The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1228: I want to eat a baked sweet potato.

Cheng Yuanzhi did not know how to judge, Ding Dahua said this, and also asked to understand, that is torn the dough.

"Who is it, Cheng Ye dare to interject, and can't understand the rules?"

Xiao Hu sees Cheng Yuanzhi's face suspicious, shouting in the direction of his neck.

"it's me!"

But see a young man with a clear eyebrows coming out of the crowd, followed by Xu Guangwen.

Seeing Qin Yu and Xu Guangwen, Cheng Yuanzhi and others have already cooled their minds.

Especially Ding Da, there is an ominous premonition, his uncle is afraid of an accident.

"A good old man, a good citizen is heaven, the people are the land, and a mirror is high."

Qin Hao looked around and smiled.

Qin Bangtang, someone openly came to the scene, and people at the end of the day talked a lot.

"Who are you fucking, is there a copy of your voice here?"

"Hurry to give me..."

Xiao Hu is very ignorant and screams. The word has not been spoken yet. Peng Ze is flying a fist and flying him.

"Hey, boy, we are still doing things, you don't want to find something."

"Do you believe that I am arresting you now?"

Liao Dongxiang stood up and pointed to the Qin Wei to play the official.

"Shut up, dare to make noise, and I shot you."

Peng Ze took out the officer's card and lit it in front of Liao Dongxiang. He pulled out the gun and placed it on Liao Dongxiang's head.

"Don't, don't mess, sir, have something to say."

Liao Dongxiang was so scared that he quickly raised his hands and snarled.

The swords that have always been used for pens are not guns. When they see the General Military Department, Liao Dongxiang and others will know that today is afraid of an accident.

"Cheng Ye, there is nothing else, let's take a step first, so let's go back and give me a booklet, all the things, I will do it one by one."

Liao Dongxiang is more intelligent. It is totally wrong to see this posture. Whether it is the military or the Qin gang, he can't afford to sin, or it is good to start.

Other people are not stupid, and Liao Dongxiang has to open his mouth and follow.

They are not only doing this, but the people are also making troubles.

Originally, I also hoped that Cheng Yuanzhi would solve the problem for everyone. This is a good thing. It’s a good way to kill everyone.

"You are surnamed Qin, you are too crazy!"

"Cheng Ye, what are you waiting for? Hurry and ask the brethren to do him."

Ding Dazhao screamed.

Immediately, dozens of Qin dynasty disciples rushed out from behind with the guys. Although these people were not as good as the heads of the hall, they were all selected and carefully selected.

"Do me, rely on him, do you ask him dare?"

Qin Lan walked to the side of the case, holding his arms, and staring straight into Cheng Yuanzhi, Yin Xie laughed.

Cheng Yuanzhi looked at this face that had been seen countless times every day. It was like a dream. The glory of the past was full of dreams. Now, the dream should wake up.

He shuddered and turned back to God, slowly stood up from the chair and muttered: "No... no dare."

"You, what do you mean, you are above Qinhou, how can you make a yellow hair..."

When I said this, Ding Da’s pupil was zoomed in, and the incredible look at the photos hanging on the raft, and then look at the Qin dynasty, completely stunned, the mouth is big, enough to put a big egg.

"You, you are Qinhou!"

Ding Da asked.

"Let's go, how many Qinhou can there be in China?"

Peng Ze shouted.

Ding Da suddenly wanted to die, and I was hiding. I didn’t expect to hit the gun. I don’t think Ding’s is over.

"Qin Hou!"

The officials and the people present were amazed and there was a lot of discussion.

"This is really a big flood of the Dragon King Temple. I don't know my family. Hou Ye, how come you? You said that our eyes were filled with gasping, but they didn't recognize it."

Liao Dongxiang and others rushed to compact and pleased.

"Since it is here, let's stay and do something practical for the people."

"I don't like people who do things without a tail, touch their own conscience, and cut off all these things."

Qin Lan is cold and cold.

"Yes, Hou Ye!"

Cheng Yuanzhi swallowed his mouth and forced his spirits.

Qin Lan pulled two chairs and sat down with Xu Guangwen. Immediately, the disciples respectfully offered the fragrant tea.

"Mr. Xu, you are right. I am a small church owner. I can actually call half of the officials in Xiangnan to the church. This is to set up another court."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"It is not a bad thing to set up another court, it is not a good thing."

Xu Guangwen shook his head.

"Let's talk about things, Mr. Liao, you know more about the situation in the territories. You talk about it, what does this Zhan Xiaobing come to?"

Cheng Yuanzhi said.

"Zhan Xiaobing, I really have a head. He recognizes a cognac, that is our Ding."

"Ding Ye, then there is no need to say more, Xiangnan underground evil, it is no evil, not to do this, this hall is clearer than us, so I will not say more."

"I suggest that catching flies can't cure the problem, and you have to fight the tiger. The scum like Dingda is absolutely intolerable."

Liao Dongxiang took the lead in sitting on the side of Ding Avenue with a white face.

Other officials also quickly said that in their own jurisdiction, someone is also Dingda's downline, gambling, usury, how black is it, how to say Ding Da, who was originally in the eyes of everyone, It became a street mouse and everyone shouted.

"Ding Da, do you admit it?"

Cheng Yuanzhi looked straight at Ding Da and said with no expression.

Ding Da did not move. He saw despair from Cheng Yuanzhi’s eyes and saw the demise.

For a long time, there was a painful smile in his mouth, and he said slowly: "I recognize!"

He suddenly thought of the scene with the spoiled wife on the street, braving the cold wind, using the iron bucket to lick the sweet potato, a sweet potato, a good afternoon, when the business is good, to sell hundreds, on the way home, in my heart Wrapped in honey, I went to the house to drink a bowl of hot porridge, and I picked up the pickles, and the taste was so beautiful.

As soon as I thought of my son’s wife, the couple had a hard time, but they were very satisfied.

However, after Cheng Yuanzhi arrived, Ding Day is like moving Jinshan, and it is gathering more and more wealth. The money is getting more and more, the more women are raised, the more their sons are, the more they are, but they are no longer There is no such kind of home warmth.

At this moment, he was full of roasted golden sweet potatoes, and his tongue was alive. It was the best of the world that had never touched his mouth for a long time.

Unfortunately, everything is too late!

"I recognize it!"

"I want to eat a baked sweet potato, is it?" Ding trembled and asked.

Qin Hao said indifferently: "I said before, the rest of your life can only be begging for a living. You want to eat roasted sweet potatoes? I tell you, it's late!"



Ding Da suddenly felt that the rest of his life was boring, and there was nothing to ask for. He suddenly slammed into the corner of the big table, and the half of the skull was recessed and fell into a pool of blood.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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