The Rebirth of the Financial Hegemon

Chapter 112 Unsolvable Dead End

Bank clerk Susha found that this day seemed a little different from usual.

Not long after I started working, ten people walked into the bank one after another.

this is nothing.

The Shatong business point is close to a commercial street, so the flow of people is usually relatively large.

But what is different from usual is that among the few people who came in when the bank opened, except for two people who were handling money withdrawals, the others were handling exchanges.

Susha felt a little strange, but she didn't think much about it.

When banks are open for business, customers are free to do whatever business they want.

But before long, Susha was almost confused.

Half tired, half tired.

It was only 8:30 in the morning, and there was already a long queue of people in front of the window.

Deposits, withdrawals, account opening, and exchange.

No matter how fast Susha worked, the humanoid dragon showed no signs of shortening.

The other windows weren't much better.

The long queue to handle business stretched from the bank counter to the street.

On the street outside the bank.

Following Herod's instructions, Mark greeted the people in line and asked,

"Hey, bro, what are you doing?"

Gang members often decorate themselves with tattoos and other means.

Same goes for Mark.

There are various strange patterns tattooed on his face and neck.

Those patterns are nothing less than telling others.

I am not a good guy.

Even though Mark had lowered his posture as much as possible, the person he asked was still frightened and took a few steps back.

This made Mark feel that his dignity had been challenged.

The man didn't answer his question.

Mark became angry and grabbed the man's neck and said fiercely.

"Hey, I asked you something, didn't you hear? What are you doing lining up here?"

"I... let's go to the bank and change the Thai baht into US dollars."

"Then why didn't you say anything when I asked you just now?"


The task assigned by the boss has not been completed yet, and Mark has no intention of continuing to cause trouble. He patted the man on the shoulder and said.

"Next time, don't ask me to ask you a question a second time."

KuDeTa entrance.

Herod was smoking a cigarette.

As a German, Herold still maintained the German habit of smoking.

Rolling papers, tobacco.

All processed by ourselves.

Ten minutes later, Mark came over carrying a bag of breakfast.

Herod asked.

"What's going on over there? Why are there so many people there?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Those people went to the bank to change dollars."

Herod was stunned for a moment.

He suddenly remembered what Devika told him last night.

The Thai baht, which will have its fixed exchange rate removed, may become worthless.

Is this true?

Otherwise, why would so many people line up to go to the bank to exchange US dollars early in the morning?

After realizing this, Herod no longer bothered to eat breakfast.

He shook the tobacco in his hand and roared.

"Mark, something is going to happen. Go back to the beer house immediately and ask the brothers to bring all the Thai baht we have."

"What's wrong, boss?"

"Stop asking, just go quickly."


When Herod ordered Mark to go back to the beer house to withdraw money, many people across Bangkok were doing the same thing.

Because many people have discovered something is wrong.

When many people got up and took to the streets, they saw long queues forming in front of banks.

No one is stupid.

So many people are exchanging dollars.

There is only one possibility, the Thai Baht will depreciate.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why so many people want to exchange their Thai baht into US dollars.

Like Jiucai.

In Bangkok, Jiuchai is considered middle class.

Not considered top-tier rich, but richer than many ordinary people.

Men become bad when they have money.

In other words, there will always be various temptations after you have money.

I guess after getting rich,

What I like most is going to various nightclubs.

To put it in the words of Jiucai.

People make money just to be cool. If you don’t feel cool even if you have money, what’s the point of asking for money.

However, in the past six months, Jiucai has gone to nightclubs much less often.

He lost more than 50% of his net worth due to failed investments in the stock market.

Assets have shrunk significantly, and Jiuchai has to cut back on spending.

New year, new start.

After New Year's Day, Jiuchai, who hadn't been to a nightclub for a long time, missed the gentle ladies there.

So he convinced himself that he should go again.

While there, Jiuchai overheard some incredible news.

The Thai Baht will become worthless.

Regarding this news, Jiucai was initially dubious.

But on his way home in the morning, he discovered that it was all true.

At the bank, so many people were queuing up to exchange their Thai baht into US dollars.

This shows that the Thai baht is really going to depreciate.

Jiucai suddenly felt that he understood a lot of things.

No wonder the stock market has continued to fall during this year, and it is no wonder that real estate prices have continued to reach new lows during this year.

Prices are driven by money.

The more funds you buy, the more prices will rise.

vice versa.

If the price falls, it must be because more funds were sold to make it fall.

Where did the money from selling the stocks go? Where did the money from selling the house go?

There is only one possibility.

That money has flowed out of Thailand.

damn it.

After realizing this, Jiuchai could no longer care about anything else and ran towards his home.

In the stock market, he has been regarded as a leek.

This time, he must not let his remaining wealth turn into waste paper.

Jushi Asset Management.

Robert was on the phone reporting the work situation to his boss.

"Boss, as you expected, there are already long queues at the entrance of major banks. Yes, our people have been withdrawn. Okay, I understand, I will arrange for them to leave the country immediately. Photo, I It has been taken, I asked them to take it with them when they pass by... Well, I understand. What, continue to add short? But there are no buying orders in the market now, I know..."

After hanging up the phone.

Robert's expression was very complicated.

Even as the executor, he still had a lingering feeling of fear.

Who would have thought that his boss would have dug a hole there half a year ago.

What a deep pit.

This is simply a rhythm that will kill Thailand.

Now, Robert can completely connect a line.

In places like nightclubs, the only people who can really take girls to the VIP box to spend money are the rich.

If I don’t have money, I’m afraid I won’t even buy the 400 baht ticket.

Not to mention taking the lady to play.


It is also the most famous nightclub in Bangkok.

There is a place where wealthy businessmen, gangsters and some multinational businessmen hang out.

As for the women there, no matter which mouth they open, there is no lock.

What happens when those women accidentally learn some secrets?

The results said it all.

It is nonsense to expect a creature like a woman to keep secrets.

They will expose the secret in the shortest possible time and make it even more exaggerated.

An ant may turn into an elephant in the mouths of those women.

What's more, it's a secret that can be shown off.

Destiny is always composed of countless fate lines.

But if each line can clearly judge its trajectory, then there will no longer be any secrets in destiny.

There will only be destined results.

Perhaps, this is the master of destiny.


Bank of Thailand.

Bank president Sonny’s face turned livid.

He discovered that things were serious.

But what makes him anxious is that he can't find any way to solve this problem at all.

Freely convertible currency is a monetary policy that Thailand has implemented for decades.

Once currency controls are imposed, Thailand's credibility will completely collapse.

But if the control continues like this, it will inevitably cause large-scale panic.

By that time, banks will be completely paralyzed due to runs.

The Thai baht will also inevitably collapse due to a run.

This is a dead end with no solution.

Regardless of whether he is dead or not, he is still dead.

And even if he wants to control some people, he has no right to control them at all.

what to do?

"Ring ring ring..."

While Sonny was thinking about how to solve this deadlock, the phone on his desk suddenly rang.

"What? What did you say? Damn it. Who gave them the order."

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