The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1340: Defeated as a mountain

In just fifteen days, Yunqing’s 300,000-strong army hit the wall of Shicheng City. ??八一中文W=W≈W≈. =8≈1≠Z≠W=. ≥ C ≥ O ≠ M the road, the court's terracotta warriors are basically looking at the wind and fleeing, they are not like fighting in the fight.

Some jujubes complained: "This is not a good hit." After a few trips, the jujube has been upgraded to the four divisions. This degree of promotion, but not many people can compare.

Qi Hao listened to this and said: "Big sister, it is not good to fight, which means that there are many people who die. When they hit Beibei, they died more than 200,000 people."

Jujube dates don't dare to speak.

Yunqing is very happy, and the jujube can jump off and can raise him. Yunqing smiled and said: "Zhou is also a veteran of the sand field. It is estimated that this is difficult." Shicheng must be taken down, but it takes a long time.

"I hope that the truth is as good as it is." This road is called, the jujube is really not the military commanders of the court. I still ran when I didn’t hit it. I grabbed it and asked for mercy. There was no military temperament.

Some of Kaihao’s face is not very good-looking and said: “Big sister, if you hold this kind of mind again, don’t go to the battlefield again.” The biggest taboo is to underestimate the enemy, and the date is now making such a mistake.

Jujube is busy saying: "I will tell you a few words. I can't despise anyone on the battlefield." Even if it is a humble soldier, she is wary.

Kai Hao said: "I believe you this time, but if you have not done it, don't blame me for not telling you to return to the city."

"Reassured, you must do it." This guy must do what he says. Since she said this, if she does not perform well, she will really let her go back to the city.

Although Qi Hao did not go to the battlefield and did not have a military position, as long as he spoke, Yunqing would agree. This point makes the jujube date envy.

In the morning, the bright and dewdrops on the buds of the buds were flashing, and a gust of wind blew, and the dewdrops slid down the leaves. Soon, the silence was broken by the sound of a mountain torrent.

Highly rushed into the house with an arrow, and the week that was just nodding, "The generals, the enemy began to attack the city."

Zhou slammed up and walked to the back of the room. After the armor was put on, he stood still and stood tall: "What stay, go!"

Highly said: "The general, what are you doing?" When he said this, the voice was shaking.

"Don't you say that Yunqing has come? Since the enemy has come, it is natural to go to the city wall." He knew that the wall was unstoppable, but he would not let Yunqing take the stone city easily.

The high heart has a bad foreboding: "The generals, you are in the rear, you don't have to go to the city wall." He was afraid that the generals would go to the wall to kill the enemy.

Zhou did not speak: "If you don't want to go, leave it!" Then, walked outside.

Zhou Ang knew to use it again and went out together.

After five days, the news of Zhou’s death was passed back to Beijing. Mengnian said with deep sorrow: "The emperor, General Zhou has not fallen in the three arrows, still furious to kill the enemy." Rao is a well-dead leader, Shicheng also only kept for four days. This number can be amazing.

Yan Wushuang pinched his fist.

Meng Nian is anxious: "The emperor, Shimen is less than a thousand miles from the capital. The emperor, we should withdraw." He did not expect that the momentum of Yunqing was so fierce.

Yan Wushuang said: "Don't worry. But our previous plans must be advanced." Hastily, I don't know if I can.

Meng Nian knew the plan of Yan Wushuang. He immediately hesitated and said: "The emperor, this plan is still canceled!" Mengni, who has always had no choice but to listen to Yan, has rarely raised objections.

Yan Wushuang said: "How can we cancel this step? Yes, we can hold the capital; if it fails, it is just a retreat to Liaodong."

"The emperor, if this plan is successful, you will also bear the nickname of the ages. The emperor, this price is too big." It doesn't matter if you can't name it, but you can't forget the millennium!

Yan Wushuang said indiscreetly: "I don't care what others say when I am alive, and I am even more afraid of death."

Meng Nian tried hard to persuade, but also could not convince Yan Wushuang. In desperation, Meng Nian can only say: "The emperor, the success of the plan is still unknown, we still have to prepare for the retreat." He hopes that the plan will fail.

Yan Wushuang nodded.

After dark, Yan Wushuang went to Zhang Huagong. Because of the preparations, all the precious ornaments in the palace were packed and shipped away, and the rest would not be worth the money if they were worth the money.

