The Rebirth Of The Chaebol On Hong Kong Island Starts With Hong Shuzhen

Chapter 98: Cut Hu's Beauty Queen Zuxian Initial Success!

Because He Chaoqiong is by Xu Jinyang's side, many female celebrities want to talk to Xu Jinyang, but they are a little afraid to go forward.

He Chaoqiong said with a smile: "Oh my husband, it seems that I have to go away, otherwise these women would not dare to come and pick you up, won't this affect your luck!"

Xu Jinyang really admires He Chaoqiong's strong mind, seeing so many women wanting to pick up on her husband, she can still take a joke.

At this time, a tall female star came over: "Boss Xu, hello, I'm Wang Zuxian, I like your movie very much, and I really want to cooperate with you!"

Xu Jinyang's eyes lit up when he saw Wang Zuxian, who was 1.72 meters and a pair of long legs and very pure.

"Zu Xian, you came just in time, and there will be an opportunity for cooperation soon.

There was a "A Chinese Ghost Story" in the 60s, and I'm going to do a remake of that movie.

I hope you can play the beautiful, kind-hearted female ghost Nie Xiaoqian in the film, who is threatened and persecuted by the tree demon. "

Wang Zuxian was not popular in 1986 because she lacked a representative work.

And this masterpiece is "A Chinese Ghost Story".

When Wang Zuxian heard that it was a remake, he was not particularly interested.

However, she didn't dare to offend Xu Jinyang, so she asked.

"I haven't seen this movie, can you tell me about the plot of this movie?"

Xu Jinyang could see the twinkle in Wang Zuxian's eyes, and said: "The plot of the remake is somewhat different from the original, don't look down on it just because it is a remake.

Let me tell you about the plot. Ning Caichen went to Guobei County to collect debts. During heavy rain, he hid in the legendary Lanruo Temple for a night, but was rejected by the Taoist priest Yan Chixia, so Ning Caichen sneaked into the temple secretly.

At nightfall, Ning Caichen was attracted by the sound of a piano, and met a girl named Nie Xiaoqian. Nie Xiaoqian suddenly revealed her murderous intent, but fortunately Yan Chixia rushed to save Ning Caichen's life.

Nie Xiaoqian felt that she was upright and kind, and gradually fell in love with her, but was stopped by Yan Chixia. Ning Caichen mistook Yan Chixia for the murderer and wanted to escape with Nie Xiaoqian.

The dryad grandma forced Nie Xiaoqian to kill Ning Caichen, but Nie Xiaoqian refused, so the grandmother ordered all the demons to kill Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian, Yan Chixia appeared to save the two, and the dryad grandma fell into the hands of Yan Chixia after the battle Lei was sealed for a hundred years.

Only then did Ning Caichen learn that Nie Xiaoqian was a ghost who was controlled by her grandmother because her bones were abandoned in the wilderness. In order to prevent Nie Xiaoqian from being humiliated again, Ning Caichen agreed to send her body back to the countryside for burial and reincarnation..."

Wang Zuxian was still a bit hesitant: "So it's a female ghost? I haven't played such a role before.

Xu Jinyang knew that Wang Zuxian was originally a contracted star of Shaw Brothers Films and now TVB, and he was very valued by Shao Yifu's wife Fang Yihua.

If Wang Zuxian really doesn't want to act, I can't force her.

So Xu Jinyang decided to recruit Wang Zuxian first, otherwise Wang Zuxian became popular through "A Chinese Ghost Story", wouldn't he be making wedding dresses for others?

Now Xu Jinyang said: "You should trust my vision, this movie will definitely make you famous!"

Wang Zuxian's heart skipped a beat at that time. Xu Jinyang has discovered many female stars these days, and his signing fees are very generous, which has attracted many female stars.

Of course, some people in the industry think that Xu Jinyang is a fool with a lot of money, but look at the female artists he signed Zhang Han, Zhou Huihan, Lan Jieying, Li Ruotong, Qiu Shuzhen, all of them are beauties with great characteristics. Beauty!

