The Rebirth Of The Chaebol On Hong Kong Island Starts With Hong Shuzhen

Chapter 99 Cut Hu Li Jiaxin Guan Zhilin 100% Success!

Afterwards, Xu Jinyang took Wang Zuxian to meet someone.

"Zu Xian, let me introduce you, he is the famous director Mr. Tsui Hark, but this time Mr. Tsui Hark is the producer and Cheng Xiaodong is the director.

Director Xu, this is Wang Zuxian who I hope he will play Nie Xiaoqian!"

Tsui Hark looked Wang Zuxian up and down, couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Boss, I think Nie Xiaoqian's actor should be a petite little bird, she is too tall!"

Wang Zuxian's height is 1.72 meters, and he is even a bit reserved.

She used to play basketball when she was in Baodao. Not only is she very professional and skillful, but she can also make 7 of 10 shots in half a minute.

Some people say that she is the prototype of Akagi Haruko (some people say that she is the legendary beauty of island country music, Sakai Izumi, please rest assured, this will be saved)!

Her family background is very good, it can be called a combination of scholarly family + sports family. His grandfather is an expert in history, and his father is the youngest national player of the Baodao basketball team.

On top of Wang Zuxian, there are two big brothers, she is the youngest in the family, and naturally the most loved.

Maybe he inherited his father's excellent genes. Wang Zuxian is very good at the game. After training for a long time, he became a basketball forward for the school team and went to many places with the team to compete.

But every time, people pay attention not only to her scoring points, but to her appearance.

When he was a teenager, Wang Zuxian had grown to about 170cm, with black and flowing hair, and a pure and clean face, which once became the focus of the team.

Faced with Tsui Hark's doubts, Xu Jinyang smiled slightly and said: "At that time, according to the style we agreed upon, we will change her into an ancient costume, and the feeling will be different immediately."

He said to Wang Zuxian: "You come to the company tomorrow, and then I will give you time to do styling, and I guarantee that Director Xu will definitely let you be the heroine!"

"Okay!" Wang Zuxian nodded.

She was a little surprised, isn't Tsui Hark the director of New Art City? Why did he call Xu Jinyang the boss of "940".

She couldn't help asking: "Boss, isn't Director Xu from New Art City?"

Xu Jinyang laughed and said, "Director Xu is no longer from New Art City, but the chief director of our Shuguang Films!"

It turned out that when Wang Zuxian was reading the script of "A Chinese Ghost Story", Xu Jinyang directly approached Tsui Hark who came to the reception to discuss the project of "A Chinese Ghost Story" with him.

Tsui Hark was originally a member of New Arts City Films, one of the Seven Monsters of New Arts City. What did he do at the celebration banquet of Shuguang Films?

Because although Tsui Hark is one of the seven monsters in New Art City, he is not the big boss. The big boss is the bald Mae Chia (that is, the bald head in Best Partner).

The conflict between Tsui Hark and Mika in terms of filming ideas is getting bigger and bigger.

Tsui Hark supports Wu Yusen's filming of "The True Colors of a Hero", but Maggie does not support it.

Tsui Hark filmed "Dao Ma Dan" this year, and Makka did not support it either.

So Tsui Hark wondered if he could cooperate with Xu Jinyang, who is rich and powerful, and get investment from Xu Jinyang.

Tsui Hark didn't expect that Xu Jinyang took the initiative to find him and asked him a question.

"Director Xu, have you watched "A Chinese Ghost Story" directed by Director Li Hanxiang in the 1960s?"

Tsui Hark was dumbfounded, extremely surprised.

Since the filming of "Dao Ma Dan", Dezhi has been studying the project of "A Chinese Ghost Story".

Prior to this, Tsui Hark asked Shaw Brothers to borrow Li Hanxiang's version of the movie "A Chinese Ghost Story", and found that there was still a lot of room for him to explore.

He found Cheng Xiaodong, a martial arts instructor he knew when he was directing the TV series "Golden Knife Lover" in his early years, and said to him: "Nowadays, movies don't show romantic dramas between men and women. Let's make a love story."

