The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1339: fate

Back in the backyard, Yuxi stood in front of the window for a long time without saying anything. ?八一中文网? W?W?W (eight). ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (eight). (1) C (a) O? M Meilan was somewhat worried and called the whole squat.

When I went to Yuxi, I asked, "What happened? But what is difficult to deal with?"

Yuxi shook his head and said softly: "No, it means that the fate is very magical." She wants to be a member of the slaughter in her life, but now she has become the fate of most people in the world.

If you say this, you can’t pick it up.

Yuxi does not need to say anything. She just wants to say the words of her heart: "Since standing in this position, I must take this responsibility. In my lifetime, I must let the people of the world live and work in peace. day."

"Yes, you can do it." Think about how much the people in the northwest have suffered in the past, but under the efforts of Yuxi, they can now eat and wear warm. Therefore, the oath of Yuxi can be achieved.

The next day, Yuxi received a good news from the front, saying that Feng Dajun had won the mining city.

It took only half a day for the mine to be taken down. In this regard, Feng Zhixi has doubts: "Hey, is the war too smooth?" I feel that this fight is like playing, which makes Feng Zhixi feel a little uneasy.

Feng Dajun smiled and asked: "What do you want to say?"

Feng Zhixi cautiously said: "Hey, hey, be careful, in case of fraud."

Feng Zhixi did not receive preferential treatment because he was the son of Feng Dajun. On the contrary, he entered the striker camp this time. The forward camp is the most dangerous and the easiest place to make a difference. After playing two games, Feng Zhixi is now the total of seven products.

Feng Dajun laughed, and then he slammed it on Feng Zhixi’s shoulder: "The policeman is good."

Feng Zhiyi also laughed: "Adi does not have to worry, there are counts in his heart."

Feng Zhixi is a little embarrassed, and he is worried about his feelings.

Feng Zhiyi asked with concern: "I heard that you were injured? Where is the injury?" It is inevitable that a snoring injury will occur, as long as it does not hurt the key points.

Feng Zhixi smiled and said: "There was a slap in the hand, not much hindrance. Hey, big brother, you must not talk to your mother and nephew."

Feng Zhixiao smiled and said: "How? I am afraid to be known by the two county owners? Since it is inevitable to be injured on the battlefield, I want to come to the second county master to know."

Feng Zhixi touched his head and said: "I still don't want her to know, otherwise she will be very worried."

After the election, Feng Zhixi added: "I have nothing to do with this injury, don't let her know."

Feng Dajun smiled and said: "Hey, you are so unconstrained with your big brother?" This kid, the daughter-in-law has not been in the door to protect it, and is definitely a wife. However, this situation is what Feng Dajun is happy to see.

Feng Zhixi is embarrassed.

As he spoke, Cui Weiqi came over. The smile on the face of Feng Dajun suddenly disappeared. He said to the two brothers: "You go out, I have something to do with Aki." In the case of Niu, Chang wrote a letter to Feng Dajun.

The Feng Zhiyi brothers went out with a greeting from Cui Weiqi who came into the door.

Out of the camp, Feng Zhixi whispered: "Big brother, what are you looking for?" He said that it was not a good thing to look at him.

Feng Zhixuan shook his head and said: "The cow ran to the front of the Cui family and yelled at the child who was pregnant with Aki. He was so sick that he fell ill." I don’t know what Archie’s eyes are, I would like this woman. .

Feng Zhixi hesitated and said: "I am afraid that if you say something, Archie can't listen." Cui Weiqi can not even want to be the owner of the second county. If he is jealous of this matter, Cui Weiqi will be dissatisfied.

Feng Zhixiao said with a smile: "We can't stop what we have to do." He also felt that Feng Dajun should not take care of this matter, but he was the biggest. No one can stop what he has to do.

Feng Zhixi frowned.

Feng Zhi glared at his neck and said with a smile: "There is a measure of doing things, you don't have to worry." At most, Cui Weiqi does not appreciate, and nothing else.

Feng Zhixi did not say anything again.

Cui Weiqi was a little embarrassed to hear that Niu had his child. He likes the cow, but he also knows the weight. This happened before marriage, not only his reputation would be bad, but Cui also followed his face.

Feng Dajun looked at Cui Weiqi and said: "Tang family knows that this thing is going to be retired. What do you think about this?"

Cui Weiqi hanged his head and said after a while, "Since they want to retire, then they will retreat." The twisted melon is not sweet. Anyway, this affair is not his own will.

Feng Dajun laughed: "Retired from the Tang family's affair, then yak's wife, do you think so?"

