The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1023: After all, it’s free.

"Twenty years ago, my older brother forced Chu Yu in front of me. I buried my hate in my heart. I cultivated a lonely sword by relying on his hatred. I became a living dog. 126shu"

"The more I hate him for the past 20 years, the higher I am, the more I go to Kunlun Mountain every five years. But every time I walk in his hands, there are three tricks!"

"I can't take revenge in my life, so I gave him the sword Ling Nei Dan, I hope you can kill him for me."

"This is another person's entrustment!"

Yan Bayu smiled bitterly.

"Who?" Qin asked.

"Fu Dengjie!"

"In that year, he was the first in the cloud, and he wanted to avenge Chu Yu in the north. I was stopped by the Forbidden City. I was finally killed by a sword. Before he died, there was only one wish, that is, let me kill Yan Jiudian!"

"I have no play, so I can only borrow your hand."

Yan Bayu Road.

"Okay, I promise you!" Qin Hao calmly said.

"Don't be defeated by my sword. This sword is taught by Kunlun. If Yan Qitian carries the hatred of your body, he can't stop it!"

"Today you can't kill Yan Dongyang. There are too many masters in this house. When I die, I don't have a lone star to keep them. You can't get back!"

"Let me send you a ride!"

Yan Baye took out a medicinal herb, swallowed it, forced himself to fight, and walked outside the door.

"I ask you, who can win with Wu Shen?" Qin said in the moment the door opened.

Yan Baye stopped his footsteps and silently recited his body. "You still have a year to go. Once the temple is completed, it is the day of the sword on Tianshan. I will choose you between you, because you have love, My older brother is ruthless. If a person has no love, it is no different from the grass, and the heavens and the earth will not help!"

Speaking of this, he has no extra strength to speak, Qin Hao came over and opened the door and walked out with him.

Outside the hall, the heads of the Eight Desolation Army gathered together, and Zheng Zheng guarded the outside of the hall. They were squatting with the Yanjia inner door sergeant and secret guard. The Eight Lords House exudes a strong smell of gunpowder.

"Eight uncle, this person intends to kill me, is not good for Yan family, must be in addition to him." Yan Dongyang stood behind the Kunlun special envoy and so far, shouted.

"Besides him? Is it by you?"

"Come on, let the unnamed gentleman and the shackle leave the government!"

Yan Baye gasped a few breaths with his head down, and once again forced the last breath, ordered.

"Old eight, you are crazy, he hit the door, you have to let him go?" Yan Siye coldly shouted.

"This is my site. What do I do? What should I do?"

"You have to stop him, just step on my body!"

Yan Baye finished this sentence, shaking his long sleeves, his hands behind him, his waist straight and straight, looking up at the sky, with a faint smile on his face, at the last moment of his life, he thought of the night of the Chu family. Chu Yu sang a song of the night in the city.

"Advising Jun Yangchun three cups of wine, the flowers are nine steps of chaos, this situation has broken blood, Huang Quanbi has echoes..."

Chu Yu sang all night, Yan Ba ​​cried all night!

He never thought of himself as a king. What a great man, only the four cities and nine cities are a raging son!

I have been in prison for 20 years, hated for 20 years, suffered for 20 years, and finally got rid of...

"Eight Lord!"

The eight squadrons will stand in line with the people in the government, bow down and salute, and pay a last tribute to one of the most powerful people in China.

"In fact, he is the real poor man!"

Lin Biao took Qin Qin's hand and sighed softly.

Qin Lan turned around and did not look at Yan Baye again, holding Lin Biao slowly moving forward.


Yan’s soldiers and guards, swords and guns, blocked the retreat of Qin Yu!

"Stop the nameless!" Yan Dongyang screamed.

Qin Hao’s previous strike has already formed a shadow of terror in his heart. He has a hunch that he will not kill this person today, and he will become a nightmare in the future!

"Hey, are you afraid?" Qin Lan took Lin Biao's hand and asked with a smile.

"Not afraid, can be with you, why not die?" Lin Biao smiled, she was never as happy as this moment, a red makeup, and a beloved man, she is married today, Yan Ba, why Not him?

"The bones of the Eight Lords are not cold. I see who dares to defy the command of the Eight Lords. I will let them go. Whoever dares to block the unknown, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The head of the most powerful flood army of the Eight-Year Army Corps pulled out the sword from the waist and pointed to Yan Dongyang and others.

Suddenly, the eight-year-old soldiers showed their swords and guns, and the two sides confronted each other.

"Li Bing, you a small outside door officer, dare to confront the inner door, live impatient?" Yan Dongyang is not happy.

"Yeah, your inner door claims to have 100,000 people, masters like clouds, and even more famous Yan Yanjun!"

"But I am Li Bing and a few brothers. One day is the soldier of the Eight Lords. In this life, I am the soldier of the Eight Lords. Whoever dares to confront the Eight Lords, I want his head!"

Li Bing is not good, sneer ~~ Several other heads of the army also show their position at the same time. They usually have a private fight, but they have absolute loyalty to Yan Baye!

"Dongyang, you see..." Yan Siye looked at Yan Dongyang and frowned.

Yan Dongyang is not stupid. Here is the outer door. The old nest of the Eight-Year Army is really going to fight. The people he brings are elite, but they can’t hold more than 10,000 people.

Besides, the death of the Eight Lords, the reshuffle of the outer door is a matter of time, and it is impossible to break the bar at this time.

Anyway, this is Yanjing. If you don’t have a name, you can fly. Where can you fly?

The key is that Yan Dongyang does not dare to force too urgently. He has a master like a cloud, but in case of no name, he will not be able to catch up.

"Big brother, the eight uncles are not cold, you should not make trouble, or you should be busy first." Yan Beiyang looked at Qin Hao, as if he had thought of something, and quickly came to the round.

Yan Dongyang just passed this step, and his tone softened. He said coldly: "Well, since it is the order of the uncle, I will give you this face and let go!"

He ordered that the disciples and soldiers of the inside and outside doors were released at the same time, and they opened a road.

Qin Lan did not hurry to go, watching Yan Dongyang, Sen Ran sneered: "Yan Gongzi, you better prepare a few substitutes, otherwise the next time you meet, but not so lucky."

At this time, he has calmed down his inner hatred and anger, especially when he just broke a substitute, Qin Zhen found that he did not have the kind of revenge!

A trick to kill Yan Dongyang is definitely not what he wants. He wants to fight the entire Yan family and slowly torment, let Yan Dongyang die in despair!

"You can leave Yanjing alive, talk to me about the next meeting!"

"Do not send!"

Yan Dongyang iron face, cold channel.

Ps: There are updates later.

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