The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1231: Resurrection

In the case of Shonan, the solution of Cheng Yuanzhi and Ding Da is only the beginning. The official situation of the Qin dynasty does not want to control, but the position of the Qin gang is to return the people to the sky. Fortunately, Xu Guangwen’s official reinstatement, Lu is borrowing this stock. The wind has moved from top to bottom, and the likes of guests and Cao Xiaoqing have all been filed for review. For a time, the three realms of Xiangnan officials and merchants finally opened up the smog and met the moon.

Qin Lan was rushed back to Jiangdong with Cheng and his wife on the same night. Peng Ze, as the representative of the General Military Department, monitored all the issues in the next Xiangnan.

As for Qin Bangtang, Qin Hao could not find a replacement for Cheng Yuanzhi. He simply took over by Xu Wannian. This is also considered. Liao Liren lost his arm for his loyalty.

There is a Hengshan faction sitting on the mountain tiger staring at it. It is difficult for others to take over. Xu Wannian is the president of the chamber of commerce, and there are people who are dependent on the mountain. At least in the south of Hunan, it is enough to protect the mouth.

Of course, Qin Yu also specially arranged Xu Guangwen as a special supervision. There is this iron-faced blue sky, and Xu Cheng and his father did not dare to come.

Xu Yiyi is undoubtedly the most wronged. She originally thought that this reunion could have a new beginning with Qin Lan. Unexpectedly, Qin Hao did not even say hello to her, and she left without saying goodbye.

In fact, this is no wonder that Qin Hao, the current Xianqi training to the fourth stage, this innovation is extremely important, once successful, Qin Hao will have a group of undead people, about the great cause, Qin Hao is self-important.


Yuxi Daqin Pharmaceutical Factory.

Chen Ziwei, Deng Pu, Ping Lao and others are nervously watching the guinea products inside through the glass wall!

Accompanied by the three CEOs of Qin Yu and Gu Hongwei, Liang Zhen, and Xie Changgeng, the three bosses were able to alarm at the same time because of the core success or failure of this experimental product relationship.

The test article is a person!

A soldier from Jiangdong's special forces, code-named Eagle, is a man of incomparable man who was ordered to go to the southwest to recover drug dealers, and was unfortunately shot dead.

The eagle is a veteran. It is expected by the military and the military and the people. After the approval of his family and the General Military Department, the eagle became the experimental product of the fourth phase of "Xianqi".

At this moment, Su Hanyu introduced the fairy spirit into the eagle's eyebrows in a precise manner in the laboratory.

“Hou Ye, the three CEOs, Xianshi was re-arranged after the decomposition of Deng’s genetic rebirth code, and it has a powerful rejuvenation function.”

"Compared to the previous scent to restore carrion, limbs, and Professor Deng's gene regeneration, we made a breakthrough in the fourth phase, which can truly resurrect a person, not a part, and includes At the spiritual level, it is intended to be a true and true restoration."

"It is the legendary death and resurrection!"

Cheng Bian introduced it to the side.

"Hey, resurrecting life, it was done in the third period, but it is a big problem to resurrect the soul and consciousness!"

"Only by breaking this point is the real success."

"In the third period, we chose a sheep. Unfortunately, it was a sheep that had lost its condition."

"And see if this will succeed."

Deng Pu helped the mirror frame and replied cautiously.

As he said, Tang Yuyue was surprised: "Look, move, the eagle is alive."

I saw the eagle open his eyes and looked at it in front of him. His expression looked very awkward.

Su Hanyu immediately used the instrument to check the life status of the eagle. The sound was transmitted from the loudspeaker: "The body temperature is normal, the brain cells are excited, the heartbeat is slow, and the breathing is weak..."

As she continued to report the status of the eagle, everyone's heart was mentioned in the eyes of the blind.

The eagle is resurrected!

But now it is not completely guaranteed that the state of the eagle has returned to its normal physiological condition.

After ensuring that the eagle’s life was stable, Su Hanyu asked: “Do you know who you are?”

The eagle was somewhat confused at first, for a moment, and said: "My name is Tan Zheng, yes, it is a soldier of the Falcon Special Brigade!"

As soon as he spoke, the people outside were relieved and cheered.

"Great, the eagle has regained consciousness. As a result, our Huaxia x plan is officially successful and completely ahead of the world. As a result, our soldiers can be minimized."

"Hou, congratulations, the real law of immortality has become."

Gu Hongwei is very happy.

Deng Pu, Chen Zi-Zhe and others are even more excited and tearful.

However, Qin Biao's brow is locked, and there is always something wrong with it.

The law of longevity has always been the limit pursued by the self-cultivator. Whether it is **** or the celestial sect of the heavens, the sacred sage, and the eternal beasts, they are always exploring the laws of heaven and earth in order to live forever.

Qin Hao does not want to make a comparison between modern science and technology, medicine and the law of self-cultivation that has been left for thousands of years and the legacy of the Holy Spirit. But one thing he knows is very clear. Under heaven, everything is a hyena. In the eyes of Hell and Heaven, the mortal is also an ant.

Among the three realms, the mortal is the most mediocre, but it provides a platform for the **** and the heavenly comprehension.

No matter who it is, it is from the mortal to the other two The human body has three triples, one for the body, two for the Eucharist, and three for the god.

When the body is gone, it can be regenerated. He was the soul of the land, and he rebuilt the body in the Zongmen and the army.

Therefore, the body is regenerated, and Qin can understand.

But the regeneration of the soul is rather embarrassing, otherwise the existence of **** is not necessary.

Heaven and earth are above all, and in this case, no matter how modern medicine is, compared with the true law that Hongmeng exists, it is low in counts.

Is the most difficult to pursue longevity method really simple to achieve?

"not good!"

"I will immediately ask Professor Su to withdraw!"

Qin Hao suddenly said.


An alarm sounded in the laboratory.

"Professor Su, please leave immediately, please leave immediately."

Tang Haoyue shouted through the microphone.

Su Hanyu is talking to the eagle. She is already a little bit right, because no matter how she asks, the eagle will only say a word back and forth.

"My name is Tan Zheng, yes..."

"Eagle, what is your number?"

Su Hanyu is still unwilling to ask.

After the eagle repeated a sentence, his eyes suddenly turned red and bloody, and his body trembled fiercely. His expression became more and more awkward, and the more urgent the mouth repeated, the eagle screamed suddenly and screamed at Su Hanyu.

After the gene, the eagle reborn, the strength of the eagle has increased by at least three times, and the punch has a few kilograms of strength. Although Su Hanyu has repaired some common methods, he can’t stand this sudden punch. Zhang, heavy squatting on the glass wall, vomiting blood fell.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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