Cui Weiqi looked a little hesitant.

Feng Dajun is a human fine. When you see it, you know that Cui Weiqi really has this idea: "You want to marry a cow, then have you thought about the consequences of yak?"

Cui Weiqi lowered his head and said: "I may expel me from the Cui family and not recognize my son."

Feng Dajun did not pick up the words, but shifted the topic: "Have you ever mentioned to the defending country?"

Cui Weiqi asked: "Is it the same as my aunt and my mother?"

Feng Dajun nodded and said: "To Weiguo is a life of friendship with you. Eighteen years ago, he was the same as yours.

Cui Weiqi said: "When I was young, I heard it."

Feng Dajun felt that this Cui Mo really wouldn't teach the children. It should not be said, not a bunch of nonsense.

Well, Feng Dajun said: "I am still alive, in Yucheng, and now it is also a hundred households of six products. But in his life, he will stop the 100 households."

Not waiting for Cui Weiqi to ask, Feng Dajun continued: "To the Weiguo fifteen years ago, he was also a detachment of the three products, and he was in charge of the military needs. If he did not commit something later, he is afraid that the current military department is his book."

"What happened to him?" If nothing happened, it would be impossible for the current position to be lower than before.

Feng Dajun said: "The biggest mistake he made was that he had wronged his wife. The woman looked like a moon, and she was very fond of Weiguo. Even if we persuaded him to say that this woman was not a peace of mind, he also insisted on it. As a result, when he was in charge of the military, the woman carried him to accept the bribe."

As for the temper of Wang Hao, once I know this, I will definitely plant it for the Weiguo.

Cui Weiqi said: "Is he severely punished?"

Feng Dajun nodded: "Wang Ye looked at the number of years he was born and died, but he was only guilty of confiscation of illegal income. But this woman is not allowed to be poor, and she is separated from him when she has nothing to defend the country."

"Why is he now in the army again? Who helped him?" In this way, no one can help but can't return to the army.

"It's your help. He is not afraid of death. He didn't take long to return to the military camp. At that time, if you look at the sentiments of previous years, you will tell your aunt to him." He was not in the city when he was in the media, or he would definitely stop it.

“Why are they going to leave?” Cui Weiqi did not listen to people at home.

Feng Dajun sneered: "Yan's eyes went to Weiguo and he ran back and looked for him. He was fascinated by Weiguo and accepted her. Yan's original wife was a wife, and he would be a mother. Later Your aunt is pregnant, this Yan’s method has made your aunt’s mother fall. At that time, your aunt had to kill Yan’s, and it was prevented from defending the country. If your mother’s heart is cold, he will be separated from him.”

Cui Weiqi was shocked: "How can there be such a stupid person in this world?" For a woman, lost her future, even the children were ruined, and he even defended.

Upon hearing this, Feng Dajun showed a sardonic smile: "You said he is stupid? Do you think you are very smart?" Cui Weiqi, like Weiguo, is an idiot.

Cui Weiqi did not understand why he turned to his head.

Feng Dajun dismissed: "Do you think that Niu will be incompatible with you? You should not really believe that she likes you?"

Cui Weiqi said: "Alan really likes me."

Feng Dajun said: "If you are not a general of the second grade, you are just a farmer's son, you think she will still like you."

Cui Weiqi said categorically: "Yes."

Feng Dajun laughed, and the smile was full of sarcasm: "I should say you are naive, or are you stupid? Others don't say, she said that this time she went to your doorstep. Doesn't she know that such a trouble would make trouble? Cuijia’s reputation is sweeping?”

Cui Weiqi hesitated and said: "Alan is simple, she should know that she is pregnant and afraid, so I went to Cuijia to find my mother."

Feng Dajun looked at Cui Weiqi like an idiot: "So, you really want to marry a cow?"

Cui Weiqi said in silence: "If the Tang family retired, I would marry Alan."

Feng Dajun glanced at Cui Weiqi and said: "Since you want to marry the woman, don't delay the girl in the Tang family, write to you, and let them go back to the family."

Not waiting for Cui Weiqi to open, Feng Dajun said: "In the future, if you fall to the same end as the Weiguo, don't blame us for not reminding you."

When Cui Weiqi came to his lips, he swallowed it back.

Feng Dajun waved his hand and didn't want to talk to him anymore. The child is fascinated and said that it is useless.

When Cui Weiqi walked out of the camp, his look was very tangled. Seeing Feng Zhiyu waiting outside, said: "Is there time? Have time to have two drinks together at night."

