The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1116: Hand over the sky

Ghoul can not stand the overbearing bodyguards, the blood is bursting out of a **** road, straight through the distance to control the group of ghosts of Taylor.

There are several dark guild guards around Taylor who are on the side and think they are safe.

However, when he saw Qin Lan as a black dragon galloping, he could not help but feel fear.

He can control the ghoul and the Alashan giant, relying on the magic whistle given by Taylor. Once the magic flute is taken, the scene will be out of control.

Just half a minute's effort, Qin Yu passed through the thousands of ghouls and killed the house.

"Go down!"

Qin Hao out of thin air, a dragon, bang!

The cabin was smashed, and a few Taylors had no choice but to fall down and face the Qin.

This is also why Qin Yu underestimated the situation. He originally thought that there were only a few ghouls, and the giants were so few that they could easily go out. It was known that Taylor had hidden so many backhands.

Otherwise, you should take Taylor from the beginning. Fortunately, it is not too late.

"Hurry, stop him!"

Nikola on the side knows the courage of the Qin dynasty and orders to protect the law.

Several guards greeted them, and at the same time they showed the black light wings behind them. These people are all six-winged, which is equivalent to the early masters of the gods. It is one of the few masters of the dark church.

Tang De sent them all to protect Taylor, that is, Taylor was afraid that he would be abolished and half of the repaired Taylor could not hold back.

"court death!"

Qin Yu knows that at this time, the competition will be divided against the second. The bright sword will come out, and the shot will be the first style of the demon sword.

But see the purple purple Mong Dunsheng, a light arc smooth out, split the air, light.


A few guards and even the tricks have not been able to make it out, suddenly in the eye, there is only a sword in the sky!

The sword is even more terrible than the sickle of hell. A few people have not recovered, and they have lost their last consciousness.

There is no pain, no blood, and the Qin dynasty kills, directly to a touch of flying smoke.

No way, these people can walk horizontally in the West, but in the face of Qin Xiao, whose strength is several times stronger than them, they are only for death.

"You are still doing what you are doing, go up!"

Taylor was terrified, kicking Nikola with a kick, and scolded.

Nikolay and Elizabeth were completely scared by this sword. The two of them said nothing, and burst into tears: "Hou, we are forced, please beg you, give me a way, we One directs your allegiance and swears to death."

"Oh, you still go to Tangde to be loyal."

Qin Xiao sneered a sneak, the big sword was heavily photographed, and under the force of a million pounds, the two were suddenly smashed into two pieces.

Qin Lan walked over the bodies of the two and raised his hand to Taylor: "Get it!"

Taylor stepped back and said, "I just gave it to you, and you won't use it. Only me and Tang De know how to play."

"This will not bother you!"

The Qin dynasty transported 10% of the magical powers, and made swords with swords. Huang Quan’s knives rushed out, and there was no sham to straighten the head of Taylor.

Taylor was unwilling to die, his hands smashed a strange spell, and read aloud: "The Lord of Satan, give me infinite dark power, and punish the greed of this world in the name of fallen."

But when he saw his hands, he gave out a dark staff. He suddenly had six wings on his back, and the night around him rushed like a tide, covering his whole body tightly, and turned into the Lord of Satan. Image.


There was a hint of coldness in the corner of Qin Yu’s mouth.

If this did not abolish the dark emperor Taylor who was close to the seven wings before the repair, he was really not sure to win, but now, Taylor is not really a!

And Taylor is still a Dark Master, losing the first-hand curse, and only resisting it is not his opponent.

"One knife!"


The long sword squatted on Taylor's head, and Taylor snorted, holding the darkness of the scorpion and blocking it with the power of the lord.

However, the Qin dynasty's Huangquan knife method has been able to reach thousands of waves with the improvement of cultivation, and it is simply a natural enemy of death.

A knife is more than a knife, like a tide, a wave with a wave, Taylor only feels that the epee on the head is becoming more and more overbearing, Rao is the power of Satan is also difficult to support, when the six hundred knives, the power of darkness is exhausted, the law The stick showed a crack.

He finally understood why this Eastern youth could kill a soul of Lucifer. The strength of this guy is not necessarily cheap when it is in its heyday.

Going to death, I am afraid that it is difficult to protect people.

I thought of this Taylor's loss of the staff, and the mouth flute, and slammed it down: "Qin Hou stopped, don't hit, I served, I served!"

Qin Lan accepted the long sword and smiled coldly: "If you admit your mistake, what are you waiting for?"

Taylor knows and blows the magic flute. In a flash, the ghouls and giants in the mountains heard the flute, and all stopped killing. They stayed in place and waited for the "God".

"Please, don't kill me, only I can take you to find the Dark Guild Headquarters!"

"Only me can make a blow to Tang De's heart. Believe me, I hate him more than you, give me a chance."

"Leave me, the Dark Guild will return to formality, otherwise the West will never have a day."

Taylor squatted on the ground and asked for mercy.

As the emperor of the darkness who once known as the Emperor, he is sincerely seeking. After seeing the extraordinary ability of Qin Yu, he believes in the eyes of the Emperor. The savior invited is to restrain Tang De's This is not the chance that he will turn over.

"Alright, then leave you a dog!"

"It's time to give a fatal blow to the intangible Don."

Qin Lan pondered after a few seconds.

Tens of thousands of blood-colored ghouls lined up on both sides, like two red-blooded carpets. The giants also stopped roaring, quietly slamming the stone sticks, standing on both sides, waiting for the king.

At this time, the **** of the moon, with his eyes closed, is still thinking about the spell.

Due to the load of her own power, her light power and the energy of the instrument are completely emptied. At this time, the loss is its own element. In order to give Qin Qin a time, she has fallen into a semi-conscious state, still relying on Instinct protects everyone's safety.

"God of the Moon!"

Qin Lan patted her shoulder, and a pharmacist injected it. The **** of the moon opened his eyes slightly, and the crumbling sacred mask was finally unable to support it.

"I know, we can."

Shenyue smiled slightly and fell softly in the arms of Qin.

Qin Lan took out a medicinal herb and gave it to the gods. He asked dozens of Alashan giants: "Who are you?"

A block is close to four feet, and the giants who are glaring at the black three are making a loud voice: "I am the Alashan giant who leads Johnny, and obeys the command of God."

"Well, let your person carry the wounded, immediately follow me to the bright town!" Qin Hao ordered.

Several giants hold up the injured Bishop of Tenderson and Turi, striding forward to the town, and the Ghoul Legion is behind the tide.

Qin Lan knows that it is time to fight!

Tang De is destined to pay for his own conceit and arrogance!

(End of this chapter)


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