The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1170: Not 3 billion things

Zhang Da Lingjue himself is sometimes like a disaster star, always looking for him when Qin Hou is rare.

He really didn't want to, but there was no way, and he had to report it.

"Mother? What's wrong, let's talk." Qin asked, frowning.

"Isn't Mrs. Song not going to Australia to attend an international financial conference some time ago? Today we received news that she... was kidnapped. The robbers opened their mouths with 30 billion yuan in cash, and we were allowed to pay the ransom within three days. Otherwise, I will tear up the lady’s ticket."

Zhang Daling hurryed.

"Well? Someone dared to kidnap my mother?"

"Whoever ate the bear heart and leopard, let him release it immediately, otherwise I will smash him."

Qin Hao is cold and road.

"Inquired, the Nie Bangzhu and Xie Caishen over the island of Xiangdao rushed over, but the other party did not buy their accounts, said that if they don't give money, they will tear up the ticket and have no discussion."

Zhang Daling is helpless.

"Oh, a little bit of meaning, don't give me face, don't give Hong Bang face, a little one is a man who is so crazy."

"Give me the right to know immediately, the identity of the other party!"

Qin Hao was angry.

"I have found out that it is the largest gang of the local gang in An Island. This force is not ranked in the world underground organization. It is reasonable to say that this kind of shackle is dangerous. I estimate that this is 80%. Hou Ye, you are coming." Zhang Daling's analysis of cold and clear.

As he said, Ming Yue took a tablet and hurried in. He was shocked and said: "Hou, I just received the news from the robbers..."

He slammed the tablet against the Qin dynasty, and the video was connected. A gangster with a black hood and a sharp dagger was stunned and approached. He smiled coldly: "Qin Hou, hello, your mother and big brother are in In my hand, three days, if you can't see the money, don't blame me..."

As soon as the picture turned, Song Jie was pushed to the front of the camera and choked and shouted: "Cousin, fast, save me, they want to kill me."


The man pinched Song Jie’s right hand and cut off the dagger. He broke Song Jie’s finger and said in Song Jie’s ghost crying: “Remember, you only have three days, if you can’t see the money, The next time is the head of your mother."

After that, the picture shook and the person had turned off the video.

"Oh, a little bit, this grandson got me on the head. I have to see how bold they are, big spirits, and immediately buy me a ticket to Australia Island, the sooner the better."

Qin Lan worried about the safety of his mother and immediately told him.


The news that Qin Hou’s mother was kidnapped soon spread throughout the top circle of the island. Nie Binghe and Xie Caishen strongly pressured the island’s governor. However, even if the island governor personally went out, the robbers of the An Yi Gang still There is no meaning of loose mouth.

This is completely out of everyone's expectations!

This is not a matter of thirty billion, but a meticulous premeditated!

In the evening, Nie Binghe and the island governor Chen Zhengsong, under the **** of a large number of guards and awe, went to a coffee shop in Holland Street, Australia!

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the coffee shop has been smashed, and the black light is on fire. Nie Binghe just walked to the door, the lights in the cafe lit up, and an younger brother of An Yibang walked out lazily: "Nie Bangzhu, Mr. Chen Please, please, inside the rules, everyone else will stand by."

"You all retreat!" Chen Zhengsong said, and Nie Binghe walked in.

Inside, An Yibang's faucet, Da Yao, was sucking the pipe and sucking the white noodles, but when he saw him sneeze, the beautiful American sneezed, and this turned lazily, and Zhang said with a smile: "Hey, the island governor and Nie Bangzhu are coming. Do you want to come here, this is a good thing, can make you feel happy, hehe!"

An Yaoyang has a long hair and a long hair, and his hair is split, his face is rough and majestic, accompanied by a block of one meter and eighty, and the sense of wildness that also reveals the underground shackles is obviously not good. .

"An old man, let's deal with it, the rules you understand, 30 billion I am out, the Swiss bank's black card, immediately released."

Nie Binghe lost a bank card and sat down, cold.

"An Yaoyang, don't be too much. You must know that the island has now belonged to the mainland of China. Whether it is me or the garrison, you are required to let people go. Otherwise, you should know it carefully."

Chen Zhengsong patted the table.

"Two, to be honest, 30 billion is not a small amount for me!"

"But this money, I really can't, I will tell you the truth, don't blame me for not giving you face, you can't solve this problem."

"In addition, a little hint, the ransom rose, one billion!"

An Yaoyang **** sandwiched the bank card, sneak a smile, and flew into the arms of Nie Binghe.

"Dare to play with me, you are looking for death, who is the courage to give you?" Nie Binghe grabbed the collar of An Yaoyang, and the coldness of the village was in front of him, word by word.


"Don't come with I am also an errand, you have to kill me, Anmou also recognized."

"However, as long as you move me a hair, I promise that you will receive the head of Mrs. Song this evening."

An Yaoyang stood up and avoided the hand of Nie Binghe.

"Who is the courage to give you, tell me, who is your backstage?" Nie Binghe knows that An Yaoyang dares to be so fearless, and must be behind the big man.

"Are you not very capable? Check it yourself."

"I only told you, forgot to remind you that after twelve o'clock, you only have two days."

"If you don't want to receive Mrs. Song's scented head, do it quickly."

When An Yaoyang spoke, he shook his sleeves and led the younger brother.

"Damn, sit on the ground, Mr. Nie, what do you think, if you want to contact the Chamber of Commerce, and I will spend some money from the Australian Island Finance, give them the ransom, and wait for Hou Ye to have not arrived yet, calm down the matter and ensure that Mrs. Song’s safety."

What Chen Zhengsong is most afraid of is an accident. He would rather pay for the disaster.

"It’s useless. You have prepared a hundred billion, and they will have two hundred million."

"The other party is interested in trying to provoke the dignity of my Hong Gang and Qin Hou. I am afraid that it is not too small."

Nie Binghe was helpless and exclaimed.

During the conversation, he saw a red round chip on the ground, which was just dropped when An Yaoyang got up!

In this formal occasion, why did An Yaoyang drop a casino chip? Does this have some sort of meaning?

"Jingjing Grand Casino!"

"Is it a ghost of the gambling king He Dazhong?"

Chen Zhengsong was surprised.

The look on Nie Binghe’s face is also dignified. If he is behind the ghosts, this thing can be troublesome.

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