However, Huamaijia does not support it.

Tsui Hark said to him: "This is not a question of fashion, but a question of mentality.

People need something romantic these days, and I think Li is a story that can be put to good use.

So Tsui Hark and Cheng Xiaodong freely adapted the story of "Nie Xiaoqian from Liaozhai", got inspiration from "Ghost Playing Man", and created the character of Dryad.

But Makka is still hesitant and unwilling to invest.

Because a lot of special effects will be used in it, tens of millions of investment may be required. The investment amount is too high, and it is easy to lose money.

Tsui Hark did not expect that Xu Jinyang would also be interested in this subject because the hero sees the same thing.

The two chatted, and the more they chatted, the more speculative they felt!

Xu Jinyang took the initiative to dig out Tsui Hark: "Director Xu, before that, I asked Wu Yusen to find you. I hope you can come to my company. The treatment I give you is much better than that in New Art City.

My words are still the same now, I hope you can come and help me. "

Because Xu Jinyang planned to let Tsui Hark start the "Once Upon a Time" series after Tsui Hark finished filming "A Chinese Ghost Story", and maybe Li Lianjie will come to act at that time.

Perhaps it is possible for Xu Jinyang to act by himself. After all, if Li Zhi is cut off and Li Lianjie is reused, it feels weird.

Tsui Hark has been a little shaken recently.

Because he found that the relationship between him and his boss Ma Jia and other partners has become more and more disharmonious after several years of cooperation.

He has been frequently trying different themes in recent years, and he doesn't want to be stuck in the comedy of New Art City, but he doesn't get the support of his boss and several other partners, and only his wife Shi Nansheng supports him .

Tsui Hark said: "If I change jobs to your company, I will bring my wife with me. I wonder how you will arrange our positions then?"

Xu Jinyang said decisively: "If you come here, I will give you the position of chief director, and I will let your wife Shi Nansheng be the vice president of the company and concurrently the director of the production department.

I will also give you a certain amount of shares, which must be much higher than the shares you two have in New Art City!

More importantly, I will not interfere with your shooting, you can try to shoot whatever ideas you have, don’t be afraid of spending money, don’t be afraid of failure, I don’t have anything else, I have a lot of money!”

Xu Jinyang gave Tsui Hark such good treatment because he thought that Tsui Hark is the most innovative director among Xiangjiang's current directors.

He has been innovating continuously for the next thirty years.

Compared with him, the rest of the New Art City Seven Monsters are yesterday's flowers, gradually abandoned by the times.

Tsui Hark has an unconstrained imagination, he always adds various novel elements and explores various novel filming techniques in his films, which makes his works form a very obvious personal style, Tsui Hark's amazing creation Li not only impressed his peers, but also won the love of the audience.

Everyone gave Tsui Hark two nicknames: Ghost Director and Old Monster Xu, expressing their love and recognition for his personal style.

Tsui Hark, who is at the forefront of film and television creation, has made three major contributions to Chinese films with his talent.

Injecting film and television special effects elements into martial arts movies has opened up the fantasy style of martial arts and created a new martial arts movie. Tsui Hark used rich special effects and sharp editing to create an extremely exaggerated visual effect. And such a visual effect can be fickle, it completely breaks the various restrictions of the body on people's movements, and does not need to abide by the rules of physics. Tsui Hark has brought martial arts movies into a more fantasy world. , is a visual spectacle that has never appeared in martial arts films in the past.

Our heroine martial arts films are genre movies with distinctive heroine characteristics. Although there is still a big gap compared with Hollywood's mature genre films, this gap is also shrinking with the improvement of domestic film production levels. But the biggest problem with the heroine genre is that few directors are willing to explore this field, but Tsui Hark is an exception.

Perhaps influenced by American film culture, Tsui Hark started to explore and produce heroine films very early on.

Tsui Hark can be seen in several classic series of movies in Zhongguo. He is the director of the "Once Upon a Time" series and "Di Renjie" series of films, and the producer of the "A Chinese Ghost Story" series of films.

