The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1024: Come, come back!

Lin Mengxi looked at Qin Yu and Yu, and went out of the Eight Lords House. At that moment, her tears couldn’t help but fall. 126shu

She is happy for her sister in her heart, and her lover is finally married. The most romantic thing is this.

However, watching the nameless and her sister go hand in hand, but her heart is also a bit more bleak.

My sister waited for the man she wanted, but what about herself?

The one who promised the uncle to come, did not show up until the end.

After all, he still reneged on his words, perhaps as he thought, the man had already forgotten her.

Just since I forgot, why bother to agree, the disciples have added such a little trouble to her!

"Qin Wei, is the oath of Nanzhou really a dream?"

"This moment, I miss you, where are you?"

Lin Mengyan wiped away tears, and his heart was as uncomfortable as a knife.

Suddenly, she hated herself and hated Qin.

Why do you want to go to Nanzhou, why do you want to see it as soon as possible?

When my mother left, she said that love is nothing but a dream of a dream, a wishful dream!

Lin Mengxi, you are stupid!

"Small, let's go!"

"When you go, Lin doesn't know what will happen."

Lin Zhong looked sighing heavily, screaming, pulling Lin Mengyu and the guests from the front door and quickly left.

The grass is cool, the wind in the early summer is cool!

Qin Lan and Lin Biao lay side by side in the grass, lazy sun, no one spoke.

"No name, the whole world is quiet, it's good to have only you and me."

"I really doubt that this will be a dream!"

Lin Biao was on the chest of Qin Yu, and his face was filled with the happiness of the rest of his life.

"Of course not!" Qin took care of her hair, faint.

"You take me away, let's go to the rivers and lakes, you will give birth to me, you will die, if you can be together, this life will be enough." Lin said.

"Hey, if one day, you find that I am another person, are you still willing to follow me?" Qin Xiao sat up and held her on her lap and asked seriously.

"My world has no black and white, no right and wrong, who you are is not important, because in my heart you are nameless!"

"I have seen a lot of things in these years. Believe me, my heart is stronger than you think."

Lin Biao answered him seriously.

----- User Tips: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. :

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---


"Well, if you have this sentence, I will be relieved." Qin Xiao smiled.

He was very hesitant to tell Lin Biao about his true identity. After thinking about it, he finally dismissed the idea!

Anonymous belongs to Lin Biao, and this identity is left to her, and she does not despise her.

"No name, you see how beautiful this red robes are, and others say that it is best for people to have only one red makeup in their lifetime. The sky is proof, the earth is the medium, why don't you marry me, okay?" Lin Biao Qin Asked about the neck, looking forward with expectation.

"Well, I swear to the sky in the name of no name, Yulin is a wife, no regrets in this life!" Qin Yan stood up, pulling his hand and swearing to the sky!

The two worshiped the heavens and the earth, taking the land as a table. Naturally, there was a lot of room and clouds. When they first tasted people, happiness was about to faint in the arms of Qin Yu. The two of them did a happy life.

This time in the city, it is a fall of the sky!

The news that the Eight Lords were assassinated and Lin Biao went with the Assassin was quickly spread throughout Yanjing City.

Originally enviable, the happy Lin family, now dead, filled with suffocating feelings of suffocation.

The Yan family lost their face in this matter, although Yan Siye and others knew that the Eight Lords were determined to seek death to demonstrate to the Valkyrie, but such important figures died, they must give the world a statement.

So Lin Biao became the culprit of the evil man, the red face!

Yan family is angry, Lin family is like a small ant at the foot of an elephant, and it can be turned into powder at any time.

Lin Tiannan, the owner of this house, was even more uneasy. Not only did the bridegrooms sent by Yan Ba’s all returned, but they also lost 30 billion yuan in burial fees.

This is worthless for the Yan family, but it is the last bit of capital of the Lin family!

The Lin family members have since asked to withdraw from the family and defected to their ancestors. In the afternoon, more than half of the ethnic groups have retired from their families and escaped from the capital.

Lin Tiannan also wants to go, but he can't go!

No way, the ancestral surname passed down by the ancestors, anyone can go, but he can't.

At this moment, he was ten years old, sitting on a big chair and sighing again and again.

The old people sitting underneath are also pulling their faces one by one and sighing.

"Homeowner, Lin family can not afford to live, you give a statement, you can't really keep it, let the rest of the people are scattered!" For a long time, the old man is fair.

"I have already issued a sin book to Yan Gong, Wu Shen and Yan Jia Si Gongzi. I can't go, I can't go too far, I am going to die!"

"Lin has already married the ancestors, the only thing that can be done is to die in this house to be the last Lin family."

Lin Tiannan looked at the vicissitudes of the hall, the ancient figure carvings, and sighed.

"Miss is back!" Lin Zhong and Lin Mengyu walked side by side.

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Please inform the novel users: Please read the rest of your eyes for a long time. :

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Come in.

"Small you come over." Lin Tiannan rushed his daughter and waved.

Lin Mengxi walked over and she knew that Lin’s family was dead! My sister escaped from this prison, but she has nowhere to go.

"Father!" Lin Mengxi walked to the front and shouted at him.


"Oh, kind of the same kind as your mother!"

"Don't think that I don't know, that is, you are igniting in the hurricane, and you are leaving."

"The Lin family is about to Are you satisfied now?"

Lin Tiannan raised his hand and slap it in the past, pointing at his daughter's nose and yelling.

"You, you hit me?"

Lin Mengxi couldn't believe the man who looked at the roaring, and asked in tears.

From small to large, Lin Tiannan did not beat her, did not expect such an insult today, is this still his father?

Lin Tiannan is really breaking out!

He didn't suffer for a lifetime. He saved the woman and adopted her child. She didn't even touch her finger, but she left without saying goodbye.

The woman looked down on him from the bones and only regarded him as a stepping stone for safety!

Lin Tiannan was trapped by her for a lifetime, and she was injured for a lifetime. Now the only family is ruined because of this woman’s daughter!

He hated the mother and daughter! Hate yourself, why did you want to take the **** woman!

"Lin Zhong, stare at me for her!"

"Before Lin Biao didn't find it, she would never be allowed to step out of Lin's house!"

Lin Tiannan thunder shouted.

"Homeowners, the overall situation is unfavorable, let the lady go." Lin Qian hardly advised.

With the power of the Yan family, the forest family was destroyed. It took only one night's work, and Lin Mengyu stayed behind, fearing that it would be difficult to have a living path.

"Oh, then let her die in the Lin family!" Lin Tiannan no expression.

As I said, a Lin family disciple outside the door ran in a panic: "Come, come back!"

"What is back?" Lin Tiannan asked without hesitation.

"The Yan family came, and they gave the bride price, and the money given by the Eight Lords, back."

"Dongyang Gongzi is outside the door!"

Lin’s disciple was so excited and stuttering.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow will be, good night, friends!

(End of this chapter)

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