The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1043: The visitor is the guest

Yan Liu is indeed a rare talent, a resourceful, talented, and the army is divided into three ways. 126shu

The three regiments were transferred to attack Mazhuang. The two regiments were fortified in the halfway of Mazhuang and the base. The two corps of the wilderness and the Wuhuang were selected to be three hundred elites. With him, Sanjinkou secretly went to Shijing to attack the Song family. The next person is clearly starting from Sanjinkou, and attacking Jiangdong!

"Yan Shuai, you let the people under the son of Laozi, clearly go to fight, isn't it to die?" Li Bing stood in Sanjinkou, looking at Shijing in the distance, asked coldly.

"Yes, Yan Shuai, you have to think clearly. These are the brothers who have been born and died for many years. Since I brought them, we must ensure their safety!" Zhang Xiaofeng, the head of the Wuhuang Army, echoed.

"You are right, they are going to die!"

"War casualties are a must, but whether or not they can win is the key. The two major squads of the wilderness and the savage have the strongest fighting power. Even if they are an enemy, they can also fight for half a day. This gives us the opportunity to occupy the Song family. At the same time, the other five legions can easily carry out tactics such as sneak attack and roundabout cutting!"

"They must die!"

Yan Liu took a sip of wine and looked at the soldiers who stood on the river and calmed down.

"You, you let my people go to die? This is not to fight!" Zhang Xiaofeng screamed and screamed.


"Chaotic me, when I dare not marry you?"

The gentle Yanliu, who has always been gentle, suddenly sinks his face, screaming, and waving his sleeves, hehe! A large bluestone in front of you broke off!

"Old Zhang, don't worry, as long as you can win the battle, win Jiangdong, these brothers are also worth the death."

"But we can't take it down. Let's go back and count the general ledger with him."

Li Bing advised.

Zhang Xiaofeng bit his teeth and finally snorted and stopped speaking.

The army marched in accordance with the instructions. Yan Liu personally led the team and sneaked into the Wuyi River from Sanjinkou. At this time, it was already more than three o'clock in the middle of the night, but because the moon was covered by dark clouds, it was dark and it was a sneak attack. A good time.

"Yan Shuai, have you seen it? That is the Song Mansion!"

"The Song family is a family of Qin Hou's maiden family, and his mother is often stationed in the museum. As long as they can win them, Qin Hou will be in a hurry!"

A follower pointed to a glorious mansion in the distance, a small channel.

"Well, listen to me, go to the public hall, remember, can not kill, never let the knife soldiers!"

"Whoever dares to kill innocent people, who I want."

Yan Liu sighed, the cat was just about to leave, screaming a few loud noises, breaking the silence of the night sky!

"What is going on? Where is the cannon?" asked Zhang Xiaofeng.

"It seems to be the direction of Sanjinkou, then... what is that?" Li Bing pointed at the fireball in the night sky like a meteor, and asked in amazement.

Whenever there is a fireball falling, the loud noise will be inexplicable, and then the Sanjinkou will be ignited.

"Yan Shuai, I am the deputy commander of the Second Army. We were attacked by unidentified armed forces in Dongan, Sanjinkou. The firepower of the other party is very fierce. Our people are dying..."


There was a loud noise in the earphone, and the deputy commander did not move!

"Mad, surnamed Yan, this is your trick?" Take off the headphones, squatting on the ground, roaring.

Yan Liu’s face, which was always stunned, was a bit stunned at the moment. He could be described as a soldier’s surprise. He didn’t expect the other person to know him well, and he had already laid out the pockets and waited for them to drill.

"Call, I saw the owner of Jiangdong." Yan Liu secretly sighed.

"Give me shut up. If you want to leave Jiangdong alive, there will be only one road, occupying the Song Mansion, and seeking a lifeline." Yan Liu took the opportunity to make a decision.

Although Li Bing and others were angry, they were helpless. They could only bite the scalp and follow Yan Liu to the Song Mansion.


The thick Zhu Hong door of the Song Gongguan was broken and the Yan Liu led several hundred good hands to come in. The whole yard was dark and dead silence.


How can a patrol person not have a large Song Mansion?

Not good, is it jumping in the circle again?

Yan Liu was shocked!


Suddenly, the lights in the yard were opened, and the glare of the incandescent lamp was bright and white, and many soldiers screamed in surprise.

Yan Liu was about to order the retreat. The door of the main hall was opened. A young man in a military uniform led several soldiers wearing black armor and walked out of the hall.

"Guest from the north, my name is Song Wei, the grandson of the Song Gongguan Museum. I am the head of the Second Army of the Daqin Army! Welcome to the Song Mansion. Hou Ye said that he will arrive later, please sit in the lobby!" The officers and men are extraordinary, not humble.

"Yan Shuai, this, what should we do? Otherwise we will kill it!" Zhang Xiaofeng saw Song Wei only a few people in the district, cold and sensation.

"Is it useful to kill him? We have already fallen into the circle of Qinhou. It seems that there is still the possibility of talking. It is impossible to walk away. If you come, you can go in and have a cup of tea." Shake his head and go inside first.

In the hall, a servant of the Song family came up to serve the fragrant tea.

What makes Yan Yan curious is that when the servants see the murderous, they don’t have the slightest fear, just like treating the regulars.

"Guest tea is before the new rain, please use it slowly." The old servant took the tray and nodded.

"Old people, are you not afraid that my brother's butcher's knife will kill you?" Yan Liu smiled.

"The guests laughed, Hou said that you are a guest, but you are not saying that you are a bandit bandit!"

"Slow it!"

The old servant calmly replied, and fell back.

"Oh, it seems that I am really underestimating Qinhou. A small servant of the Song Mansion can have such a temperament. Where are you sacred?"

Yan Liu looked at the lobby in the Song Dynasty, the extraordinary momentum, there is the generals of the wind, and then look at the same is the head of the army Zhang Xiaofeng, the heart is known, the arrogant outside door, the roots and the Qin army is not a level.


From the beginning to the end of the Battle of Sanzinkou, it was not even for twenty minutes. The fire of the day's cannon was mixed with the overwhelming fire, which made the whole earth tremble. At the same time, the soldiers of the Legion put down the butcher's knife in their hands.

Yes, the martial arts regiment’s duel is not allowed to use modern firearms. This is a customary rule.

However, this spar cannon belongs to the class of martial arts, and no one can pick the fault. The soldiers of the Eighth Army are no longer stupid, and they will not take their own flesh and blood to smash these big killers.

At the same time, the Qingxikou Legion and the Daqin Army were in the valley, and they were facing the front.

The two sides did not immediately start a life-and-death confrontation, but waited for the orders of the highest officials of both sides!

The mountain wind whistling, the soldiers of the Great Qin Army were covered in black armor. The translucent army knife exudes a white cold light. The secluded horse under the body is the fire of the eyes and hooves. It is like a **** army, like a stone sculpture, guarding in the mouth of the valley.

The neat military force has made the eight-year-old soldiers who have always been arrogant!

Several army leaders instantly understood that Yan Liu did not lie to them, this time the South came to die.

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