"Time Magazine" commented that "Di Renjie: The Tongtian Empire" is the first Chinese-language film that can be called an epic entertainment giant since "Hero", and it is currently the Chinese-language film that is closest to Hollywood standards. The "New York Times" said that Tsui Hark revived the heroine Di Renjie.

Tsui Hark has brought the standard of Chinese heroine films close to the level of Hollywood genre films. This is an extraordinary achievement, which means that Chinese commercial films have begun to compete with Hollywood commercial blockbusters.

Tsui Hark is one of the few directors who insist on digging inspiration and materials from the history and traditional culture of Chinese women. In Tsui Hark's works, there is an extremely obvious imprint of Chinese culture, and he is more and more imitating the creation style of Western-style film and television themes. Now that it has become the mainstream, Xu Zhi is commendable.

Tsui Hark began to learn advanced film and television production concepts and methods in the United States very early, but after returning from his studies, he did not become a propagandist of Western cultural concepts, but became a filmmaker who used advanced Western film and television production technology to tell Chinese stories. Trailblazers and innovators.

"The True Colors of a Hero", produced by Tsui Hark, created a hero film genre; "Xiaoqian", produced by Tsui Hark, is the first 2D and 3D computer animated feature film in Asia; "Old Master Q 2001", produced by Tsui Hark , Xiangjiang's first film that combines 3D animated characters and live-action performances. "Flying Swords of the Dragon Gate", written and directed by Tsui Hark, is the first 3D martial arts film of Zhongying;

When thousands of viewers complain that domestic films do not have good screenwriters, and the types of stories are becoming more and more the same, many film and television creators may have forgotten that China is an ancient country with thousands of years of history and civilization, and there is a profound heritage waiting for them to dig.

At this time, Tsui Hark used "Huang Feihong" to remind them that when the Qing Dynasty was humiliated, there were countless heroes who stood up like Huang Feihong; he used "Green Snake" and "A Chinese Ghost Story" to spread thousands of stories. The myth of the new white lady in 1990 and the legends of ghosts written by Pu Songling endowed the era with fresh blood, reminding them that the myths and legends that could only exist in the imagination in the past can now be on the screen; he used the series "Di Renjie", It reproduces a dynasty that has been lost in the long river of history.

It is precisely because Xu Hark is really strong that Xu Jinyang is willing to give him more benefits and tie him firmly to his chariot.

When Xu Hark heard that Xu Jinyang was so forthright, his heart was full of joy.

In New Art City, he was tortured by his boss Ma Jia's cost control, and many ideas were stifled. In his dream, he wanted a boss who trusted him so much..

Tsui Hark could feel that Xu Jinyang valued and trusted him very much, and a warm current rolled in his heart, creating a complex that a scholar would die for his confidant!

Xu Jinyang offered Tsui Hark a signing fee of 5 million. Such a high signing fee shocked the entire entertainment circle!

What else could Tsui Hark say, of course he agreed.

"Investment project: Tsui Hark

Investment period: 30 years

Investment amount: 5 million

ROI: 600x!"

It seems that Tsui Hark's return on investment is not particularly high, but it is already considered the top among these directors. After all, it cannot be compared with those women who have the attributes of Vanves.

Give him 5 million now, and Xu Jinyang will earn 3 billion in the future!

this is already quite

Considerable, far more than most directors!

Moreover, this is Xu Jinyang's empty-handed white wolf, who successfully intercepted Hu Xuke from New Art City without spending a penny!

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the master for successfully intercepting Hu Xuke from New Art City Film Company, and rewarding the master with 50 million Hong Kong dollars.

The 50 million Hong Kong dollars came from the bank account of Ma Jia, the owner of New Art City Film Company. After a series of traceless operations, it has entered the owner's bank account. The owner can legally

Reasonable dominance. "

Xu Jinyang gave New Art City Film Company a liquidated damages of 5 million, so that Tsui Hark could get out of the film company without any trouble.

