The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1225: 3 heavy days, the last 1 hit

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"What do you mean by this? Don't know what to do!"

Peng Ze was on fire.

"I only hate the power of the sky, otherwise the first one is you."

"Before the Qin dynasty did not exist, there was still peace in Shonan. After the Qin gang came, the disaster was like a tiger. The official did not dare to ask. The people did not dare to speak, and they bothered the two smog."

"Do you think that let me go, I will be grateful?"

"Since the family thief shouted to catch a thief, the top of the hill, huh, huh, Hou Ye killed me, why bother to get these boring troubles?"

Xu Guangwen helped to help the glasses, righteous words, and Qin Hao to see.


"The guy who is ungrateful."

Peng Ze angered and pinched the fist to Xu Guangwen.


"Xu Shu said that the disaster in Shonan is not in my discipline. I am duty-bound."

"Please come, I want you to be a witness, Qin and Ding are not a family."

Qin Hao raised his hand to stop Peng Ze, and at the same time signaled Xu Cheng to move the chair and pour tea. He has always paid tribute to the generation of justice.

"Ding Fengshan, your two cards are abolished, and now Mr. Xu is here too. You should give it to everyone."

Qin Lan said to the dying Ding Jiaye Sun.

"Uncle, you, you think about it, I don't want to do it, I don't want to die."

Ding Mo hugged Ding Fengshan's thigh and cried.

"Hou Ye is very powerful, Fengshan has nothing to say. In order to preserve the blood of Dingjia, only one fights."

Ding Fengshan walked to the statue of Guandi, a blood spurted on the statue, one arm held Guan Gong's arm, and thought of the spell, but see the Qinglong gas flying out of the statue, quenching hovering.

"Ah, God is playing three heavens, and there is a request for Wu Sheng Guan Emperor!"

Ding Fengshan's expression was stunned, and the sky was roaring. The seven-hole bloomed with the green dragon's light, and the bones creaked.

He is a very old-fashioned person, his own **** mouth, his life, and his death is not enough. But Ding Mo is the only root of Ding's family. It is absolutely impossible to continue the existence of incense.

God hits the triple heaven realm. One heavy and two mortal can make the triple heaven a curse. If you want to use it, you must sacrifice it.

Ding Fengshan has not wanted to live. He simply wants to go out and fight with Qin Yu in Santian, and may also gain a chance for Ding Mo.

However, the power of Triple Sky is twice as strong as that of the Double Heaven, reaching an astonishing nearly 200,000 kilograms of strength. This is the power of the top and most extreme masters.

Ding Fengshan's body is only the middle and the middle of the tempering, and can't bear such a huge force.

The bones and blood vessels are all shattered by the power of the gods, and the aura that is still being injected continuously can only flow out from the Seven Miles.

Qin Lan did not rush to shoot, it is still a kind of salty and not light, which makes Ding Fengshan feel like a play.

"The three heavens have already become, Wusheng County Lingguang, Shentong shines on me!"


At the moment, Ding Fengshan was completely unaware of his thoughts. He used his instincts to slap the curse. The original radiant image of the gods shot the last green light, just like the dead tree that had drained the essence.

Qin Xiao smiled and understood the mystery of God's fight.

The so-called **** fight is not like a cadre, but it can be communicated to some disciples of the heavenly sects through the magical method, borrowing aura and strength. God beats, but borrowed the power of this statue.

There is no such thing as a **** in the world. The gods are evolved from the "demon" of Bailian, and they are used to confuse the world.

In fact, the real power is the statue of Guandi, Ding Fengshan as an authentic descendant of God, inherited the gods who do not know how many generations of gods to fight before the end of life.

The combined power of these people has combined to achieve an amazing million pounds of strength, which is the power that can only be possessed in the middle of the reign.

It is a pity that Ding Fengshan’s own talents and cultivation are limited. Even if he uses the curse, he can borrow 200,000 kilograms. Changed the master of the cadre, and glimpsed the mystery, at least borrowed a slight sigh.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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