The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1219: This friend is not good at paying

The mind of Liao Liren, Qin Yu is understandable.

Recovering the face is a fake, the key is still to set up a close, through his own Tianzihao signboard, start some names, and seek a backing.

Qin Lan can't say good or bad to the Hengshan faction, and even if the South Hunan is a mess, it will be cleaned up. Xu will also use it in the future.

Liao Liren saw him promised, and he was very happy. The group followed Qin Qin and went to Ding.


The Ding Family Courtyard has already hanged the lanterns and laid a red carpet. The lions and gongs and drums at the door are complete. The long firecrackers are dozens of roads along the street.

This kind of specification is unprecedented, but today Dingjia is also giving sincerity to give God.

Soon a younger brother looking at the street, hurried into the hall, excited: "Come on, the surname Qin came, I heard that Xu family and Hengshan faction."

"Oh? Liao Liren also came? Uncle, this is not a good thing, Liao Liren is the first master of Xiangnan, if he is also to the surname Qin, we are in danger today."

Ding Da worried.

"Uncle, as I see people, they don't eat this one. Let's not stick cold ass, just hit it."

Ding Modao.

"Oh, I asked a Liao Liren to be a bodyguard, but I looked at the Qin sergeant."

"So, we will win this game."

Ding Fengshan was not worried and happy, and he laughed.

"Uncle, you, what do you mean, I don't understand you."

Ding Avenue.

"This is a matter of martial arts, you don't understand."

"I told you this, if the surname Qin is single-handed, it is really capable, we want to send this god, it is difficult."

"On the contrary, if he invited Liao Liren to be a bodyguard, it shows that he is guilty, a guilty person, and it is not a problem to eat him."

Ding Fengshan smashed the old smoke scorpion and explained.

"But Liao Liren is not a vegetarian, uncle, that is a sect... a master."

Ding the size of the voice.

"Liao Liren has nothing to do with it. The Hengshan faction is a flower shelf. He is a master and he is not resistant to me."

"The surname Qin's thought is that with Liao Liren, I want to play the prestige in our Ding family, that is to find a way out."

Ding Fengshan sneered.

During the conversation, he looked at the Guan Gong statue enshrined in the hall. The knife that was held in the hands of Guan Gong flashed cold. Tonight, if he could not deliver God, he would kill God.

"Qin Changjun of the General Military Department of Jiangdong, Liao Liren of the Hengshan School, and Master Xu Cheng!"

Along with the long-term adjustment of the concierge, several people from Qinhuang continued to walk from the car.

Ding Fengshan took a table and said: "Go, please ask God to go."

Ding Fengshan three people walked out of the door, shook their hands and waved: "Set firecrackers, welcome guests."

A dozen disciples ignited the firecrackers, and the gongs and drums and the lions played together. In a happy party, they met the Qin and the three into the government.

"Qin Changguan, Liao Kaijiao, Xu Shaoye, welcome customers to come to the door, my family's blessing."

Ding Da, the owner of the Ding family, bowed his hand.

"Well, this yard is good, one selling sweet potatoes, can have such a field, you seem to have no less thoughts."

Qin Lan walked with his hands on his side.

"You..." Ding Mo was about to get angry, but Ding Fengshan gave him a look back.

"Qin Changguan said with a smile, the ancients have a good saying, the prince will have a kind of relationship, I am selling sweet potatoes. I can think of my family Houye, but Jiangdong Wu County, a bankrupt family, is not expensive than the sky, Do you respect the world?"

In addition to Ding Da’s explanation, he secretly passed out his own backing, and wanted Qin to know and retreat.

"Your family Houye?"

Liao Liren and Xu Cheng looked at each other and laughed.

"Cough, why did Liao's brother laugh, is he despising my Ding, or despising Hou Ye?" Ding Fengshan looked awkward and cold.

"Don't, Ding Lao, don't be angry, how can Liao defy Hou Ye, just feel that you are ridiculous." Liao Liren must smile.

Although Ding Fengshan is in a fire, but the business has not yet been discussed, it is not appropriate to hurt the situation at this time, and the mind is waiting for the talks to collapse. Naturally, the Liao thief looks good.

When I arrived at the hall, several people sat down around the Eight Immortals table, and someone immediately got the best tea.

Qin Yu tasted a bite and praised: "The tea is good." After that, he took out the documents and went to the table. "No problem, just sign it."

Ding Da glanced at it, said nothing, took the pen to sign the name, and then smiled and said: "Qin Changguan, signature is not a problem, Xu Guangwen's life and death can also be said by a word, we have no enmity, drink Have a cup of tea, can you make a friend?"

"I killed your brother, you still make friends with me? Not afraid of being poked?" Qin Xiao sneered.

This poke went to the pain of Ding Da. The anger in his heart was even better. He knew that Qin Biao was deliberately embarrassed, but he could bear the temper. He immediately smiled and said: "My second brother does not know that the sky is thick and thick, and he has broken you, and there is a lingering death. I call this. Knowing the time is Junjie. Besides, Mr. Qin wants to be a friend of my family, who dares to poke the backbone?"

"Come on."

Ding Da took a clap.

Immediately five people, wearing white gloves, came in with a black suitcase.

"Open." Ding Avenue.

At the same time, the five people kneel on the floor with respect and respect, and opened the box. I saw that the boxes were all neatly packed with hundred dollar bills in each box.

"Here is 10 million in cash. Nothing else, I just want to make a friend with Mr. Qin."

"How is Mr. Qin?"

Ding Da proudly raised his hand.

"If you want to hit me at 10 million, is it too cheap?"

Qin Hao glanced at the table and slammed the table, raising his brow and sneering.


Ding Da hesitated a moment, thick eyebrows tight, it is necessary to tear the face.

He did not have any enmity with Qin Ten million to make a friend, for a person who sells roasted sweet potato, it is definitely a pain of cutting meat.

Qin Yuping had no reason to help Xu Jia, Ding Ding could understand that he wanted to use this name to extort them with the name of the military.

Giving 10 million in cash, it is God's sincerity, the other party still does not give face, that is to come to the market.

"Big, Mr. Qin feels that the sincerity is not enough, then you will have some sincerity."

Ding Fengshan knocked on the table with a smoker and reminded him.

"it is good!"

"Then I will be sincere again!"

Ding Da took another clap.

This time I came up with a few beautiful women, each with a delicate box in their hands. When they were opened, the inside was suddenly a crystal clear jade.

Five jade stones, each of which is five colors, represent the golden color of the golden wood, fire and earth.

"This is the Kunlun jade of the top grade. It is a friend of the old man who sent me. Although it is only a good second thing, but it is expensive in the five elements, it is used for the mosaic of the array, but it is a rare thing. It is also a town in our Ding family. The treasure of the house."

"Today, in order to pay the Qin Chief, this friend, Ding Mou is willing to cut love, please also smile."

Ding Fengshan personally got up and introduced himself.

These are really good things, even Liao Liren also looked straightforward. People in martial arts may not look too much at money, but such treasures that can be tempered are rare, and few people can not be tempted.

However, Qin Hao was only a sleeve, and the five lids were closed, but he was very indifferent to see him: "If this is the treasure of your home, you don't have to pay this friend."

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.



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