The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1236: Young people don’t let go

"Well, the big squad is laid out, Zhou Laojiao, you can rest assured that my master's arranging method is that the Sun Monkey is coming, but also to peel off the skin. If he comes in, he can't get out." Tang Ziping clap his hands. Delightful.

"Great, the little old family is all about the guru."

Zhou Laoxi is very happy.

"Polite, what time is it now?" Han Yuanqiao asked.

"10:35 in the evening." Zhou Da Zhuang said.

"Time is enough!"

Han Yuanqiao nodded and made a gesture. He walked to the backyard of Zhou Yufeng's squatting room, took out a white bone from his pocket, bit his fingertips, hanged the door with blood, and then explained it to the Zhou family. : "The time is approaching, three of your father and son are left, and everyone else is in the house. Listen, no matter what you hear, see nothing!"

"Uncle Qiao, what is this, look at the strange infiltration?" Han Yu asked curiously.

"This is the celestial bone left by the ancestors, which contains the arrogance of his old man. It is engraved with the law, and its power is enormous, which can guarantee peace."

Han Yuanqiao Road.

"Zhou Laojiao, that is, the great good man like my master, brought the magic weapon of the township, and you will stay in the house with peace of mind."

Li Ziqing is proud of the ocean.

The Zhou family is naturally grateful.

As I said, there was a bang and a gong in the east. The Zhou family immediately changed their face. "Yes, they are coming."

"Xiao Qin, hey, you are also entering the house!" Han Yuanqiao ordered.

He has arrogance in the big gates, but this kind of life and death is not a dare to be sloppy.

"Mr. Han, my safety will not bother you." Qin Hao faint.

He said that the lightness of the words, Tang Zihua and others listened to the heart is very powerful, originally to see Han Hao old stick to him, it is not good for a night, this time completely burst: "That Qin, my master let you in, That is the heart of the Buddha, don't you know how to be good."

"Young people don't let go, listen to me, life and death, not to be joke, go in." Han Yuanqiao was dignified and his tone was a bit heavy.

"Yes, it is life and death, I have to stay in the front yard." Qin said.

"Hey, you guys are so oily and salty..." Li Ziqing is also a fire, Han Han quickly opened his way: "Uncle, several brothers, catching the demon law, rare to see, anyway, you are I won’t have an accident with Qin Ge. Let’s take a look.”

"Oh, then let me say first, what happened, and the consequences are conceited."

Han Yuanqiao's heart is still more confident, thick eyebrows sinking, and the sleeves went to the front yard.

"Qin Ge, rest assured, my uncle and my brother will definitely care for us, you will be with me."

Han Xiao smiled.

Qin Hao nodded and the group went to the front yard.

Zhou Laohan and his three men stood at the door with respect and respect, and Han Yuanqiao and others went to the high-rise building of Zhou's house. The demon did not arrive, but the whole town was full of blue demon.

"It’s a heavy demon, this animal is afraid that it’s not too light.”

Han Yuanqiao looked up and looked at it, and the eyebrows became more and more dignified.

Far away, a group of people screamed and beaten. The red man in the head was riding a horse, extremely powerful, and dozens of people behind him, flower girl, drum team, carrying a wedding ceremony, should be complete, follow Behind them, there is a team of soldiers wearing armor.

From the point of view of momentum, this monster is still a bit of a head.

While walking, some people screamed with a scream: "Oh, the three grandfathers, the idlers avoid!"

The voice was like an oil scorpion, and it was sorrowful and sorrowful.

In the original town, there were still some people who lit the lights. This shouting was all gone!

This group of people is like a wind, just a blink of an eye, it has already reached the door of Zhoujia.

"Go, go will meet them!"

Han Yuanqiao made a gesture and went downstairs first.


Before I came to the front, I saw that the man was a man of one meter nine, with a big waist and a thick black scorpion. It was a big mountain king, and it was very fierce.

The horse he rode was even more promising. It was actually the Huangquan horse that the Qingcheng faction had already removed. The soldiers were all red and light, and they were very cold and well trained. They were all real sinister soldiers. .

"We are quite familiar with Zhou Laotou, Magnolia?"

Yan Sanye jumped from the moment and saw the lanterns hanging at the door and the hi word, which was quite satisfactory.

"My family is married in the backyard... the wedding room is staying."

"Please move the three masters."

Zhou Laojiao battled the road.

"I count you!"

If you go to your own door, you can't wait to lead someone and squat inside.

As soon as he entered the door, he was not right. The yard was covered with paper. Unlike the other people's papers, the papers were scattered with a strong aura. When the three masters were shocked, they could not help but slow down.

At this time, Han Yuanqiao, who had already sat in the courtyard, shouted at the table: "Close the door!"


The door is closed!

The three **** red pupils of the three princes burst into the glory, and they looked at Han Yuanqiao and others. When they saw them wearing robes, they came to understand it. Sen cold laughed: "Haha, it was originally invited to save the army. Your family is really not afraid!"

When Sanye laughed, he walked over to the table and lifted his foot on the horse stool. He confronted Han Yuanqiao Road: "Is it a stupid Taoist, Qingcheng Mountain, or Wudang Mountain?"

His smile, the burly body and Tang Zihua, who had a strong yin pressure, couldn't breathe. Even the courage to look at him was not there.

Seeing this scene, the three masters of the heart have already had a spectrum, and the more they have not put these weekly helpers in their eyes.

"My Qingcheng School has been stationed for hundreds of years. The ancestors of the past generations guarded this side. Without a demon evil, they dared to do evil. You have a small devil who has become a demon body, and dare to let it go?"

Han Yuanqiao's eyes opened Jinguang, majestic and angry.

"A little bit of a line, you can see the grandfather's body of ghosts, and report it to the name."

Yan Sanye sneered.

"Qingcheng Mountain Hanyuan Bridge!" Han Yuanqiao is just as angry.

"Far word generation? Well, no, far-word generations are wastes. If they are C-types, they may also be equipped with this fairy."

"This fairy has been practicing in Qingcheng Mountain for some years. I don't want to hurt it. You can roll it."

Yan Sanye disdain.

"Well, you are a monster, dare to be a fairy, despise the deity!"

"Since you know the name of Qingcheng, you will leave immediately, hide and practice the Tao, and then dare to trouble the world. I will teach you to never live."

Han Yuanqiao is the first master of the far-off generation. When he was in his early forties, he had already touched the threshold of Tianshi. He was so proud of his heart. He did not expect to be so despised, and he was so angry.

"Hey, what is hiding in the monastic way, are you guilty?"

"Who doesn't know that you have been a liquor bag in the past 100 years in Qingcheng Mountain. There are seedlings first, and now there is a **** Yangwu Tianshi, all of which are a group of waste!"

"You are not going to collect me?"

"Then I will tell you that I have killed several people in this town. Those unmarried women are harmless. You have the ability to come."

Hey, hey, he laughed.

The ghost soldiers under his hand also laughed with him, and did not put Qingcheng Mountain in his eyes.

"You are nonsense."

"The Miao dry is not a fake, it has already died, but my Qingcheng faction is the famous Jiangdong Qinhou, Qinhou is not a waste, you are the waste."

As soon as someone heard that someone had insulted his idol, Han Yu couldn’t help himself.

She didn't speak well, and she broke the dish when she heard it.


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