The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1115: 3 minutes enough

The records of the ghouls in the Code of the Holy See are arguable. Even in the corners of the Western 6th, there are occasional records of ghouls being disturbed, but the Alashan Giants are descendants of the Titans. They only follow the will of the gods, according to God promised that it is not allowed to appear in the world.

Therefore, when Shenyue said that their origins, Blywen and others were furious and more desperate and helpless.

"Fuck, save us, Taylor, you guys!"

Under the chase of the ghoul, Jeff flew and snarled.

He only watched the brothers around him catch up with the ghouls, or they became muddy under the giant's stone sticks.

"Taylor, you are guilty of the covenant, and you will drive these **** things back." Black angered Taylor.

Taylor took up the clarinet and stepped back a hundred meters. Haha laughed: "This is the handwriting of Master Tang, you can enjoy it."

Seeing the arrival of the ghouls and the giants, Elizabeth and Nikolay also breathed a sigh of relief. As a result, Qin dynasty is sure to die, and they have no worries.

"Shenzhou, Qinhou, what should I do now?" The hand holding the big sword in the picture was shaking, and asked quietly.

"We have no way back!"

"Come with me!"

Looking at the ghoul surrounded by the ring, Qin Hao was cold and cold.

"Black three!"

Qin Lan sighed aloud, and a three-foot-high Niu Ya Ye Fork emerged from the black fog. He took the lead and waved the Death Scythe and screamed at the Ghouls.

Where the sickle is waving, the ghoul is all in hand.

At the same time, Qin Yu's Nether Fire flutters around the body, shrouded in the crowd, but there are close people, all turned into ashes.

Blywen and others did not dare to shake at this time, and honestly followed the Qin dynasty side, and from time to time, the sword smashed back one or two ghouls rushed up.

The gods of the month are moving the light spells, and the holy light is flying in the ghosts. The ghouls covered by the light are immediately purified into nothingness.

However, even with the Netherfire and the Light, the dense group of ghouls is still going on and on, constantly hitting the Netherfire. The black three is not afraid, he is hard as iron, the ghoul's fangs and claws can't move him, but he is surrounded by several Alashan giants.

Although the Alashan Giants are not as good as the Black Three, they are not as flexible as they are, but they are naturally brute force, the skin is hard and hard, and the Black Three is an enemy three, which is not cheap, and it is also a hard fight.

"Qin Wei, through that mountain road, our people will meet there!" God month pointed to a distant path to remind Qin.

Qin Lan glanced at the end. At the end of the trail, there were six Alashan giants guarding them. Several monsters bigger than the buffalo were squatting at the feet of the giants, and they were fierce at first glance.

To make matters worse, the Ghouls and the Alashan Giants are still coming from all corners of the surrounding area, and they will not break through, but they will not be able to go.

"God of the month, put a signal bomb, can't wait any longer."

Bishop Chanderson ordered.

Shenyue took out the crystal ball and read the law. A blue flame rose up and lit up the sky.


It is the Emperor himself who is guarding the side of the mountain road. He leads the most sophisticated 800 light knights in the temple and is ready to answer.

When the blue signal flares skyrocketed, the Emperor was about to lead the soldiers into the ghost town. At this time, the blue light danger signal appeared in the sky of the bright town.

Then, a crystal on his chest emerged from the tragic scene of Tang De’s dark army rushing into the bright town.

"The town of Guangming had an accident, and everyone immediately rushed back to the town with me!" The Emperor no longer hesitated, and immediately made a decision.

"Father, God month, they are still fighting hard, can we see death?" Ryden asked anxiously at the ghost town.

"It’s too late, and it’s important to save the temple. If you let Tang De enter the temple and smash the gods, this war is really unavoidable."

After that, the Emperor rode a white elf horse, led the cavalry, and flew away.

Although Ryden was distressed by his daughter, but for the overall situation, he reluctantly released a retreat crystal, followed by going to the bright town.

When the white fireworks bloomed in the air, the face of God changed greatly, and Blywen even shouted desperately: "What the hell, they actually see death, are they crazy?"

The voice just fell, the direction of the bright town, a green fireworks skyrocketing.

Chandson’s lips murmured: “This is a trap, they are attacking the temple, and Don’s crazy!”

"Qin Hou, the saint, you can't escape, and quickly abolish the cultivation, and beg for mercy. I may give you a glimmer of hope, and then resist it. It is also a dead end. No one can go from the tens of thousands of ghouls. The giant's feet escaped."

Taylor carried enough energy on the tower in the distance, shouting in the air.

No one listened to his ghosts, and everyone died to kill the trail.

Surrounded by endless ghouls, the strength of the swordsman is awkward. If they are singled out and they are one enemy, they can come in handy. However, in this case, only the large area of ​​the gods and the Qin dynasty Can work.

"The saint, the bishop ~ ~ so go on, we can't kill it, we have to change the way." Qin looked at the pale cheeks of the cheeks, worried.

After all, he is not a god. The ghoul itself is very lethal. He may be able to kill with the black armor with the Nether Warrior, but it is difficult to rush out with everyone.

And continuous casting, coupled with the recent fierce battle, his instinct consumes most of the time, forcibly cast spells, may not have a chance of winning.

"Do you have any good ideas?" asked God.

"The only way to solve the bell is to take the bell. The only way is to take Taylor's magic flute and make the group avoid."

"However, I am going to win the Magic Flute, how long can you last?"

Qin Lan asked again.

"I can guarantee three minutes! Up to three minutes!" The bright and shining voice of God is filled with a firm look.

After that, she took off the cross on her chest and lifted the heavens to cast a spell: "The great, benevolent Lord, please give me the supreme glory, and protect the people of the world, let them be free from disaster, pain and torture!"

"There is no holy light curse! Come!"

But when the sky was shining, the light shattered the sky, and came down, connected with the cross, forming a holy mask of light, enveloping several people together with several thieves such as Jeff.

Under the blessing of the light power, the cross is constantly connected to the sky. Once the ghoul touches the mask, it becomes nothingness.

This is the case, under the control of Taylor's Magic Flute, it is still a steady stream of ups and downs, and the light curtain hits.

"Three minutes is enough!"

When Qin Lan saw the light curtain, the energy was strong, and he let go of his heart. The ghosts of the Nether Warrior were like long dragons, and they rushed all the way to Taylor, who was waiting on the roof of Dongtou.

(End of this chapter)


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