The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1235: Evil demon

Qingcheng Mountain has always been a demon, but for hundreds of years, in addition to a very small number of evil demon, there are Qingcheng factions in the Ming Dynasty, and the overall is too peaceful.

Qingxi Town is at the foot of the mountain. There are often Taoist priests coming down to buy rice to buy oil. It is safer.

At least for nearly a hundred years, I have never had a evil spirit.

But a few days ago, this peaceful day was broken.

At first, there was a rumor in the town, saying that a flower thief had broken the body of several big yellow nieces. Because the locals did not have a police station, the young people in the town organized a gang of gangs and spent several days. Nothing.

Zhou Laojiao’s daughter, Yu Feng, just turned 18 this year, and is generally big with Han Yu. It’s also a beautiful girl in the town. It’s naturally very tight. The couple are afraid of her accident, that’s what makes her two My brother looked at it day and night.

However, it was just three days before the night.

A strange savage man in a black robe led a group of people with flowers baskets and bridesmaids. He came to the Zhou family and said that he was fascinated by Magnolia. He would marry her three days later and let Zhou be ready to marry.

Zhou Jia is naturally one hundred unwilling, the big man is not annoyed, put down the bride price and left, saying that within three days, three people will be taken, it is a warning.

Big Han is coming fast, and going is fast!

The Zhou family had a dream, but if they were afraid, it was also in the fog. It is expected that the next morning, come together, the good guys, the gift money, the silver, all are paper paste, clearly is the corpse.

The matter was not over yet, and the accident happened in the village. On the first day, the niece of the six old Dongtou died, and the light-scarred hang on the stone plate at the entrance of the village, the heart and the intestines were gone.

On the second and third days, two yellow flowers and nieces died in the town, and the death was extremely fierce.

There are evil spirits and monsters murdered in the town. Every household has taken out the charms of the Qingcheng Mountain Taoist priests, and hangs garlic and other evil spirits.

Zhou Jia realized that the fierce man who came that day might not be a demon, so he sent people up the mountain to ask for help from Qingcheng Mountain. Han Bingzhen happened to receive a call from Xichuan Shen Wangfu, and Han Hanqiao and his party went down the mountain to drop the demon.

After talking about the things here on Monday, Tang Ziping was a horrible man. Han Han even unconsciously embraced Qin's arm, and his full, elastic chest was tightly attached to his arm.


Han Yuanqiao coughed a few times, and Tang Ziping returned to the gods and put away the stunned color on his face. Several people were quite embarrassed.

People also count on them to demon and demon, this one is scared, and how to engage?

"Qin brother, I can't help it."

Han Hao also quickly released his arm, and his face was red.

Qin Xiao smiled slightly, and his look was as usual.

"We are old, can you take out those bridesmaids and let me see." Qin said.

"Those things, we didn't dare to lose, we really kept it, big and strong, big and strong, come and move."

Zhou Laojiao said.

The two brothers rushed to the backyard and carried it out. The things were really paper. The stacks were extremely delicate and lifelike. Qin Yan glanced at them, and there were remnants of yin. They were all sinister ghosts and filths. .

I want to come to the devil, and control these little devils for their use.

"Can't see it, are you bold enough?"

Han Yuanqiao looked at his eyes and had a number in his heart.

"I have a friend who knows the technique of yin and yang. I have heard more about it, so I am afraid of it."

Qin Xiao smiled.

Han Yuanqiao did not ask more questions, greeting Tang Ziping's humanity: "You don't bother, hurry, arrange the formation with me, and there may be a fierce battle at night."

"There is a master, there is a mirror, the monster does not come okay, come, and must fight him to fly."


"On the law of martial arts, our Qingcheng faction is indeed not prominent in the martial arts world, but it is a slap in the face of the dragon and the tiger.

"A week old put a hundred hearts, Han will have a demon evil tonight."

Han Yuanqiao is full of confidence.

He did not blow himself, but he was sure, and the other was for the heart of An Zhou’s family. The province was frightened.

The Zhou family also felt a bit relieved when they heard it. They quickly prepared a rough meal and served with Han Yuanqiao and others.

"Qin Ge, why don't you go to use the rice?" Han Hao walked out with a nest and said to Qin Xiaodao, who was silent in the courtyard.

"No need to!"

"You Qingcheng Mountain used to be a demon before?"

Qin Hao asked.

"I really don't know. Sichuan has a lot of aura. There are a lot of places where the demon is going on every year. But it is rare to say that under the Qingcheng Mountain."

"There are my grandfathers, Yang Wu Tian Shi, and no monsters dare not come to know this."

"Just not knowing that this time, the spirit of the goblin has become fat. If the grandfather is practicing, his old man will come in person."

Han Weidao.

The demon can make trouble under the holy land of the gate, so there is no fear, it seems that Chuanxi is going to change the sky.

"Qin Ge, how come you come to Qingcheng Mountain, it is not flat here, but fortunately you met us, otherwise it would be very dangerous." Han Yu asked curiously.

"I originally wanted to go up the mountain to burn incense ~ happened to catch up with this matter, too, can see the Qingcheng faction to catch the demon, this is a rare sight."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"You are such a strange person, I said that the demon, you do not seem to be afraid at all, the monster will come, and the scared fart will flow." Han Han blinked his eyes and spit his tongue to scare Qin.

Qin Lan shrugged and said nothing.

"Hey, come over and take the handle and hang this paper on the red rope." Han Yuanqiao shouted.

Han Yu is talking to Qin Lan here, and Tang Ziping’s people are all screaming, and they have no intention to work.

"Qin Ge, give it to you, I am going to work."

Han Yu put the wolf head in the hands of Qin Yu, walked over and hung up the paper.

Qin Yu chewed the wolf's head, and there was a wheat scent in his mouth. The taste was not bad. He was bored and bored. He looked at Han Yuanqiao's formation.

There are two types of formations, one is to kill and defend, the other is to demon and demon, the former is the common line of people in the martial arts world, the latter is rare, mostly the traditional stream. .

Han Yuanqiao is a scorpion scorpion, using a piece of paper with a hundred and eight roads. The thirty-six days of the town’s evil spirits are hung in the position of the Oriental Aoki and the Southern Suzaku. Once the Suzaku fires the Aoki, the fire is on fire. The power of the explosion of thirty-six. The other seventy-two roads are placed in the north and west, with defense as the mainstay, and the soil and water are incomparable. In the middle is buried a copper money sword, the copper money sword is a long time, the appearance is faint, but in fact it is the superior instrument of the second product, to be buried in the sword is already more than ten o'clock at night, the big battle is final.

The whole big array is meticulous, and it is obvious that the old base left by the Qingcheng faction really has its own search for "book flag"!


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