Lan Jieying fully demonstrated her beauty through this "Hardcover Chasing Girls", and became popular again, which made people believe in Xu Jinyang's vision.

Wang Zuxian then said: "I'd better read the script before talking about it!"

Xu Jinyang smiled and said: "I'll give you the script later, I still hope you sign with my company!

I am going to give you a signing fee of 2 million yuan, a guaranteed annual salary of 200,000 yuan, and an annual salary increase of 10% every year, and I will arrange at least three movies for you every year, all of which are heroines!"

At that time, Wang Zuxian was a little tempted.

The treatment Xu Jinyang gave her was much better than that given to her by Shao Yifu's wife Fang Yihua.

However, Fang Yihua has the kindness to know Wang Zuxian.

It's not good for Wang Zuxian to betray Fang Yihua.

As early as two years ago, that is, in 1984, Wang Zuxian starred in his screen debut "This Year's Lakeside Will Be Cold", officially entering the entertainment industry.

With this work, Wang Zuxian's name has gained a little bit of fame in Baodao.

In the play, Wang Zuxian, who is only 17 years old, has short hair around his ears, a pure appearance, without a trace of human fireworks, which young man can not take a second look?

Fang Yihua, the proprietress of Shaw Films, saw the potential in Wang Zuxian and immediately signed an 8-year contract with her due to her outstanding performance in this movie.

The proprietress also valued Wang Zuxian very much. In the mid-1980s, when the general salary was still in the tens of yuan, Wang Zuxian's signing fee was already as high as 250,000 yuan.

It can be seen that Fang Yihua's sincerity to Wang Zuxian, as long as she had something to do at that time, the proprietress would help her to settle it.

In 1985, the economy continued to decline, and many industries were affected, and Shaw Brothers was no exception. At that time, its actors either went to TVB or stayed in Shaw Brothers.

For many people, a stable income is the most important thing, so many actors went directly to TVB to act in TV series, but only Wang Zuxian stayed.

Afterwards, most of the time, Wang Zuxian was seconded back and forth to make movies. Although film and television dramas were relatively popular at that time, Fang Yihua never allowed Wang Zuxian to appear in any TV series, because he was afraid that he would lose his value.

At that time, although there was an 8-year contract between Fang Yihua and Wang Zuxian, Wang Zuxian was not restricted. Regarding the secondment to make movies, the two also had their own words at the time, that is, Wang Zuxian helped others make a few movies, and in the future he will also shoot a few more at Shaw Brothers. department.

Later, on the screen, you can often see Wang Zuxian starred in some bad movies, and this is the reason.

With the complete disbandment of Shaw Brothers Films, Wang Zuxian really had nowhere to go, so Fang Yihua took her to Xiangjiang to develop.

In the mid-1980s, Xiangjiang, the film and television industry was booming. At that time, many Xiangjiang crews would film in Baodao, so Fang Yihua had a good relationship with them. During that time, Fang Yihua was always looking for opportunities for Wang Zuxian.

But most of them are bad movies. Although Wang Zuxian's conditions are very good, but the nature of the movies is bad, it is difficult for her to become popular.

Wang Zuxian's mood is very contradictory now. On the one hand, the conditions Xu Jinyang gave are too tempting, and on the other hand, he does not want to betray Fang Yihua's kindness.

But following Fang Yihua, the films he made were all bad movies, and he didn't have a bright future.

Seeing Wang Zuxian's conflicted face, Xu Jinyang knew that he might need to give Wang Zuxian the script of "A Chinese Ghost Story" by himself. Wang Zuxian couldn't resist the temptation of the movie, so he could go to him from Fang Yihua!

Now Xu Jinyang looked at Wang Zuxian with a smile: "Zuxian, if my script of "A Chinese Ghost Story" can impress you enough, it is a very high-quality movie, and it can make you a hit, would you like to watch it in this movie? For the sake of the movie, sign a contract with me` "?"

For Wang Zuxian, who has made a lot of bad movies in the past two years but has not become popular, there is nothing more attractive than a movie that can make him popular.

