In the eyes of Qin Yu’s approval, Han Yu went to the field, biting the tooth flower and bravely bravely holding hands and clenching fists: "Zhang Zhang teach, please advise."

"Women's dolls, you don't have to stand in the hands of the Qingcheng faction. Are you sure you want to fight the old man?"

"Look at the face of the handsome, I can give you a chance to regret."

Zhang Yunsong saw that the younger son was very tight, and had the heart to keep her life and to bear the temper.

Han Han was nervous to the extreme, his mind was blank, and the voices of persuasion seemed to become nothingness, leaving only the warm smile of Qin.

Qin Lan blinked at her and compared her thumb.

Han Yu’s courage burst into flames, and I thought about it. Anyway, this life died early last night. It was given by Qin Da, and it’s a big deal to die. It’s just a day’s earning.

Thinking of this, she shouted: "Zhang Bobo, I am ready, come on."

"court death!"

Zhang Yunsong’s overall situation is heavy. I can’t care much about it at this time. Raising my hand is a poisonous palm, and I take Han Han’s throat.

Although this palm only used 20% of the strength, but everyone thought of Zhao Beifeng's tragic death, could not help but squeezed a sweat for Han Han.

"Smoke and rain, flying cranes and water!"

Zhang Yunsong shot, Qin Hao has already made a sound.

Han Hao’s mind is like a lightning bolt, pouring into a god, and feeling that his body is light, his mind is transparent, and his footsteps are two steps backwards. The subconsciously brings out the Qingcheng faction’s approach to flying and fighting. The body swayed and stood sideways to explore the Qingcheng palm.

The Qingcheng faction is a martial art of the martial arts. The martial art of the martial art is also the martial art of the enemy, and because of the responsibility of the demon and the demon to protect the security of the party, it also cultivates the Taoist method. Among the ancestors of the past dynasties, there are many generations of people who have crossed the martial arts world, just because the repairs are too complicated. In the modern times, with the loss of some ancient laws, the doormen were martial, ignorant, and not refined.

The Wufa of the Qingcheng School is winning, changing, and fast, making it impossible to prevent!

Han Yuping's smog and rain will also make three or five palms. This is good, his hands are like numb, and the blink of an eye has actually hit hundreds of palms!

It’s also a coincidence that her movements have just been done, and Zhang Yunsong has also followed the evil spirits. This is actually a slap in the air. It’s just that the head is still stretched out by one inch, and it’s just a hundred words in the palm of the hand. Face.

It’s awkward!

In the crisp slap in the air, everyone looked silly.

Zhang Yunsong quickly flew back and retreated. Half of his face was numb, and he touched it. Good guy, his face was swollen like a pig's head, and he was burning.


"Zhang Zhang teach!"

Zhang Yi brothers and silent people screamed at the same time, incredulously looking at their father.

The martial arts masters present at the scene are also a slap in the face, especially Han Yuanqiao and others, who can't believe their eyes.

This entry-level effort, Han Yuanqiao and the disciples have been practicing since childhood, and they have always been strong. They are used to hit people. They are hard to think of. They can do more than 100 people in the Tang dynasty, but they did not expect it. Can hurt Zhang Yunsong, the top master of Xichuan.

"Uncle, Qin Ge, I..."

Han Hao looked at his palm and was surprised to say nothing.

"Reassure, he is not your opponent, just as I said, it is right."

Qin Lan raised his mouth and smiled.

"Yeah!" Han Yu had a sigh of relief in his heart and nodded firmly.

Although Han Yuanqiao and others are worried and questioned, it seems that there is no choice but to believe in this young man.

"Father, what the **** is going on?"

Zhang Shuai asked Zhang Yunsong.

"I, I am a little dizzy."

"The evil door, this slap of the palm of the hand can actually penetrate my body, blame."

Zhang Yunsong licked the **** and spit out the **** mouth.

"Yeah, even if her grandfather Han Bingzhen came, she would never be the opponent of her father. How can she touch you with his father?"

