The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1237: Missed, lost

The soft sound of the yellow scorpion, the beautiful and refined face, immediately attracted the singer.

If Yufeng is the first beauty in Qingxi Town, then Han Han is the mysterious woman in the sky. Two people are in the sky, one is in the ground, and the roots are not a level.

冉三爷 is the evil spirit in the color. Just came in and was shocked by Han Yuanqiao. He didn’t take out the Korean robes in the robes. At this moment, he listened to the sound, and then fixed his eyes, the heart flowers bloomed, and the mouth was straight. Shouting: "My cockroaches! It turns out that there is such a beautiful girl, so good, Laozi will come here with a double arrow."

In the middle of the conversation, Yan Sanye’s hand is going to hook Han Han’s chin.

Han Yuanqiao originally saw that he was not low, but he also wanted to stun the evil spirits of the mountain gate. He did not expect that the three masters did not put them in their eyes. Even the master of this generation’s master was not in the eyes, and immediately became angry. The sword that was pulled out was cut to the third master.

冉三冉 burst into a burst, the body shape rushed back, like a red smoke falling in the courtyard: "Hey, I want to start with me, okay, miscellaneous, it depends on how many pounds you have."

"Three 昧 really fire!"

Han Yuanqiao held the sword in his right hand, and his left hand squatted, and a red flame flew to the ancestors.

When the flame came to the ground, the lotus flower bloomed in general, and it instantly drowned the three masters.

"I thought that there were many avenues, but it was not the case."

Han Yuanqiao succeeded in a move, and the long sword was back in his hand, and he was very proud of his face.

"You have to work **** this fire, I am afraid that I can't destroy him, be careful."

Qin Hao shook his head slightly, reminding him.

People in the martial arts world, especially the famous people, have a problem, that is, arrogance. When Han Bingzhen was a coach in the army, he was taught by Qin Hao because of arrogance.

Now Han Yuanqiao is also a stinky disease, and he is the one who does not suffer from long-term memory.

"Hey, you know that I am really powerful, don't be mad at this long demon." Han Yuanqiao's face suddenly pulled down, and people's hind legs, this is the most taboo thing in the martial arts world. If Qin Xiao is a certain master To put it bluntly, he is a yellow-haired boy. In this nod, Han Yuanqiao is inevitably new and unhappy.

"Kid, what do you know?"

"Master's real fire can burn all the hard things in the world, the evil spirits, the water and soil are hard to destroy, that is, the Da Luo Jinxian will also be calcined into ashes."

Tang Zihua Road.

The voice just fell, but I heard that the three arms of the three masters flew out of the flame, the Dapeng bird generally vacated, opened the blood basin and sucked a big mouth, and suddenly gave birth to a bad wind, the original burning of the three The real cremation is the tassel, and all the brains are swallowed into the belly.

Really in the belly, Yan Sanye patted the belly, the blood in his eyes was even worse, and the gloomy laughed: "Hey, it tastes good, what other tricks, let it out."

"What happened?" Han Yuanqiao and other people were shocked and stunned.

To know that the evil spirits are most afraid of the real fire, the law of the strong sun, and the real fire, what a magical power?

"The Qingcheng School's end of the law, dare to offer ugliness in front of this fairy?"

"Well, let you see the power of this fairy."

冉 爷 爷 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜 喜

The three real fires that were originally swallowed into the abdomen turned from red to blood, and a few people came over like Han Yuanqiao.

"Tai Chi shield!"

Han Yuanqiao still has a bit of skill. When he was shocked, he used swords to practice the spells, and a gossip between the people and the dead was guarded in front of everyone.


Blood fire rushes shield.

Although this smuggle has been avoided, the blood and fire power of the scorpion has been doubled. Han Yuanqiao and others have even brought tables and chairs to the ground. The clothes and clothes have been burned. It’s a bit of a fall, especially Tang Zihua’s long, sloppy, half-baked, unpleasant smell, and not awkward.

"Hey, how can this be?"

Zhou Laojiao originally thought that he had come to the Great Savior. He didn't expect a face to be yellow. The father and son were afraid and afraid, and they rushed to tears.

"It’s a miss, it’s just a miss.” Han Yuanqiao’s thigh position was burned with a big hole, and it’s quite awkward to pull the robes and sweat.

"The road is long, can you do it."

"If it doesn't work, I will accept the old man, and I can't hurt your life."

Zhou Laojiao is downcast.

"Well, I still have a big finale, Zhou Lao, you have to believe in our Qingcheng faction."

Han Yuanqiao hurryed.

He is rather willing to lose his life, not to dare to sweep the face of Qingcheng, immediately swollen face and fat.

"Uncle, you are fine."

"If you still don't want to fight, wait for Grandpa to make another decision."

Han Yu saw that the situation was wrong. It was necessary to take out the signal bamboo tube from the small bag hanging from the waist.

"do not!"

"Don't you!"

"Hey, you can rest assured, uncle, I have my own size."

Han Yuanqiao stopped her quickly.

This time I went to Xichuan Union before going down the mountain, and I could compete for the number of far-off characters. Han Yuanqiao was hard to win. Once I opened my face in front of the Xidao Shenwangfu 18th Road martial arts, I raised my name and I dare not say it in the future. The Qingcheng School is in charge of teaching, at least the position of the deacon of the elders of Han Bingzhen is a matter of fact.

This has not yet gone out of the house, it was beaten back, the brothers and brothers on the mountain, the disciples and grandchildren are not looking at jokes, how can he still face the league? This errand is not to be embarrassed.

"Okay, uncle, then you are careful."

Han Yu bite the lip road Haha, the league, you go is also a death, the demon king has been born, the martial arts is dead, the demon road is standing, this world has long been the time to change the world. ”

"When you go out of the mountain this time, you will destroy your Qingcheng Mountain, and you will be the servant of me."

"As for your little beauty, just be my true lady, when it is time to call the rain, there is beauty."

Yan Sanye smirked, and the **** eyes of the two evil spirits were swept in Han Han, and that was the more they watched.

Qin Hao’s heart was as good as he expected.

The evil spirits suddenly become chaotic, there must be a reason, Xichuan vision, earthquake, it is the powerful demon material to get into the law, now it seems that the evil spirits into the law, the attempt to establish a demon road, take power, a unified mortal.

This kind of thing is actually a rare encounter in the millennium, but it is extremely difficult for a demon to cultivate an adult body and have supreme wisdom.

Such as Sun Wuji's Dapeng Lei Yao, and Kunlun Mountain's demon slaves, there are also a few of the two or three thousand years of Taoism, but because of the nature of the beast, they are difficult to completely repair the adult shape, the wisdom of the people, especially difficult to become a family, with endless Magical powers, so they are doomed to their limitations, can only be controlled by humans.

This is completely different from the demon of hell. The demon of **** is originally a wise, powerful race, such as the nine-tailed fox, the double-horned dragon, etc., those are close to the existence of the sacred beast, The beast that can be obtained is incomparable.

Unable to cultivate, through wisdom, law, and thunder, it is not really a demon.

It is indeed rare for Nishikawa, the lord who came out to get it.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends search for "book flag"!


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