The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1232: X plan ends


Su Hanyu's blood, like a stimulant, stimulated the madness of the eagle. He was like a wild beast. The whole body was bulging and snarling and rushed to Su Hanyu.

All this came too suddenly. Seeing the eagle's madness, Su Hanyu didn't think about safety for the first time, but his heart was disappointed. The eagle's madness declared that the fourth plan had completely failed.

"Cold rain is careful!"

"Quick, security guards, go to save people."

The process shouted through the glass, but the thick safety glass completely blocked his voice.

The security guard who had already waited at the entrance of the laboratory rushed to the laboratory for the first time.

However, it is too late!

Between the electric and the flint, the Qin dynasty is like a cannonball, and it slams into the glass!

Known as the hardest and safest in the world, it has blessed all kinds of enchantments and contains the energy of lightning and wind and fire. After his full blow, it instantly broke.

The eagle's hand was less than a centimeter away from the throat of Su Hanyu. At the time of the crisis, the Qin dynasty fingered one finger, accurately buckled the eagle's big hand, and spit out the eagle.

"Come on, bring Professor Su to the medical room."

Qin Yan's eyes were on the look, Su Hanyu was not hurt, and the eagle's fist hurt her lungs. Immediately, a law was applied to the chest of Su Hanyu, and the security guard was taken to bring people down.


The eagle was more mad, and he rushed over according to Qin.

Qin Yi raised his hand and lived with the eagle.

In the laboratory, the **** marks left by Su Hanyu were shocking, and everyone’s mood became extremely heavy.


Inside the office.

The mood of the three CEOs is extremely heavy, smoking a smouldering smoke, and no one speaks.

Instead, Qin Xiao leisurely sipped tea, and looked calmly at the observation report handed up.

"Oh, I have worked hard for more than a year, but I still managed to fail!"

"I thought that we can make this creation of the world, and now it seems that we have to wait and wait."

"Xiao Qin, have you already known that this plan will be yellow?"

Gu Hongwei suddenly broke the boring, turned to look at Qin.

Qin Lan put down that pile of complicated scientific data and pharmacology, and smiled slightly: "There is a perfect resurrection, which breaks the reincarnation of heaven. If I take this set, I doubt it from beginning to end. attitude."

"In any case, at least in terms of medical healing, we are far ahead of other countries, so the plan is still successful."

Xie Changgeng's mentality is better, and he made a haha.

"Yes, especially after Yan Mu’s death, our military services in the three major theaters have been supplemented. For now, the overall military strength of the South is far stronger than that of the North."

Liang Zhen also affirmed.

As I said, Cheng hard knocked on the door and walked in. It was extremely lost: "Hou Ye, three bosses, an unfortunate news, just after the eagle exploded, our fourth plan officially failed, and there is Serious loopholes."

"Combining Hou Ye's true method with modern medicine and biological immortality has great curative effect in treating local trauma, but it is difficult to break through the complete resurrection."

"Professor Chen and Professor Deng Pu believe that it takes at least one hundred years to break through this level perfectly. In the current situation, the plan can only achieve this effect."

Cheng said.

"Is the two professors okay?"

Qin Hao asked.

"All the same, the mood is lost!" Cheng Qindao.

For the fourth period, everyone can say that all the energy and effort have been invested day and night, and everyone is full of confidence in the culture of this period. It has suddenly failed, and there are unrecoverable loopholes, and everyone is not frustrated.

"I announced that the plan is over. The sample of Xian Xian will be destroyed. The third phase can be stored for military use, and no new research and research will be carried out."

"Tell the two professors, let me take their leave and relax."

"This time, it is really too difficult for them."

Qin Hao Lang channel.

"Okay, let me inform them." Cheng went to death.

"No, Xiao Qin, even if the fourth period fails, you can still cultivate the third period of scent, for long-term planning." Xie Changgeng asked inexplicably.

"The sacred gas has fatal flaws. Some things are not scientifically explained. The fourth phase is a perfect fusion, but even with the special physique, it can't absorb this gas."

"This kind of thing, even if it can make the muscles grow, will cause some hidden damage to the human body."

"Unless it is a last resort, it is best not to use it."

Qin Yudao.


After looking at each other, the three people knew that the plan was completely bankrupt, and they were all impatient.

The failure of the fourth period is like a cloud over the river, everything is so dull.

Every day, Qin Lan took the crowd in the backyard and teased Qin Ji, but it was easy and happy for a few months.

In a blink of an eye, it was on the Chongyang Day in late autumn.

On this day, the thunder is rolling!

Qin Lan stood on the Wuyi River and looked at the sky. He knew that it was time to leave.

His cultivation was reached after the middle of Jindan, and it was difficult to break through. Next year is the 20-year-old Tianshan martial art. Nowadays, the north and the south are in the world, the north is Yanyan, and the south is the loudest. The two are inevitable.

At present, Qin Lan is only the golden body and the ancient magic axe, but after several times on the north, especially after confronting Sun Wuji, Qin has a deep understanding of the martial arts.

Although the martial arts of the mortal martial arts is far less profound than the hell, but such as Yan nine days, Sansheng, such as the master who has already learned a little heaven, has reached an unfathomable point.

Although they are collectively classified as gods and sacred peaks, they are also divided into three or six, etc. Obviously, he does not belong to the ninth.

A strong opportunity to break through is a vain thing, and now I only have to find it myself.

A few days ago, Qin Xi saw that Xichuan had a purple sky and it caused an earthquake.

As the saying goes, there must be a demon in the impermanence, and it can cause a large-scale earthquake. It is not an old demon of more than 1,500 years, but also a different treasure. Qin Lan decided to go to Xichuan for a ~羿哥, so heavy rain, not afraid of ruining the body, I will cook the soup for you, go back. ”

There was a very gentle voice behind him. Qin Hao didn’t have to look back and knew that it was Yu Sufang.

"Okay, go back and say."

Qin Lan took her hand and smiled faintly.

Back in the house, Qin Hao did not rush to drink soup, but picked up Su Sufang into the room, smashed a lot, tossed most of the afternoon, two talents to receive gold.

Qin Yu, who is a vegetarian, is a bit strange. Although the two have had joys in the past, they have never been so sudden and so hot.

"Hey, do you have any thoughts?"

Yan Sufang was lying in the arms of Qin Yu, and asked softly.

"I want to go to Xichuan for a trip. This is less than a month, and the long is September 9 next year."

"I told you about the hustle and the snow scorpion last night, and the family can only rely on you."

"One is that my parents and grandparents should take good care of them. The second is Qin Ji. Good health care, hope that this big Qin Jiangshan will have to count on this kid to take the helm."

Qin Hao caressed her show and shouted.

He still didn't tell Yu Sufang, Fang Xiu had given him a slap in the face, the murderer, this murder is more than a few, the world is big, can be everywhere, when the Yunhai sword slave was a sword, if there is no Fu Xiaoqing for him Sword, now that he is alive or dead is really hard to say.

Therefore, this time, whether it is to win the demon, or to fight for the treasure, he does not have the full grasp.

"At home, you can rest assured that there are me and my sisters to take care of."

"The soup is cold, I will give you a hot meal."

The two went out of bed, and Su Sufang re-heated. After Qin Hao drank a large bowl, the two left goodbye.


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