The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1147: 1000 vomiting


"Master, how can you get worse?"

Tang Ziping asked incomprehensibly, that is, he was not able to jump in the middle of the middle of the refining, not to mention the enemy between life and death.

"Today's World War I, whether it is losing or winning, is enough to prove to the world that my Qingcheng is not empty."

Han Yuanqiao’s heart was extremely shocked, and the tears of excitement filled his eyes.

He never thought that even the Qingcheng School, which he couldn’t keep up with on weekdays, was so powerful. Suddenly he seemed to see the hope of the rise of the Qingcheng School.

Han Yuanqiao looked at Qin Yu and became more suspicious of this boy.

It is also a work of external refining. Why suddenly there is such a subtle Xuan Tong, it must be that Qin Yu made the method, but he could not see what the young man had moved with his cultivation.

However, from the beginning to the end of the Qin dynasty, the calm, confident, and last night's performance, Han Yuanqiao had to suspect that Qin Hao may be a peerless master.

Except for this answer, there is no way to explain all the doubts in him.

"Mr. Qin, how do you know the practice of my Qingcheng faction?"

Han Yuanqiao’s temperament changed a lot, and he asked with doubts.

Qin Hao’s line of sight always stared at the field. He did not respond with saltyness: “I said last night, I have a little friendship with Han Bingzhen.”

"It turned out that I just didn't think that my Qingcheng faction had come to the gentleman's hand, and there would be such a supernatural power."

Han Yuanqiao exclaimed.

"The real skill lies in the depth of the enemy's strain and self-cultivation. You have to calm down and comprehend, that is, the simplest boxing method, but also through the gods."

Qin Yudao.

In the eyes of Han Yuanqiao, the light was bright, and after careful understanding, the heart broke open, and immediately worshipped, no longer asked, and looked a bit respectful.

Although these words in the Qin dynasty are an understatement, they are the essence of martial arts. Without a certain realm, it is difficult to understand.

"Master, what do you say to him?"

Tang Ziping came over and asked in a whisper.

"Nothing, Ziping, Ziqing, and later respectful to Mr. Qin, can not be made again." Han Yuanqiao sighed, his eyes fell back to the battle in the field.

Han Han stepped on the top of Zhang Yunsong's head!

She can clearly feel that there is a warm breath along the chest, pouring into the toes, this breath is endless, Han Han even standing in this position, but also unconsciously tired!

She knows that this is the infuriating amount of Qin Yu’s infusion. Qin Yu is the great Wu Wu Zun, with a strength of more than 2.5 million jin, and it is also a strong force than most of the peak masters.

Han Hao certainly can't digest his instinct, and he can barely get half the strength, but it is not a monastic foundation. Zhang Yunsong, the qi master, can bear it.

Moreover, because she is unconsciously motivated, not a heavy one, this can be a pain for Zhang Yunsong.

As a master of Xichuan, a highly respected generation, a younger generation is still a female doll first face, and now stepped on the top of the head, it is simply lost face to the Pacific.

Zhang Yi, who was on the side, also expected the old man to support him. This is good, he made a killer, and even a girl can not get it!

Is it true that the position of the ally is to be handed over?

"Father, what are you doing, hands-on!"

Zhang Yi low reminded.

Zhang Yunsong complained at this moment. He only felt that his head was pressing a Taishan. He could even hear the crackling sound of the bones of the Tianling bones. At this moment, he did not dare to move. Only the whole body was able to fight against it.

However, with the urging of Zhang Yi and others and the countless sneer of the surrounding, he was also worried about his face, his heart moved, his breath was loose, and his legs were soft and stunned. He was lying on the ground.

"You, you are coming down!"

Zhang Yunsong’s blood rushed to the eyes of the blind man. He forced him to press down. His face was swollen like a pig liver, and he choked.

Han Wei thought about it, but his feet were like roots growing on the top of Zhang Yunsong’s head. He was also anxious immediately: "Teach Zhang, I, how come I am going down?"

Her opening, Zhang Yunsong thought she was deliberately playing with him, the more eager to attack, the slamming, spurting out a blood.

"Zhang Zhang teaches, don't be angry, I, I will come down." Han Yu saw that he was trampled on his own blood, she was very generous, and quickly advised.

"Qin Ge, you teach me quickly, he vomits blood."

Han Yu asked Qin Qin for help.

"Simple, you ask him a few questions. If he answers well, you will spare him."

"He has to answer badly, and you have broken his dog's head."

Qin Xiao sneered.

The old man was shackled as a dog. If this was the case, the two brothers of Zhang Yi were afraid to call it directly, but the old man was still at the foot of Han Han, and he could only endure this suffocation.

"Miss just ask, I don’t think it’s one, it’s one hundred, and I’ve got it.”

Zhang Yunsong only feels that the two eyes of Venus are scattered, and the mind knows that it is almost the end of the strong, once the strength is broken, the headshot is not to say that it is playing.

"The first question, do you ask him if Qingcheng Mountain is garbage?" Qin asked.

"Zhang Zhang teaches, my Qin brother asks, you answer one sentence." Han Yu reminded.

Zhang Yunsong hurriedly shouted: "Zhang's mouth is stinky, nonsense, and the Qingcheng School has always been my authentic name in Xichuan, and it is not rubbish."

That funny appearance, everyone in the rushing time laughed, Zhang Yi took a deep breath and sighed, feeling no face to wait ~ ~ completely speechless.

"Very good, you are not saying who is doing the high, who is the lord? Now Han Hao wins, do you still dissatisfy?"

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Ah, do you really want me to be a lord?" Han said, spit out his tongue.

"Of course, Jun has no words."

Qin Yudao.

"Serve, Miss Han repaired higher than me, Zhang a hundred convinced, a thousand convinced." Zhang Yunsong began to spurt blood in the seven squats, the voice is also weak, a bit of a look, the pain of incomparable.


Zhang Yi can no longer hold back and wants to save people.

At this moment, Pound, the boss of Laoshan Wu Lao, took him and said: "The general manager is not safe, this woman is unfathomable. Zhang Zhangjiao is the edge of collapse. You have to add chaos, he will die. And wait until you stop at this point."

Zhang Yi had no choice but to suppress the anger.

"Well, as such, at least Han Hao is more qualified than you to be the ally."

"Let's go down."

When Qin Hao raised his hand slightly, Han Yu only felt that his feet were loose, and he was light and spin, and fell.


Zhang Yunsong once again spurted a sip of blood, and the enthusiasm of the chest that was about to explode was finally a lot faster, knowing that this little life was counted back.

"I am sorry to say that Zhang Zhang teaches me. I really didn't mean to hurt you. Just click until the end."

Han Yu’s heart is innocent, seeing Zhang Yunsong’s vomiting blood, and reaching out to help her.

How has Zhang Yunsong lost his life in this life?

Han Yu’s kindness is in his view, he is awkward, and he is humiliated by his instinct. Immediately, his eyes flashed a glimmer of color, and he sneaked out of his arms and found a black evil symbol in the arms of Han Han’s Yintang.

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