Wang Zuxian looked at Xu Jinyang with bright eyes: "Boss Xu, I promise you, as long as your movie script is really as you said, I am willing to sign a contract with you!"

At this time, the system prompts.

"Ding dong! Because the master described the general plot of the 1987 version of "A Chinese Ghost Story", it can be regarded as a preliminary interception of the 1987 version of "A Chinese Ghost Story". I will reward the master for the 1987 version of "A Chinese Ghost Story" script!"

This script appears in the portable space of the system.

Xu Jinyang pretended to search himself, took out a script, and handed it to Wang Zuxian.

"This script has to be kept secret, so you can read it right now, and before you leave the reception, give me the script and tell me your decision at the same time!"

Wang Zuxian quickly took the script, went to a well-lit place, and read it carefully.

Xu Jinyang believes that Wang Zuxian will never let go of this opportunity!

Just like the original time and space, Tsui Hark was struggling to find a suitable heroine for "A Chinese Ghost Story".

Although many actors had come to audition at that time, none of them complied with Tsui Hark's request.

Wang Zuxian had read the script and was very interested. Through some connections, he found Tsui Hark's wife Shi Nansheng and expressed his idea of ​​auditioning.

Afterwards, Shi Nansheng communicated this matter with Tsui Hark. Tsui Hark felt that Wang Zuxian was too tall and did not fit Xiaoqian's character setting.

However, Wang Zuxian's height was indeed not short at that time, reaching 172 centimeters. Director Tsui Hark was also worried that he would not be able to act petite.

Although Shi Nansheng declined, Wang Zuxian did not give up. He went directly to the scene to find Tsui Hark and asked for an audition.

After Wang Zuxian tried on the costume, Tsui Hark never said any words of rejection.

Wang Zuxian has a carefree personality and is used to being unrestrained, so Tsui Hark specially helped her enroll in a dance training class.

After the film was broadcast, Wang Zuxian in the play wore his hair in a bun, dressed in white, with bright eyes and white teeth, and plump muscles. With the role of Nie Xiaoqian, it became popular on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and has since established the most beautiful ghost screen image.

In the early 1990s, Xiangjiang ushered in the era of Wang Zuxian.

When Wang Zuxian met Xu Jinyang, it was not long after the reception started.

Originally, Wang Zuxian should have followed her agent's instructions to get to know more rich and powerful men.

On the one hand, it is to broaden her contacts in the film and television industry. After all, neither Shaw Brothers movies nor TVB can give her such good resources.

On the other hand, she wants to find a benefactor boyfriend in Xiangjiang, who can continuously provide her with various resources and money, so that she can film in a down-to-earth manner.

Now, when Wang Zuxian was reading the script, he suddenly realized that he didn't need to look for others anymore. Isn't Xu Jinyang a man who can fully satisfy his two needs!

Wang Zuxian didn't have a strong feeling when he heard the plot description just now, but now when he reads the script, he feels completely different.

She quickly flipped through it from beginning to end, and was shocked at the time.

This movie has a subject matter that she has never seen before, and it is very touching.

She carefully watched the part of the bridge she acted.

She now feels that every pore of hers has opened up, which is a strong expectation from the bottom of her heart.

She must play Nie Xiaoqian!

She had a strong feeling that she would definitely become popular because of the role of Nie Xiaoqian!

But the problem is, this project is in Xu Jinyang's Shuguang Film Company.

According to what Xu Jinyang just said, if he didn't jump ship to Shuguang Film Company, then Xu Jinyang would not be able to give him this movie role, because it is impossible for others to make an artist who does not belong to his company popular, that is to make a wedding dress for others , no one would do such a thing.

Wang Zuxian thought for a while, and finally made a decision.

Although Shao Yifu's wife, Fang Yihua, was grateful for her kindness,

But they can't provide high-quality movie resources, they can only give some bad movies, and they can't make themselves really popular, so they can't blame themselves.

Wang Zuxian quickly took the script, found Xu Jinyang, and said very firmly, Boss Xu, I am willing to go to your film company!"