When I entered the palace, I felt a lot of empty space. Yan Wushuang asked Yuchen: "How much is there?"

Yuchen nodded: "There are six boxes." Her stuff, sixty boxes can not be finished. Now I have to streamline it to six boxes, but it is hard to make Yuchen. As for those things that can't be taken, she is ready to hide.

Yan Wu double wrinkled his brow: "Too much, lose half." Three boxes, he is too much. But thinking about the things in the hands of Yuchen, I barely accepted it.

Yuchen said hesitantly: "Okay."

Seeing Yan’s unparalleled look is not good. Yuchen asked: “Is there any bad news in front of the emperor?” Every day, the news of the defeat was defeated, and Yuchen did not dare to listen again.

"Weekly war dead, Shicheng lost. According to this degree, if one month, Yunqing will be under the city." If the plan is successful, Yunqing will never be able to reach the capital. If the plan fails, he will withdraw to Liaodong next month.

Yuchen's face changed slightly: "The emperor, when will we withdraw to Shengjing?"

Yan Wushuang did not give the exact time, just said: "When Yunqing enters the capital, it will definitely retreat."

Yuchen was somewhat disappointed.

"You have a good rest during this time. Once you leave Beijing, the road will be very hard." This can be said because Yuchen is willing to stay and willing to go forward with him.

After Yan’s unparalleled walk, Yuchen looked at the red phoenix on the table and wore a small lock on the peony square scorpion.

Gui Yan whispered: "The maiden..."

Yuchen said to the gods: "Hey, Yunqing has already occupied Shicheng, and soon will come to Beijing. We must be ready to go."

Gui Yan said: "Good." Worried for so many years, this moment is finally coming.

Yuchen said: "The emperor said that there are too many six boxes, let me streamline three more."

Six boxes, each of which is a good thing worth a thousand dollars. Don't say that the three boxes are streamlined, even if they are left behind, Gui Yan is distressed.

"Anniling, we will hide these things outside the palace! Maybe, in the future, the big princess and the third can be used." These things can not be bought with money, she is really reluctant to let Yuchen give away.

Yuchen is also reluctant, these things are all her beloved things, which is willing to give away: "Hey, where do you think hiding?"

Gui Yan has been thinking about this problem all these days. She thinks she can hide these things in the Yuchen dowry house. I also know that the outside of the capital is very chaotic, otherwise she would definitely recommend hiding in the dowry.

Yuchen shook his head and said, "Hey, what do you think of hiding in the cellar of Tingyunge?" The cellar of Tingyunge knows that there are not many people.

The place is good, but Gui Yan is opposed: "When Yuxi takes up the capital, she will give back the Korean government to the lobby brother, and these things will not be available."

"Half of these things were originally the government. If you can't get it, you will return it to the government office." Hiding in other places, once you can't get it, you will be cheaper.

Gui Yan thought about it: "Then half of it will be placed on the dowry and the other half will be placed in the secret of Tingyun Pavilion."

Yuchen thought about it and nodded. Turned around and called an **** to come in and said to him: "You sent this donkey to Yurong."

Half a day later, the **** surnamed Wan returned: "The Niangniang, the second grandmother is not in the house, the concierge said that she went out to the city to go to relatives. As for the relatives who went to the house, the concierge did not know."

Yuchen heard a slight change in his face: "Out of town? This is so dangerous outside the city, how come out of the city?"

Gui Yan saw the situation: "The maiden is not anxious, this should be the outsider's rhetoric. Jiangfu can have a high gentleman, he will not be so unconstrained." Calculating the city, it will certainly bring enough staff.

"Well, I heard that the Northwest Army likes to rob the bureaucrats. If they want to come, they will hear the wind and avoid the civilian area." But the guess is very accurate.

In the past, Yu Rong sent food and food to the government office. Later, Yuchen sent valuable objects such as gold and silver jewelry to the house. Both people were alarmed by the Falcons hiding in the government office.

The red eagle said: "There are not many boxes, and I want to come in these boxes with some valuable things." After that, the Red Eagle couldn't help but say: "Which ones like to hide things in this dilapidated government office. "The Korean government has been ruined by Yan Duo, and most of the places have been abandoned." There are often people staying in the periphery, and there are no people in the inner courtyard.