Feng Zhiyi shook his head and said: "I still have things at night, but if you are worried about the Niu's business, I can talk with you." He didn't want to listen to Cui Weiqi's complaints. It was better to read the book than that time.

Cui Wei snorted.

I did not expect that the two had not taken two steps, and some people looked for Feng Zhi. Business is more important than private affairs. It is natural for Feng Zhi to solve the official business first.

Thinking about it, Feng Zhi said: "I let Zhixi accompany you to talk!" His younger brother is still very reliable.

Into the house Cui Weiqi did not speak. Feng Zhixi is still very good, and Cui Weiqi does not speak without speaking.

After a long time, Cui Weiqi said with a look of pain: "Zhi Xi, they all said that Niu is close to me for wealth." One said that he would ignore him, but everyone said that he was somewhat shaken.

Feng Zhixi did not say the bad words of Niu: "It doesn't matter what others say, what matters is your own thoughts."

Cui Weiqi held his fist and said: "I don't believe it. When Alan likes me, she doesn't know my identity at all."

Feng Zhixi almost laughed, but he couldn't help but laugh: "That's the case, then you have something to entangle." If it is not because of the friendship between the two, there is his concern for Cui Weiqi, only Cui Weiqi dislikes the second county. The Lord, he did not want to listen to Cui Weiqi.

Cui Weiqi is very painful: "But my mother doesn't think so. I also said that if I insist on asking Alan to drive me out of my house, I will not recognize my son." Choosing a lover or choosing a parent is really a difficult choice. question.

Feng Zhixi never thought about this, and asked with surprise: "What are you going to do?"

Cui Weiqi said with pain: "Alan is pregnant with my child, and I cannot be irresponsible."

Uh... When I heard this, Feng Zhixi showed a refreshing message from head to toe: "There is something difficult, and Na Niu’s is what it is."

"But I don't want to grievance Alan. I don't want my eldest son to bear the name of his life." He regrets not doing it now. He knew that he should not compromise and promise to be with the Tang family.

Feng Zhixi really wants to huh, but I dare to say that the cow’s belly must be a son.

The heart is uncomfortable, and Feng Zhixi’s words are different from the original ones: "The fish and the bear's paw can't have both. You have to live up to the expectation of Cui Shu and Cui Wei since you insisted on keeping with the cow." But even if you get out, you can make a contribution to your career. When you make some achievements, I believe that Cui Shushu and Cui Wei will not say that Niu is going to the wealth of Cui." Feng Zhixi This is to dig a pit for Cui Weiqi. The army is more capable than him, and he is more desperate than him. Without the shelter of the elders, Cui Weiqi climbed so fast.

This is the story of Cui Weiqi’s heart. After taking the seal of Zhixi's shoulder, Cui Weiqi said with emotion: "Zhi Xi, or you understand me. I can build my own business with my own merits. I am not worse than him. I can earn my own future."

Feng Zhixi said: "I am there, I will help you. As for Cui Shu and Cui Wei, you should tell them yourself! Right, and the family of Tang family should be handled well. Tang Chengye after all It’s Shangshu, and Cui’s family should not avenge him.”

Cui Weiqi said with gratitude: "Thank you, Zhixi." Until now, Zhixi stood on his side.

After returning, Feng Zhixi relayed these words to Feng Dajun: "Hey, Archie has been fascinated by the woman and said nothing is useless. It is not as good as blocking it. It must be forced to keep him from being allowed. Will make things that are irrational."

Feng Dajun said: "The cow's child has already fallen, and she will not be born in the future. And the cow will soon marry." He did not tell Cui Weiqi about this. It’s a war now, and it’s dangerous if he loses his senses on the battlefield.

Feng Zhixi said: "Hey, Archie is now fascinated. If you know this, you will hate Cui Shu Cui Wei." Although Cui Weiqi is not so obsessed with a woman, Cui Mo and Yu are very good to them. He also doesn't want to be saddened by a couple of cows.

Feng Dajun agreed with Feng Zhixi's thought: "What do you think should be done?"

Feng Zhixi said his thoughts: "If you can't get the best, if Niu is married like this, then Archie will miss her all her life, and she will always hate Cui Shu Cui Wei." I mean, let Achena be a beggar." A beggar, and a beggar who can't be born, can't turn the sky.

Feng Dajun is very pleased: "You think very well." If the wife and the wife can think of this, it will not fall into such a hidden danger.

Feng Zhixi said: "Hey or write a letter to let the mother and Cui Wei let them follow up on this matter, don't fall behind."

The son acted so well, and the army was very pleased. After feeling the pro, the younger son has grown a lot, and he does not have to worry about it.

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