Xu Jinyang reached out to shake hands with Wang Zuxian, and said with a smile, you will be glad that you have made this correct choice. In just one or two years, you will definitely become famous and become a member of Xiangjiang.

A-list star!"

Wang Zuxian believed in Xu Jinyang's judgment very much, and his heart was full of joy.

`々Boss, I believe in you.

Xu Jinyang didn't want to have long nights and dreams, so he immediately found Liang Anqi, took out the contract from the briefcase, and signed the contract with Wang Zutu.

However, Wang Zuxian was a little worried at this time: "Boss Xu, what if Fang Yihua doesn't let her go, I signed an 8-year contract with her, and it's only been two years!

Xu Jinyang said with a slight smile, don't worry, this matter is on me. "

Xu Jinyang called Fang Yihua and told her, Ms. Fang, I have a movie here and I want to ask Wang Zuxian to make it.

I know you can borrow it, but what I want is to let Wang Zuxian come to my film company.

My film company's next film will be more influential than this one. If Wang Zuxian is not a signed artist of my company, this resource will not be given to her, and she will not be concerned.

It is possible to become a real big star through this resource.

In fact, you also know that Wang Zuxian's conditions are very good in all aspects, and now there is a lack of a work that can make her a hit, and I also have this work,

I also have the confidence to make her a hit through this movie.

But I don't want to make wedding dresses for others, and I hope that Ms. Fang can part with her and give Wang Zuxian to me.

I believe that based on your feelings for Wang Zuxian, you also hope that she will be able to make great achievements in the future.

Fang Yihua originally thought that Xu Jinyang was just the youngest son of the plutocrat Xu's family, so there was nothing to worry about.

But this time, their box office is a big hit, only in Xiangjiang, they only received 70 million yuan, and in Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea, the total income may not be less than no less than 100 million yuan

, an absolute box office hit, and a formidable younger generation.

They have made thousands of Shaw Brothers films, but none of them has achieved such a box office (with good money).

Maybe my goddaughter Wang Zuxian can really make a fortune in this film company.

If he refused, he would not only offend Xu Jinyang, the son of the chaebol, but also his goddaughter Wang Zuxian would complain.

Fang Yihua thought for a while: "I don't have any opinions, but the liquidated damages are 1 million, are you willing to take it?"

At the beginning, Fang Yihua spent 280,000 yuan from the film company on Baodao to redeem Wang Zuxian. After these two years of training, he felt that he should get at least 500,000 yuan in illegal payments.

Jokin is not at a loss.

The reason for mentioning 1 million is to see how sincere Xu Jinyang is to Wang Zuxian.

Xu Jinyang said without hesitation, 1 million is 1 million, and the money will be in your company's account tomorrow!"

Fang Yihua saw that Xu Jinyang really valued his goddaughter Wang Zuxian very much, and said happily, in that case, then I agree to terminate the contract with her, but I want to chat with her a few words.

For the past two years or so, Fang Yihua has indeed treated Wang Zuxian as her own daughter, and loves her in every possible way.

The female stars of cable TV stations are completely different, and they are especially favored.

So Wang Zuxian felt a little sorry for Fang Yihua. Suddenly choked up.

Fang Yanhua smiled and said, you child, why are you crying?

Besides, you will also be in Xiangjiang in the future, come and see me when you have time..."

The two of them chatted for a while, and Wang Zuxian wiped his tears and formally signed a contract with Xu Jinyang.

When Wang Zuxian signs her name, the system prompts.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the master for intercepting Wang Zuxian from TVB Shao Yifu's wife Fang Yihua. This is considered to be the initial success in intercepting Wang Zuxian and rewarding the master with 10% free money

Hidden shares in cable TV stations!"

These hidden shares were obtained from retail investors and minority shareholders, Shao Yifu and Fang Yihua have not responded yet.

Of course, this is just a preliminary cut off of Wang Zuxian, and further cuts will come soon, when this fairy-like beauty with long legs will be another of Xu Jinyang's.

girlfriend tie. .

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