The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1220: 2 can't bear

Qin Yu is really invisible. These five jade are indeed rare treasures for ordinary practitioners. After all, the five elements of the world are hard to find. However, Qin Hao controls the ghost city, and he can handle two-thirds of the treasures in the world, especially the spar, which is a myriad of resources.

Ding Fengshan thought that these pieces of vulgar jade could enter his eyes, which is simply whimsical.

"Qin Changguan can't even see such jade, and Ding wants to ask, how should this friend pay?" Ding Fengshan asked, and the eyebrows were murderous.

"Through friends to talk about, let's talk about it." Qin Hao put down the teacup, so no taste.

"Life? Well, let's talk, what do you want to talk about."

Speaking of this, Ding Dagui’s face was clouded, and he knew that the road was over. Today, it’s inevitable that it will be a battle, and success or failure can only count on his uncle.

"Xiao Mo, the name of Qin is not easy to provoke, have you called Cheng Yuanzhi?"

Ding Dagui leaned into his son's ear and whispered.

"Hit, no one answered, I heard that his little ancestor was sick, and could not look at the children at home." Ding Modao.

"Fart, he wants to shabu-shabu, dog day, this money is really feeding the dog, and the old man is going to find him to settle the account." Ding Da secretly said.

"Dad, don't worry about it. You don't know what the uncle is doing. We don't necessarily lose."

Ding Mo comforted.

"Oh, you can only rely on your uncle, you continue to call Cheng Yuanzhi, he will not come, and eventually there is a trump card."

Ding Avenue.

Ding Fengshan stared at Qin Lan’s nephew. He wanted to overwhelm the young man by momentum. However, these eyes did not have any look and emotions. They could not see the horror, like the boundless vast world, no one. I know what is hidden in it.

"You want to live only one way, surrender all the glory and wealth, break your limbs and go to the street to beg for a living." Qin said.

"Oh, begging, even the qualification to sell roasted sweet potatoes is gone?"

Ding Fengshan smiled.

"You have **** and dirty hands, and you want to sell roasted sweet potatoes. What are your dreams?"

"It is sold, and others are disgusting."

"I don't like selling meatballs and selling powder. I want to make money easy and fast. I don't think it is more suitable for you."

Xu Cheng said aside.

"Oh, I can understand it. You have no sincerity to talk about it. You are a group. I can't see my family's good date, right?" Ding's eyes were red, and Qin Qin gritted his teeth.

"You are right, from the moment I stepped into Shonan, I did not intend to give you a way to live." Qin Hao nodded.

"Qin Changguan, maybe I said it is not clear enough. I will repeat it again. This is the master of Qin Gang’s main hall of Chengnan, Cheng Cheng, Ding, and you can’t go with us, it’s with Cheng Tang. Da Qin Bang and Hou Ye can't go."

"I know that you are from the Jiangdong Military Department. There is a support for the boss, but you know the energy of Hou Ye, so please think clearly."

Ding Da took a table and angered.

"You don't know how to know the king of the king. Is it your own, or am I personally?"

Qin Yu is a cold and indifferent road.

"Mom, even Qin Hou’s face is not given, are you going to be heaven?"

"The oil and salt do not enter the game, come!"

Ding snorted.

Immediately, dozens of great-dressed big men came in. The leader was more than two meters tall, with a thick black face on his face, holding a large iron axe with hundreds of kilograms and walking up the tower. Generally, as the giant **** is burly, such a large block is rare in the south.

When the person entered the door, he thundered and thundered: "Which gangs dare to make trouble in Dingye’s house, live impatient?"

"Old clock, gave me a few unopened things." Ding Avenue.

"Hou Ye, this person is called Zhong Hu. It is the owner of the Xiangnan Tiger Weiwu Museum. It is a natural power. It is a special thug of Ding Jiayu. When Xiangnan people saw him, they had to detour, but it was not a good bird." Xu Cheng pointed The fierce man introduced.

"Yes, I am your tiger, and the Xu family is fat, and dare to scatter in front of me."

Zhong Hu’s big axe slammed into the ground and entered the ground with three points.

"Oh, where is the cat and dog, dare to let go in front of Liao?"

Liao Liren was anxious to make meritorious deeds in front of the Qin dynasty, and his body shape was like a long crane flying in the air.

The practice of Liao Liren's cultivation is a feminine path. The surface looks light and fluttering. In fact, the soft belt is just like the gray handprint of the palm. It seems to be powerless, but the power is amazing.

Although Zhong Hu is the owner of the martial arts museum and a cross-cultivator in the late period of internal refining, he has some insights. When he saw the handprint printed over the air, he hurriedly shouted: "It’s not good, It is a master."

He also lost his cleverness, raised the big axe, and threw it in the palm of his hand, and at the same time came a lazy roll.


Hundreds of pounds of heavy axe, like dead wood, broke off the waist, and the front of Zhonghu’s foot was shaken by a palm.

Zhong Hu scared the face unmanned color ~ ~ quickly screamed and shouted: "Zong Shi face, I was rude, and I still hope that Liao Laozi's hands."

"Oh, if you don't look good, you still know the old man!"

"If you admit your mistake, then break your arms and let it go."

Liao Liren hasn't had a good time for a long time, and he has to be arrogant.

"Self-broken arms... Liao, you, let me go, no arms, I have a way to live." Zhong Hu cried, he had abolished many people in his life, he had to break. Arms, sooner or later, will be slaughtered by the enemy, no different from death.

"I don't want to?"

"Let's die."

Liao Li’s face smiled and he slammed against the table glass. The cup was like a missile and slammed into the chest of the tiger. The latter resisted the strength of the tens of kilograms, and immediately the chest was pierced, vomiting blood, and immediately .

The disciples of the martial arts hurriedly lifted the body of Zhong Hu, and the worms were scattered. The remaining Ding's beatings in the yard were also stunned and quietly retreated to the corner of the wall, ready to go.

"Oh, congratulations to Liao Laodi, flying flowers to pick up leaves can kill people, afraid that it is a breakthrough to break through the refining period."

Ding Fengshan cold Sensen smiled.

"Don't be a brother, the old man's double palms, there are still four or five thousand pounds of strength, the older brother is older, still do not try well."

Liao Liren proudly said.

"Yeah, I don't want to try it!"

"But some people think that if you have this protector, you can be rude in front of Guandi."

"I can bear it today, I can't bear it!"

"Well, today, take your head to the second lord to plead guilty, to comfort the gods."

Ding Fengshan sighed in the sky.



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