ah Shao's temperament is not suitable to be the number one killer in the world, and the old man did not agree. It snowed a lot on Canaan Mountain that day, so he knelt down at the foot of the mountain for three days and three nights."

Jiang Ruan's hand paused slightly, and then followed by a drop. She has never seen Xiao Shao like that, but the accident in Jinying's palace should be the same as Xiao Shao's feeling when Zhao Mei and Jiang Xinzhi's accident happened to her. Anger is invisible, it seems that nothing can shake the calmness between his brows, but as long as he thinks of the proud young man who slowly raised the corner of his robe, knelt down slowly in the snow falling all over the mountain, with his back straight, Such a silent picture is enough to move people.

"Later, the old man agreed to him. Ah Shao treated himself ruthlessly, because he could be a person he was not suitable for. He has been in Jinyiwei for so many years, and he has never said a word of bitterness. The old man believes that this is his perseverance. After so many years, he seems to have no weakness." He looked at Jiang Ruan with a smile in his eyes: "Girl, you are the first, and you are his weakness." He moved up and down, and the game on the chessboard suddenly Earth-shaking changes have taken place. He said: "However, the old man is very happy that you can become his weakness, because in this way, he looks more like a 'human being'."

Jiang Ruan was silent for a moment, thinking about it and said: "I will not hurt him, he is my husband, if someone makes things difficult, no matter whether I can do it or not, I will use all my strength to vent my anger for him." She was kind to her for giving birth to that person, and it is not enough to repay her kindness in this life. What's more, he helped her again in this life, and the debt he owed was not enough, it would be better to owe it for a lifetime, after all, she had tied herself and Xiao Shao together.

Mr. Baqi caressed his beard, quickly put down a beard, and said: "Is it because of the cause and effect of the previous life that the girl protects Ah Shao so much?"

Jiang Ruan's hands trembled, almost unable to hold the chess piece in his hand. His gaze instantly became indifferent and vigilant, and he looked at the old man opposite him without saying a word.

"Ah Shao has always had ideas. When the girl was in a coma, she once confided a few words. Ah Shao is very smart. It's not that he doesn't know. It's just that she doesn't want to ask. Ah Shao refuses to ask, but the old man wants to ask for him. The old man Yu A Shao is the master, and he also regards A Shao as his own child in his private heart, although you are a girl that A Shao likes, in the eyes of the old man, you still treat him not honestly enough." Mr. Ba Qi said slowly.

Jiang Ruan's heart seemed to have set off a turbulent wave, and Xiao Shao knew it. She naturally knew that there was no need for Mr. Baqi to lie about this matter, that is, Xiao Shao probably guessed her secret. She saw the ending of her previous life in her dream, maybe she said something unintentionally. For a moment, Jiang Ruan actually had a clean shame of being spied on from the bottom of his heart. It doesn't matter if it is known by others, but that person is Xiao Shao. What would Xiao Shao think of her who was born out of the darkness in such a mess?

"Girl, don't worry." Mr. Baqi seemed to see her concerns, and said gently: "Since Ah Shao didn't choose to ask, he doesn't care about it. The person who always cares is not him, but you."

"I don't know how Master knew about this." Jiang Ruan said with difficulty: "I didn't intend to hide it from him, but I just couldn't face it."

"Is it Ah Shao that you can't face, or yourself?" Mr. Baqi asked.

Jiang Ruan was stunned: "What is the explanation of Master's words?"

"Ah Shao doesn't care about this matter, no matter what the ending is, he is willing to do it. If you care about his thoughts, you don't have to, because he won't have any other thoughts about you because of this matter. You can't face it , has always been just myself.”

"Master is right, I really can't face myself." Jiang Ruan said: "I am not afraid of other people's eyes, no matter if I am regarded as a monster or a ghost. But if I put such a me in front of him, I feel ashamed." Her tone was frank, without even the slightest concealment: "I can't face the person standing beside him, so I never intend to tell him this matter. After this matter, I will never tell this secret for the rest of my life. Some things will only add to the trouble, and I don't want to add to the trouble."

"What about now?" Mr. Yachi smiled slightly.

"As Master said, he doesn't care, so why should I care?" Jiang Ruan said lightly: "This time I was in a dangerous situation, I saw many things I didn't understand, and I also understood some truths that I didn't understand before. I feel that I owe him a lot, and some things are predestined, so why should I stop them. Master is at ease, I will tell him the truth. After hearing these things, whether he dislikes me or doesn't care, it's all His decision. I respect him." After saying these words, Jiang Ruan seemed to have unloaded a heavy burden that had been carried on her body for many years. The secret of rebirth has been buried in her heart since this life. She walked hard step by step, but she never thought of sharing it with anyone, not even her closest friend Jiang Xinzhi. She planned to carry it to the end alone. But now there will be another person to bear it with her, maybe the burden will be lightened a lot, maybe nothing will be lightened, no matter what the result is, she is happy with it and does not feel sad because of it.

She spoke so frankly, Mr. Baqi had a flash of admiration in his eyes, and said slowly: "Congratulations. Girl, you don't have any demons anymore."

Jiang Ruan was taken aback, and Mr. Baqi said: "You just said that you didn't tell Ah Shao because it was difficult to face him, but now I think it's not a bad thing." The old man in front of him suddenly winked at her mischievously, The tone was full of narrowness: "Then at least, it shows that you really care about Ah Shao."

In the depths of the jungle in the distance, the man in purple reined in his horse and dismounted, looked at the handsome man on the horse and said, "Third brother, after all these years, your aim is still so good."

Xiao Shao turned over and got off the horse, and saw a series of prey hanging upside down behind the horse with shiny fur, and one of the white wolves was very eye-catching. His whole body was white without a trace of hair, he was huge, and there was an arrow in his throat, obviously it was an arrow that sealed his throat. Hunting in this kind of snowy jungle is already difficult, and the fur color of the white wolf blends in with the snow, so you have to have excellent eyesight to distinguish them. This wolf is so huge and strong, but it's a pity that it was Xiao Shao who met him, and he still got it in the end.

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