The Falcon said: "It is estimated that it is safe here." They dug a tunnel in the government office. The entrance was in the room where Yuxi first came out of the ceiling, and there were two exits.

The Red Eagle said with great interest: "I will go see it at night, what baby is in this box."

The Falcon shook his head and said: "When the king occupies the capital and then digs it, it is not too late. Now, if you reveal your whereabouts, Yan Wushuang knows that we are all in danger."

When the red eagle heard this, he said with some excitement: "Up to a month, the prince can come in." By then, they can show up.

Knowing what the Red Eagle thought, the Falcon immediately poured a cold water on him: "We can't appear in the sun." What they did was some secret things. If it is exposed to the public, it will be inconvenient to act later.

How can the Red Eagle not understand this truth, and immediately said with a smile: "At least go to the streets in the future, no longer have to worry about being arrested." To catch, they also catch others.

The Falcon sighed and then looked ugly: "The news that Wang Hao let us inquire, there is no eyebrows."

The red eagle heard this saying: "Will it be Wang Hao's care. Now the situation, Yan Wushuang has been unable to return to heaven, what else can he do?"

"Wang Hao is keen, since she asked us to check for sure what is wrong." The more I can't find out, the more the Falcon is worried. It’s so tight that it’s not easy.

Shicheng’s good news passed to Yucheng. After Yuxi read it, he called Yu Zhijin: “Is there any news from Fengying in the past two days?” Zhou Xi’s death and Yuxi did not have any feelings, but she was so high. Very concerned.

Yu Zhi shook his head and said: "No. Wang Hao does not need to worry. Wang Ye and Shi Zi are very vigilant, even if they are high-spirited, they are not afraid."

Yuxi shook his head: "The knife is not afraid of the natural gun, but Yan is the best at intrigue. I don't know what conspiracy he is brewing." With the most malicious speculation, Yan is unparalleled, and the decision is not wrong.

Yu Zhi heard this and frowned. "There is no news on the falcon."

Yuxi thought about it and asked Yu Zhi: "If you say that Yan Wushuang wants to use the high-ranking prince, what method will he use?" Needless to guess Yuxi can also be sure that Yan Wushuang really brews what conspiracy is definitely against the cloud Go.

After a pause, Yuxi added: "It is definitely not an ordinary way of assassination."

Yu Zhi thought for a long time and said that he could not think of it.

In the evening, Yuxi received a message saying that he was screaming at the opportunity to see Yunqing.

Yu Zhi said: "Highly, there was a hidden weapon. The dark weapon was quenched and poisoned. If you touch it, it will kill you. Fortunately, Wang Ye is acting cautiously and avoiding it." Yu Zhi feels that the high purpose has been exposed, so don't worry. .

Yuxi did not speak.

Yu Zhi said: "Wang Hao, Yan Wushuang should be the idea."

"I hope that I am more concerned." This time, she is thinking about it. But if you want to come and think about it, you can’t think of it.

The war ahead is smooth, but Yuxi is not easy. The treasury is empty, and she is not only thinking about how to save money, but she has to rack her brains to make money.

Lying in the tub, Yuxi said by the barrel: "It was still the most comfortable in the country." At that time, although I didn't know what the future would be, she tried hard to learn all kinds of knowledge. Others didn't need her. Come here. Now, things inside and out of the house have to worry about her, feeling very tired.

He laughed and said: "When you wait for this time, you will be fine." When Yunqing is enthroned, the Yuxi is the most noble woman in the world. For this, it is worth it.

Yuxi smiled and said: "Hey, this is what you said wrong. It is only just beginning. It is only when Kaihao grows up and gives him the burden, I can easily."

"You don't have to wait for so long. When the world is married, you can give some things to him." Shizi is 13 this year, and he can be married in three or four years.

Yuxi laughed, she is also planning. But I soon remembered the triplets in the military camp: "I don't worry about Rui Geer and You Geer, only Xuan Geer..."

Speaking of Xuan Geer, Yuxi only sighed. When I went to the military camp, I had two illnesses in less than half a year. The first time I was sick, the second time I was actually sick. Jujube and Rui Geer, they went back to the military camp to practice back, the more solid the body, the worse the Xuan brothers seem.

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