The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1044: 1 North and South pro

Yan Liu sat in a chair and tasted tea!

The tea is very fragrant, and when you enter the spleen and lungs, there is an incomparable comfort, as if all the troubles are eliminated.

Li Bing and others saw that he still had the mood to drink tea. The lungs of the gas were all blown up. He even suspected that Yan Liu was the spy of Qin Hou, and deliberately led the Eight Wild Army to die.

However, Song Wei stood in the hall. The strong and confident momentum made Li Bing and others not happy to kill a **** mind. Only patience.

At the moment, Qin Lan was walking on the streets of Shijing, walking slowly with him. He was somewhat disappointed in his heart.

Originally thought that it would be the most elite Yanyan army in Yanjia’s inner door. The result was sent to the outer door eight army army!

He didn't want to start with the Eight Abandoned Legion, because these are the people of Yan Baye. In the Eight Lords House, the blood of several military leaders, he has seen with his own eyes, are the heroes of the iron skeleton.

"No name, don't you say that Jiangdong has a big deal? Why don't you worry?" Lin Biao asked curiously.

"Hey, have you ever thought about it if I am another person!"

"I am another person, will you choose again?"

Qin Lan stopped and asked slowly.

"Who is who you are not important, because I know that you have me in your heart!"

"If I really want to look at my face, I have to pick a long, handsome point, isn't it?"

He took his hand and smiled softly.

"Well, then I will take you to a place to show you my other face." Qin Xiao smiled and took her to speed up her pace.

When I arrived at the entrance of the Song Mansion, I saw the arrogant soldiers standing outside the door, and I became more curious about the unknown name.

In her heart, the nameless should be a knight who wanders the world, but in fact his identity seems to be extraordinary. First, the state of West, and then the soldiers, who is he?

"Are you there?" Qin asked.

"Sir, the people arrived early, and the head of the Songs accompanied them to drink tea." A soldier replied.

Qin Hao nodded and took the donkey and went in!

As soon as they appeared, Yan Liu and Li Bing were stupid!

"Mr. Anonymous, you, how come you!" Li Bing, Zhang Xiaofeng and others rose at the same time and asked in amazement.

I am also very curious. How do the several heads of the Eighth House run here to drink tea?

"General Lee, you, are you invited guests of no name?" he asked.

"I have long thought of it. There is no one else except the world that can fight with the Eight Lords."

"He is nameless, but there is another identity, Jiangdong Qinhou!"

"Hou, I am not wrong?"

Yan Liu put down the tea bowl, stood up, and walked back to Qin Hao with his hands, and asked with a smile.

"Yes, I am Qinhou!" Qin Hao's hand squinted on his face, showing the handsome face.

"Qin Hao!"

When I saw the familiar face, I felt a whirlwind and almost didn't faint.

If there is no name and two identities, the answer that she least wants to see is this. It is incredible that she and her sister fell in love with the same man.

Qin Lan looked at her and said nothing.

His eyes were red, his tears fell, and he ran out of the house without looking back.

Qin Hao did not chase, he knew that it was a bit difficult to accept this answer, and she had to give her room to think alone.

"What is the truth about the world, straightforward life and death!"

"The story of Hou Ye and Miss Lin, the city knows, envy."

"What is most feared in life is not regrets, but sadly, living a lifetime, but no one is worried, completely ignorant of love."

Yan Liu shrugged and sighed.

Although he hangs around the fireworks, he has never been able to find a woman who can make her life and deliver a lifetime.

"Yan Shuai is very affectionate. If this is the case, then the red dust travels, in case you find a confidante?"

"General Li, General Zhang, you and I are not the first time to deal with it. You have seen the battle of Sanjinkou. Now Qingxi Valley is already on the right side, or you can see it!"

Qin Yu faint.

Li Bing and others are also mixed, and the meaning of death war has been reduced by more than half.

They are admired by the Qin dynasty in their hearts and minds. They can courageously marry the Eight Lords House for a woman. What kind of courage and affection is this risk?

Everyone went to the Qingxi Valley together!

When seeing the uniform military capacity of the Daqin Army, Li Bing and others were shocked and stunned!

Whether it is the momentum of the army or the equipment, it is far better than the Eight-Year Army. If it is said that it was only a little arrogant before, it was determined that it was completely extinguished after seeing the Daqin Army.

"Yan Shuai, fight?" Qin Hao stood on the cliff and pointed at the soldiers underneath, and asked proudly.

"Yan is a flower drinker, but it is hard to go against it! When I came, Wu Shen had a strict order, either died in Jiangdong or occupied Jiangdong!"

"It seems that now that there is no drama, it can only be dead!"

Yan Liu smiled.

"Three generals, the army is brought out by you. You are the ones of my starling. You can't fight, it's all yours." Yan Liu turned and asked.

Li Bing and others face each other and can't fight, but they return to Yanjing, which is also a death, a dilemma.

"Yan Shuai, before the Eight Lords left, I have a very important entrustment to me. I feel that it is no problem to tell you!"

"That is to kill Yan nine days and avenge him!"

"So, we are not an enemy, but an online comrade!"

Qin Lan said it calmly.

"Yes, my brother, this life, the most hated is the big brother, he died in your hands, is a relief!" Yan Liu indirectly acknowledged the authenticity of Qin Yu's words.

Li Bing looked awkward and said to Zhang Xiaofeng: "The whistling wind, the order, all the brothers put down their weapons, can't tamper with listen to the arrangement of Hou Hou."


Zhang Xiaofeng didn't want to fight. He took the order and went down the hill to go.

Let's make it clear that all the soldiers of the Eighths of the Wild Army put down their weapons and stood in the same place!

"Hou, my people are here, killing you, you give a quick speech." Li Bingdao.

"I said, we are comrades-in-arms. It happens that my Daqin base is not short of food. I think everyone is better off."

"The compilation of your ministries remains unchanged. It is still an eight-disaster army. Each person has his own job! But he must be assigned to the Daqin Army, and I am your highest commander, military command office, and will add several positions of your army chiefs, but Let's make big things and negotiate together!"

"Li Bing, what do you think?"

Qin Hao asked.

"Hou Ye does not kill is already a great grace. It is an honor for me to join the Daqin Army!"

"Yes, the Eight Lords are gone, we will follow Hou Yegan, and then return to Beijing, and break the Kunlun, revenge for the Eight Lords!"

Li Bing and Zhang Xiaofeng and others were very happy on the spot.

"Wen Xuan, you and Li General and other negotiating matters!"

"Yan Shuai, let's talk."

Qin Yudao.

"The generals are assured that your equipment, life and our department will be arranged in a unified manner, and there will be no deviations!"

"We are a family in the future."

Wen Xuan represented Daqinjun and Li Bing.

"Great, great!"

"Our Eight Wild Army has finally got a home!"

Li Bing was grateful for the zero.

After the death of Ba Ye, the news about the disarmament of the outer door has been rumored. Li Bing and others are like no gods and ghosts. They have no sense of belonging. Now they are merged into the Daqin Army. They can continue to cross the battlefield. It is undoubtedly a great fortune. It is.


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