Zhang Yi frowned.

"Yeah, it’s really evil. It’s inexplicably hit her."

Zhang Yunsong glared at the gang, staring at the silly white sweet Han Han, a confused face.

"Is it the strange thing that the kid is doing?"

Zhang Shuai asked.

"Impossible, we have been staring at it all the time. There is no extra fluid flow. How can the kid make a dark move and must not escape the eyes of our five brothers."

A few black robes by Zhang Yi, one of them was cold and cold.

They are the five oldest people in Lushan, and they are also evil. All of them are masters who are not born, and are the strongest backing of Zhang Yi’s unscrupulous in Xichuan.

"Well, Pang brother's vision is not bad, it is my intention." Zhang Yunsong dignified.

"Will it be the secret of what she is making?" Zhang Shuai is a second-generation ancestor. He is ignorant of the martial arts at all, and immediately curiously asks.

"That is the introduction of the Qingcheng School. No doubt, well, this time I will never stop, I must take this little girl's life!"

Zhang Yunsong was right in the gang, and put away the heart of Xiao Yan, and once again entered the field.

"Five buckets!"

"There is no magical power, smashing the ground!"

Zhang Yunsong first blessed the five-figure method on his own. At the same time, his hands became fists, and he slammed his fists. The fists swelled and smashed, and mixed with tens of thousands of pounds of force to go to Han Han lightning.

Han Yu pinched the powder punch, and Zhang Yunsong felt like a fierce tiger rushing over, completely unaware of what to do.

"not good!"

Han Yuanqiao screamed out loud.

The Wu Dou Mi faction is mainly based on the technique, but the person who cooks the Tao will have a melee to save the body, in order to prevent the cast of the law, and the self-protection is powerless.

Zhang Yunsong’s infinite magical power is the melee of the Taoist martial art. Even on the Taiji supernatural power of Wudang Mountain, this boxing method is made up, the power is endless, the layers are superimposed, and the more and more brave, it is Han Bingyu. I am afraid that I can’t stand it.

Everyone around seeing Zhang Yunsong made a house-study, and it was the power of the master. I knew that this time he was really moving and killing his heart. Nothing was hung up for Han Han, such as Yuan Jue, etc. I got a look at the I read the Buddha number and couldn't bear to look straight.

"Flying cranes and sky, Qingcheng lotus!"

Qin Lan was slowed down half a time this time, not flustered.

On the occasion of a strong boxing attack, Han Wei was moved to the heart, and his body was as light as a flying crane. In the past, she jumped two feet high, and now she was able to pull out more than a foot.


Zhang Yunsong’s fists smashed into the air, hitting the gold pillar of the phoenix in the hall, and the golden pillar was instantly hit by two big holes.

Everyone was shocked that Han Han’s body was high and he was also screaming for danger. This was going to be hard, and he was afraid that he would be turned into blood on the spot.

Zhang Yunsong slammed into the air, and his mind was not good. At the same time, he changed his hand and raised his hand to the sky.

However, Han Han did not give him this opportunity, but saw her luck sinking and sinking, and her right foot tipped firmly on Zhang Yunsong's head.

The whole movement is done in one go, black fluttering, like a fairy!

"Okay, a green city lotus!"

"I didn't expect the Qingcheng School to be so wonderful. Today I am waiting for an eye-opener."

"Bing brother gave birth to a good granddaughter, it’s really a scarf!"

Ge Xianmin and Han Bingyu had a good relationship, and they recognized this move and clap their hands.

"Yeah, Miss Han can use Zhang Changshi in the usual way. Whether it is discouraged and courageous, I am so embarrassed."

Others are also applauding and nodding!

Han Yuanqiao and Tang Ziping looked at each other and looked at each other with different eyes. The move was simple and not fake, but how could it be so clever, just like Zhang Yunsong is a sparring partner.

When did Han Han become so powerful?

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends search for "book flag"!


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