In doing so, Xu Jinyang did not offend the boss of Jin Gong's hospitalization line behind New Art City Film Company.

Of course, the reason why Tsui Hark was able to come out so smoothly is because the relationship between Tsui Hark and their boss has been deteriorating in the past few years.

I hate it, it's better to separate earlier.

Tsui Hark also brought his girlfriend Shi Nansheng over and introduced his decision.

Shi Nansheng loves Tsui Hark to the bottom of his heart, marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, so he happily followed him to Shuguang Films, and became the executive vice president and head of the production department of the film company

Supervisor, specializing in film production.

Why was Shi Nansheng appointed as executive vice president instead of Tsui Hark?

This is because Shi Nansheng is a top producer who can take care of the overall situation, unlike Xu Bie who only focuses on movies.

At the beginning, Tsui Hark had just joined New Arts City to shoot the movie "Ghost Horse, Smart Stars", which earned more than 7 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office, defeating the two giants of Shaw Brothers and Golden Harvest who were in the limelight.

A large part of this is due to Shi Nansheng's contribution.

For Tsui Hark, Shi Nansheng became the "housekeeper" of New Arts City. In addition to the film itself, she took care of system formulation, budget, management, distribution, publicity, etc.

Tsui Hark won the Best Director Award for the film, and later filmed "Best Partner: The Queen's Secret Order", completely gaining a firm foothold and becoming a well-known director.

Shi Nansheng has always been Tsui Hark's most powerful wings and most solid backing.

Talented Tsui Hark is only in charge of filming, and all other matters are handed over to Shi Nansheng.

Soliciting sponsorships, running venues, and publicizing, Shi Nansheng relied on his strong contacts and abilities to manage everything in an orderly manner.

Sometimes Tsui Hark is so wild that he is out of touch with reality, Shi Nansheng will bring him back to reality. After all, while considering art, movies also have to consider box office, market and return on investment, etc.

Factor 2.5 prime.

Their cooperation complemented each other, and Shi Nansheng was willing to do the behind-the-scenes work without complaint or regret, making her man Tsui Hark a success.

With the help of Shi Nansheng, Tsui Hark reached the pinnacle of his career. With the popularity of films such as "A Chinese Ghost Story", "The True Colors of a Hero", "Swordsman" and "Swordsman", "Xu Hark

He became a famous director for a while.

Shi Nansheng's love for Tsui Hark can be said to be deep in her bones, but she never lost herself.

She has indeed made Tsui Hark's career, and she is also admirably excellent, known for her ability and understanding.

In the film and television circles, no one calls her "Mrs. Tsui Hark", and no one defines her by Tsui Hark's success, they will only be impressed by her extraordinary ability.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the master for successfully recruiting the top producer Shi Nansheng from New Art City, and rewarding the master with 50 million Hong Kong dollars.

The 50 million Hong Kong dollars came from the bank account of Bing Tian, ​​another boss of New Art City Company, and entered the owner's account safely through a series of traceless operations.

With the help of this couple, Xu Jinyang is even more powerful.

There are at least a troika of future dawn movies, one is Tsui Hark's new martial arts movie, the other is Wu Yusen's violent aesthetic movie, and the other is Zhou Xingchi and Wang Jing's nonsensical comedy


These three carriages are enough to ensure that Shuguang Films will continue to win the box office champion, runner-up and third place in the future, making money like crazy.

Moreover, this can also ensure that Shuguang Film Company will have a strong attraction to the beauties from Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Mainland that continue to appear later, and they all want to enter this film company to make movies

, to become a big star like Wang Zuxian!

Those beauties entering Shuguang Film Company [have to go through an interview with the big boss Xu Jinyang.

Xu Jinyang can choose from a thousand choices to choose the woman he likes, including Li Jiaxin, Guan Zhilin, Zhang Bozhi, Chen Hong, Hu Qing, Lin Zhiling, Jia Jingwen, etc.

The beauties of the three places have a 100% success rate in cutting off their beards!

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