The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1227: Acting addiction

The person who asks for the matter is not in a hurry, but the person who handles the matter is unable to hold it.

"I said Hu Deacon, Cheng Ye still can't come, we have all the legs broken, no mouth tea, no chairs, no such entertainers." A middle-aged man with a big back I am impatient with my hands.

He opened his mouth and other people followed suit.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Liao from Zhangzhou and Mr. Tang from Hengyang? Don't worry, I will remind you again."

Xiao Hu is recognized by this person. He is the key member of Cangzhou City, Liao Dongxiang. The others are also the local number one or the party in power. More than a dozen people go to that station. Most of the things in Xiangnan can be solved. .

Xiao Hu did not dare to neglect, immediately shouted and shouted: "Come, look at the seat, on the good Biluochun."

"Several people, too many people are too mixed, really can't help, I will call Cheng Ye again."

Xiao Hubian told his men and nodded to please.

"Well, this is like doing something."

Liao Dongxiang nodded with satisfaction.

"What is it like?"

"What do you want, don't stand up, you can't stand, are you more expensive than them?"

A cold drink passed over.

The crowd consciously spread, and the people who knew the voice shouted excitedly: "It is Cheng Qingtian, Cheng Tang is coming."

It is Cheng Yuanzhi who speaks. At this moment, in front of so many ordinary people, he must show an image of incomparable people and integrity. Unfortunately, Liao Dongxiang just touched this mold and was taken as a bird.

As a local dignitary, Liao Dongxiang was also the same as the emperor in Zhangzhou. At that moment, his face could not be hanged. It was only because of the great help of the Qin gang. He unnaturally squeezed out a smile: "The lawyer said We are serving the people, and naturally we cannot specialize."

Other officials were honest and stopped complaining.

No way, Lu is able to manage their jobs, but Cheng Yuanzhi can manage their lives.

"Well, if I remember correctly, you Liao Dongxiang is also out of the countryside."

"You have all remembered me, Qin Hou Hou has a clear order, the people are heaven, the land, who wants to go with the heavens and the earth, that is to find their own way."

"You guys, usually have to be close to the folks, listen to the voices of the people, public opinion, really make the people more than their own family, understand?"

Cheng Yuanzhi sneaked on Fang Wei and spoke a set of words. The people immediately screamed at the end and shouted.

"Cheng Ye, I am from Dabao Village. Last time you gave me the money to cover the farm, the villagers doubled their income this year. This is our banner for Cheng Qingtian. Please also accept it."

The two young men held the banner and respected them.

Cheng Yuanzhi went forward and sincerely feared: "The distant ambition is just to be careful to ask my Qin to help the future, to do things with peace of mind, should, should."

Seeing that he was so modest, the people were applauding again, and the reporters on the scene quickly rushed.

"Well, everyone has been waiting for this for a long time. If you are grateful, you will not say more. Let's do something to the villagers."

"Open the hall!"

Cheng Yuanzhi took a handful of points and smiled, trying to keep himself in the same color as the people.

Immediately, a disciple opened the door of the hall. Cheng Yuanzhi sat on the big chair under the mirror, and the officials were left and right. The disciples maintained order, and the ancient county officials opened the case. style.

Cheng Yuanzhi looked down at the bottom, and the people who were crushed by the blacks were also very shocked. He thought that there would be no one coming, and even prepared a bunch of spares.

But now it seems that it is completely unnecessary. With this people's heart and public opinion from the world, he has the title of Cheng Qingtian, and no one can move him.

"This fellow, what are your difficulties, even if you say it."

"Today, these officials are here, and they will definitely be the masters of you."

Cheng Yuanzhi is the first person to walk in.

This man is a peasant in his fifties, and his face is nervous: "The hills of our village started to fire a few years ago, and the trees on the mountain were burned. That is our life. The people of the Forestry Bureau said the above. Half of the subsidy will help everyone to tide over the difficulties, but now that the money has not moved for a few years, I went to the Forestry Bureau and no one will recognize it. Cheng Qingtian, the official, you must be the master."

"Which village, which town, which county."

"We are from Santang Village, Mengtang Town, East Yunnan." That humanity.

"Mr. Guo, you are in charge of Zhaodong County. You give people a saying."

Cheng Yuanzhi said.

"This is a budget, there is no exact document, and I have transferred it in the past two years. It is not very clear. I went back and checked it."

A bald middle-aged man in a white shirt helped the mirror frame.

"Don't check it out."

"If you check the set of tricks, you won't have a bottom. If you don't check it, you will be subsidized by half, and you will have a piece of meat."

"Listen well, I will stare at this thing. Within seven days, the compensation is not in place. I only ask you."

Cheng Yuanzhi took the table.

The surname Guo quickly nodded: "Yes, Mr. Cheng is relieved, I will go back."

“Thank you Cheng Qingtian, thank you Mr. Guo...”

The man was so excited that he was stunned.

"Fellow, go back, let the villagers feel at ease."

"Tell everyone, Hou Ye and Da Qin Bang are all thinking about the folks."

Cheng Yuanzhi stood up and raised his hand.

The things that were done were beautiful and beautiful, and the people at the door burst into thunderous applause.

"Next person."

"Don't worry, one by one, no one can fall here today."

Little avenue.

This time I came up with the filial son wearing a filial piety and a young girl. When they came up, they cried.

"Fellow, there is something to talk about, what is wrong with this?"

Cheng Yuanzhi asked.

The dutiful son said that they had a bully named Zhan Xiaobing in the village. They started the Liuhecai in the village, opened the casino, and smothered the village. Zhan Xiaobing had teased his sister a few days ago. He was angry and blamed Zhan. A few words of the soldier.

On the night of the same day, Zhan Xiaobing broke into his house with a dozen people, and made a big noise, and killed his father on the spot.

The brothers and sisters were tall in the town and in the county. I expected that Zhan Xiaobing had a big head, no one dared to control it, and set fire to the home of the two.

The two of them dragged the old man's body find this to complain.

Cheng Yuanzhi suddenly blew his lungs and screamed at the table: "Qingtianbairi, and these beasts?"

Waiting to understand the address, it is the jurisdiction of Liao Dongxiang, and said: "Old Liao, what do you say about this?"

Liao Dongxiang looked at Ding Da, who was listening to him. He hesitated. "Mr. Cheng, I went back to the place and immediately investigated. You can rest assured that the relevant people will be severely punished once they have been implemented."

Cheng Yuanzhi understood it as soon as he heard it. Generally speaking, the investigation is to play Tai Chi.

This is the rule that he has established with the bottom. Once again, Ding Da’s face is embarrassing. I know that Zhan Xiaobing must have a relationship with Ding Da.

"No, life is a matter of heaven. Today you have to give a statement, no matter who you are involved, never let go."

Cheng Yuanzhi originally wanted to play it casually, but as soon as he saw the black pressure underneath, maybe the Lord was listening, and immediately made a positive airway.

"Cheng, I will call now to catch this Zhan Xiaobing first, and then check his umbrella one by one." Liao Dongxiang looked at Ding Da's eyes, and his face could not help.

"Cough!" Ding Dalian sounds cough, see Cheng Yuanzhi deliberately pretend to be inaudible, annoyed together, cold and cold: "What the **** are you doing in the end, really be yourself as a great master?"

"The Zhan Xiaobing is a friend of my son, my dry son, Laozi's cash cow, you know it clearly, don't be addicted to his mother acting."

Cheng Yuanzhi suddenly got a little embarrassed.

When he was squatting, a cold voice came from the crowd: "What the old master, I don't know how to judge?"

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