The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1233: Weird town

The sky of Xichuan's purple sky and the news of the earthquake, caused a great uproar in the martial arts world, that is, Kunlun was also alarmed!

Wushen Peak Houshan Fudong.

A middle-aged man in a black robes is closing his eyes.

But seeing his sword and eyebrows into the shackles, the white face is black and sturdy, and the straight long and neatly draped behind the head, the outline that is as clear as a knife and a chisel, scattered to the hegemony of the yang, is awe-inspiring.

This person is the world's first master Wu Shenyan nine days.

Since the Supreme gave him the Wushen Peak, Yan has been practicing in Fudong for nine days, and most of the matters were delivered to Duan Muquan.

At the moment, in front of him, a young man in a white shirt and handsome and arrogant. If Qin Qin is here, he will definitely be present. This person turned out to be the first day of Jiangdong’s first day.


For a long time, Yan nine days opened his eyes, his hands were round, and he was full of Sundays, and he took a long sigh of relief.

"Shaoyang, you have been with me for more than a year. In this year, you have died from birth to life, and you have created an immortal body. You jumped into the realm of the gods and sneaked into the world. I am afraid that few people are your opponents. It is."

Yan Jiutian is satisfied with watching Bai Shaoyang, just like enjoying a piece of the best.

"Shaoyang is already dead. It is Master. You have brought me back from the abyss of death. I recast my meridians with the lotus roots of the holy lake. I used the body of the beast to be my body. I used the Nether to make souls for me. And taught me to be a **** of martial arts, this is the rebirth of Shaoyang."

"The teacher is like a father, and the grace of re-creation, Shaoyang is always in mind."

Bai Shaoyang respectfully said.

"You are wrong. It is Kunlun Supreme who saves you. Only he has the ability to fish from hell."

"I am just doing his will, accepting you as a disciple, and teaching the essence of life."

Yan Jiu Tian stood up and mentioned Kunlun Supreme. He was proud of him and he was also solemn in appearance. It was the only person in the world who could make him admire and bow his head.

"Master, in fact, I have always had something unclear. With your magical powers, why don't you kill Qin Qin early?"

"You must know that he can kill the enemy with you. Moreover, the Qin thief is fuller every day, and why the Master wants to give him a chance to grow."

"Is it necessary to raise a knife and kill it again? Forgive the disciple, the Qin thief is not an ordinary person, Master, you are raising a tiger."

After Bai Shaoyang was silent for a while, he said the cloud of doubt that had been lingering in his heart.

"The heavens are on the top, and my generation has no choice."

"You don't have to ask more about this. Is he coming?"

Yan nine days eyes flashed cold, Shen channel.

Bai Shaoyang unconsciously avoided his eyes and hurryed: "Come on, waited seven days and seven nights outside the door."

"Let him come in."

Yan Jiu Tiandao.

Bai Shaoyang went out and led a strange man who was huddled in the cloak and walked in.

When the man saw Yan nine days, he turned into a shadow, and flew to Yan Jiutian, and the battle reached a piece.

"A sword and a ghost!"

"Two swords are thundering!"


But seeing the two figures intertwined in one piece, it is the repair of Bai Shaoyang that can't completely see the two people's body and moves.


The black shadow went backwards and slipped a few steps, and snorted, and immediately smirked and laughed: "Wu Shen is not a **** of martial arts. I lost nine strokes in your hand. Now, after 20 years, even three strokes. I can't pass it. It seems that I have never been able to get you in my life."

"Not only you, everyone in the world is the same."

"Mr. Ji, please sit down."

Yan nine days raised his hand and said proudly.

It is the first master of the evil school, Ji Wuxie. It was the same level as the invincible and Hong Zhaoli in the past. It was because of his identity as a cult, not recognized by everyone, but in fact his cultivation is still Above the four.

"Mr. Ji, some time ago, Jiangdong Qinhou faked your identity and destroyed the underground city of Shijing. You heard about it."

Yan Jiu Tiandao.

"Well, this child is daring, and there is no one in the eye. I have long thought of meeting him." Ji is evil and cold.

"This is my disciple, Bai Shaoyang. In the past, the dragon and tiger mountain master of the heavenly master, now worshipped under my door. This time I want to ask Mr. Ji to go down with him to Xichuan and do something for me."

Yan Jiu Tiandao.

"Xichuan has a vision in recent days. I am thinking that there is an old demon who has gotten the fruit and is now alive. I am practicing now, I really can't open it, I can only let you take a trip."

“Ji Lao was willing?”

Yan Jiu Tiandao.

"Will the surname Qin go?" Ji Wuxue asked.

"If he is a smart person, he will naturally go. Ji Lao can also see the machine shame." Yan Jiu Tian means deep and long.

"That's good, this live old man picked up."

"Who asked the old man to owe you a favor?"

Ji has no evil.

"Well, then let's go out today." Yan Jiu Tiandao.

Bai Shaoyang did not expect the task to come so suddenly, did not have time to ask more, Yan nine days waved his hand and signaled him to go.

When the two men got out of the hole, Yan looked up at the top of the wall for nine days, and there was a smile in the corner of his mouth: "The heavens are on the top, everything is the ants, Shaoyang, this time you will see your creation."


It’s been two days since Qin Yu arrived in Nishikawa.

It is difficult to go to the sky since ancient times.

Just by the sky that has long since passed away, Qin can not judge in the mountains, where the different treasures are.

I came to Naturally, I have to go to Qingcheng Mountain.

On the afternoon of the same day, Qin Lan arrived at Qingxi Town under the Qingcheng Mountain.

The fog was heavy in the autumn, and the morning in the mountains was dark, only after six o'clock, it was already black.

Qin Qin has a habit. When he arrives at the local area, he will find a tavern to take a seat and learn about the local people's livelihood. After all, Xichuan is also his jurisdiction. First, there are Shen Wangfu and Fengxian in Sichuan, and Qingcheng School guards one side. It is necessary to analyze whether the people are qualitatively changed through the people's livelihood.

The towns of Xichuan are very small and the folk customs are simple, but this Qingxi town is somewhat weird.

At this point, every household is closed, and there are scattered paper money and paper on the road. There is a cold wind and a strange horror.

"This is strange. Under the Qingcheng Mountain, is there a evil spirit?"

The Qin dynasty secretly, looking for thoughts, went to a nearby family and knocked on the door.


After knocking a few rings, the door opened, and a thin, middle-aged man opened a door and separated him.

Qin Xiao smiled and said: "The fellow, I am thirsty, I want to come in and talk about drinking."

"Young people, when you see that you are a foreigner, Qingxi Town is right and wrong, go quickly." The man said that he would close the door.

Qin Lan quickly raised his hand across the doorway: "Fellow, don't, I will talk about drinking."

"What water, what to waste with him, do you want to die?"

"Hurry and let him go."

The cry of the child and the scream of the woman came from inside the house.

The man didn't dare to talk too much, and quickly closed the door.

Qin Lan ate a closed door and became more curious.

Before he came to Qingxi Town, it was not like this. Is there something wrong?


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