The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1224: Your last days are here.

Yan Jun was lying in the seat of the office, squinting at the sly, with a little song in his mouth, and his heart was called a beauty. Book Network ()

It’s already eight o’clock. If it’s not bad, Zeng Yong’s beggars are afraid that the mixed ball from the General Military Department will be twisted.

Xu Guang feared that he had already wobbled his whip. He turned back and took the body and made a difference. The one hundred thousand of Ding’s family could not run, and it was enough to go to the casino to be happy.

It was beautiful, Li Yuesheng knocked in and walked in, and hit a haha: "Strictly, what is so beautiful? Oh, this face is awkward, is it okay?"

"It’s Li’s official, come on, rest assured that the mad dog has scratched twice, and you can’t die.”


Yan Jun also thought that Li Yuesheng was coming to plead for the lover, even the eyelids were not lifted, and the yin and yang were sloppy.

"This is the case. The Peng Jun of the General Military Department was locked in No. 77. I am afraid of something, so come over." Li Yuesheng said.

"After the accident, are you worried that he was disabled by Zeng Yong? Oh, this can be said bad, the beasts don't recognize people."

Yan Jun ordered a cigarette and took a sip.

"You are wrong. I am worried about Zeng Yong and others. The Peng Yu is not good-tempered. I am afraid that there will be nothing wrong with the sign."

"Do you mind if you want to go and see?"

Li Yuesheng raised his hand and smiled.

Yan Jun slightly stunned, and his heart swelled. Li Yue’s life never came to blend in with the things here. How did he suddenly care about it today, and what kind of tricks can the kid play?

I thought of this Yan Jun and laughed a bit: "Cheng, then I will accompany Li’s official."

Then, rushing to the guards around him: "Mahjong, with two body bags, will be useful later."

Li Yuesheng quickly stopped: "Don't, take a few more, God knows how many people will die."

The guards went to the rescue, and the two entered the 77th under a few guards with live ammunition.

The younger brother who heard the sound at the door met the two and hurriedly greeted him. Yan Jun asked what was going on inside. The guard said: "The ghost is crying, and it is estimated that it was repaired very badly."

"Li Changguan, have you heard it? You better pray that the surname Peng will not die inside, otherwise your prisoner is afraid to do it."

Yan Jun sneered.

"Oh, this doesn't bother you, let's just open the door."

Li Yuesheng smiled and smiled.

In fact, he also had some bottom in his heart. Peng Ze was sent by Qin Hou, but Zeng Yong was a famous thorn, and the thief could fight. Whoever died and died was really bad.

When the two talked, there were two screams of screams inside.

"Listen to how it sounds like Zeng Yong." The guards snorted.

The door has two weights. Just opened the outside door and saw the blood of Yin Hong. It oozes out from the inside and exudes.

Yan Jun had an ominous premonition in his heart. He did not wait for the guard to open the second door. He personally took the key and kicked it open.

The scene in front of him made his scalp numb.

Thirteen inmates on the 77th, the seven-eighths of the eight-eighths fell in the pool of blood, everyone's crotch is a flesh and blood, do not want to "meat" did not eat, all were broken eggs.

The worst of them was Zeng Yong. The two arms were cut hard and the whole face was punched in and punched, and a fierce cry was made.

Look at Peng Zezheng sitting on the bed impatiently looking at the watch, Xu Guang is looking at the magazine.

The situation is clear at a glance, and the No. 77, the most ferocious one, is said to have been given a pot.

"How, how can this be?"

Yan Jun shouted with a stern look.

"What is it like that?"

"Give me the old man, can I take someone away?"

Peng Ze dialed a stern of Yan Jun and asked coldly.

Li Yuesheng sighed with a sigh of relief and said, "The hall is suffering. I will sign a word at the supervisory office. You can go home with Peng Yu."

"Li Changguan, thank you." Xu Guang calmly said.

The two men were about to leave, and Yan Jun shouted: "The surname Peng killed the prisoner, he must not let him leave, and Xu Guang is a prisoner of imprisonment. Without judicial instructions, no one is allowed to take him away. ”

"Yan Jun, I really have the official letter of the Judicial Bureau. It is clear that this is the piece issued by Cao Hall and Jia Bureau. From now on, Xu Guang regained his freedom. Before the case was found, he was not guilty."

Li Yuesheng took out a piece and sang it in front of Yan Jun.

When Yan Jun saw a sudden misfiring, there was a clear piece. He could never keep Xu Guang. In addition, Zeng Yong and others were already dead. It is not entirely possible for him to kill Xu Guang.

"That man killed 13 prisoners, isn't he going to let him go?"

"You can't be partial to the law because he is a general military officer?"

Yan Jun thought about it and pointed his finger at Peng Ze.

"Oh, I said Yan Jun, do you have any brains, do you know when you finish playing?"

"A person can pinch you with a finger. You still have such a pole to find death. Is it interesting? What is killing? This is called evil, and the generals of Qin and General Gu have been rid of evil. Do you understand?"

"Forget it, go to the Supervisory Office. The person who is monitoring will ask you to ask questions. You can come back and talk to me about the law."

Li Yuesheng waved his hand and was impatient.

He did not expect that the head winds would change so quickly, from the whole to the strict military Xu Guang, to just an hour ~ ~ several officials have sent officials to release Xu Guang.

In particular, the person who was inspected came to a prison, and named him to be responsible for Yan Jun. Li Yuesheng knew that the day when he turned over was coming.

Yan Jun listened to the word, and his **** was on the ground, completely dumbfounded.

He knows that the good days are finally over.

At this time, his cell phone rang, and then came a text message: "The situation is not good, immediately answer the phone, personally bring Xu Guang to me."


Ding Mo gave Yan Jun more than a dozen phone calls, all of which were unanswered. In desperation, he could only send a text message to Yan Jun.

Xu Guang is undoubtedly a card for his negotiating for survival. According to the agreement, whether he is alive or dead, Yan Jun will give him a reply. Who ever thought that this guy had disappeared.

"Ding Shao, don't fight, people will come."

Qin Lan smiled at the side.

The voice just fell, and there was a roar of cars coming out of the door.

Peng Ze and Li Yuesheng helped Xu Guang to walk into the Ding Family Courtyard. "Li Yuesheng, how are you? Yan Jun?" Ding Mo asked.

"Let you down, Yan Jun went to the tea, and the hall was restored to freedom."

Li Yuesheng sneered.

Drinking tea?

Ding Mo’s brain suddenly suffered, and there was a blank. Yan Jun fell. This means that Xu Guang’s card is there, but it has become a bad card and it is useless.

"Mr. Xu, let me introduce you, this is Jiangdong Qinhou, you can live out, all of Hou's operation." Peng Ze introduced.

"Qin...Qin Hou?"

Xu Guang looked at Qin Biao's brows, and there was no gratitude. Then he said indifferently: "Forget it, send me back to the number."

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