The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1171: Kunlun Holy Shao

He Dazhong, gambling king!

In China and even the whole world, there is a person with his unique influence, in the world to the political world, down to the underground, no one knows, no one knows, this is He Dazhong.

With his superb gambling skills, He Dazhong is almost impossible to compete in the world, and even many martial arts masters are willing to go down the wind, admiring it. Because of this, He Dazhong has been crossing the island for many years, and Chen Zhengsong and Nie Binghe have never dared to provoke his authority.

"He Dazhong, why should you go with Qin Hou?"

"Come, come drive immediately, I am going to see him old."

Nie Binghe ordered.

The car drove to the Cascade Grand Casino. Just arrived at the door. Nie Binghe had not yet entered. Several people came in from inside and reached out and stopped him: "Mr. Nie, He Gongzi has an order, and the Nanjing Hotel does not welcome you, please and Chen. Mr. left."

"Don't welcome me, or dare not see me?"

"Get out of my way, otherwise don't blame Nie for being polite."

Nie Binghe sneered.

"Oh, great tone!"

Next to the big tower like a tower, the big man looks ugly, and he has three eyes. The copper coin is so eye-opening that a thunderbolt has come over.

"Nie Ye is careful!"

The guards next to Nie Binghe robbed him. This man was a master of the master class and greeted the thunder and lightning.


The lightning that seemed to be plain and unpredictable suddenly burst into a red light. The guard screamed and burned in an instant, turning into ash in the screams.

"How, who else wants to try?"

Three-eyed ugly man overlooking everyone, sneer.

"Nie Ye, this person's evil law is too powerful, today this child is afraid to find it." The guards cautioned.

"Well, the surname is what you count, you will naturally find someone in this account."

Nie Binghe ate this note, Ma Wei, it is not good to squat again, and immediately led the people to go.

The three-eyed ugly man returned to the casino and entered the elegant room inside.

In the elegant room, there is a big word, and He Dazhong, who is in a loose Tang suit, personally modulates the new tea.

He Dazhong has sixty-two, his body is slightly fat, and his head has been white for a short time. It looks quite old.

There are two children and one daughter under his knees, the eldest son He Tianci, the second son He Tianyang, the third daughter He Wenxi, the three are responsible for managing their business. He Dazhong has long been ignorant of the world. If this is not the case, he also Will not go out in person.

When the tea came out with aroma, He Dazhong Chong was holding a hand to watch the young people of calligraphy and painting, respectfully worshipping: "Ye Sheng Shao, tea is good!"

The young man snorted and turned around, but he saw his eyebrows and eyes, white and innocent, aged at the age of twenty, handsome and handsome, between the eyes and the eyes, there is a vague flash of light, hegemony and majesty, then It is Ho Dae, such a strong island, and it is also shocking.

There are only two people in the world who can be called holy. They are all from the door of Kunlun Sansheng. Cihang Shengzhai is a female saint. There are no male disciples under the door. These two are the only sons of the ancestral lord Sun Tianxi, the grandson of the priests, and the other is the disciple of the lord of the gods, Nangong Lie. city!

Of course, today, there are three people in the Holy Trinity, the rise of Wu Shenyan nine days, and his close disciple Duan Muquan has also been listed as one of the Holy Ones.

These three people are regarded as the top three masters of the younger generation in the world!

The young people are the only sons and grandchildren of the sect of Sun Zongsun, and the method of one-handed cadres has entered the realm, and there are few rivals in the world.

Although He Dazhong is across the island, but in front of this holy sage, he is also respectful and dare not have the slightest achievement.

"Good tea, the snow in the Tianshan Mountains is matched with the most authentic Pu'er in the Nanyun Mountains. It is hard to find a thousand dollars, and the boss will enjoy it."

Sun Wuji sat down and said a touch.

"Sacred, you are here, this tea is naturally going to the best. The old man should have glimpsed the heavens and the celestial beings. Hey, when the old man taught me some fur, he made this gambling king." The false name is still in my heart."

"Unfortunately, I have repeatedly visited Kunlun, and I have no chance to enter the mountain gate and thank you. It is really a great pity for my life."

He Dazhong sighed.

"Heavenly, my father has already seen a glimpse of it. These years are busy with retreats. It is normal to see you."

Sun Wuji said.

"St. Shao, the people outside have been driven away by me, do you want me to chase them."

The three-eyed man came in and bowed his hand.

"Falun ordinary people, do not have to embarrass them." Sun Wuji indifferent.

"Sun Shao, I am very curious, why do you have to go with the surname Qin, as far as I know, he should not be able to commit to Kunlun."

He Tianci asked a little whisper.

"He did not get into it, but someone told me that he was the first to be the first one today. The surname Qin has been killing invincible in recent years. He recently killed Yan Mu, and the limelight is flourishing. I am coming to Australia. I just want to know him, let the people know who is the real first!"

"Exactly, the boy named Song Jie, even Miss He San dare to touch, just take this matter to make a fuss!"

"If you don't come to Qin, if you don't come, I will kill his mother. He will come. I will compete with him."

Sun Wuji said.

"Why, are you afraid of offending Qin?" Sun Wuji asked coldly.

"That Qin Hou has a day..."

He Tian's second child, He Tianyang, couldn't sit still. He stood up and just wanted to talk. He was stunned by He Dazhong and pressed back.

"No, no, we can have a father who depends on your father today, that is, to abandon the entire family business, but also to support the Holy One." He Dazhong quickly hurry.

"Right, let's inform the little punk, let him show me the person! I guess the surname Qin, and these two days should be."

Sun Wuji nodded with satisfaction and nodded.

"Miss He San? I am free tonight, I can teach her the best way to do it, let her come to me."

Sun Wuji flashed a trace of twilight in the eyes prompted.

"She, she..." He Dazhong saw that he was afraid to take possession of his own baby daughter. He didn't know how to get up.

"St. Shao, my sister was scared by the surname Song, and then she came to the red, afraid of suffocating him, so she did not let her come with you."

"You can rest assured that it will be a matter of these days, and I will wait until I am ready to come to you."

He Tianyang quickly hit the round road.

"Well, it’s not bad these days, then go back and talk."

Sun Wuji did not have the heart to taste these mortal teas, the teacups did not move, stood up and carried his hands and arrogant.

"Damn, let's be afraid that it is over." When he left, He Dazhong hammered the table and sighed.

No matter whether it is Qinhou or Sun Wuji, it is not that he can offend. These are the characters of the living gods. No matter who wins, he has to peel off the skin. At least the daughter is stared by the surname Sun. This is robbery.

"Heavenly, can you rush to Jiangdong now, privately give Houye a greeting, talk about our difficulties?" He Dazhong frowned.

"Yeah, last time he gave you back to Chundan, let's talk about it." He Tianci also echoed.

He Tianyang is suffering. He was in the Shijing underground city last time and met Qin. However, it was not as good as the one who brag about it. The relationship was not good. On the contrary, he also gave the Jingjing Grand Casino to Qin.

At that time, it was only a verbal agreement. For a long time, He Tianyang did not take it seriously, but Qin Hou really wanted to come. When he mentioned this, his father was afraid to live him.

He Tianyang is also a dilemma for both ends, and his heart is simply complaining.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)


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