The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1248: Do you have this right?

This name is called the broken soul, it is powerful, if ordinary people are posted, it will be broken, broken, not dead, this life has to become an idiot. !

Zhang Yunsong dared to take this poisonous hand. First, he was angry and angry. The reason why the two swindlers and sinisters are the ones who are guilty of martyrdom, is that he will not let the lord's position fall into the hands of others.

Before he had killed Zhao Beifeng, killing one is killing, and then killing a Han Han, it is no big deal.

Anyway, Shen Junfu is the one who has the final say, and the strong is the respect. In the end, the gang is not worthy of him.

No one had thought that Zhang Yunsong was a master of the masters, and he was so despicable and shameless that he was so sinister.

"Han Biaotou is careful."

Ge Xianmin and Master Yuan Jue were in front of them, and they looked at each other with a slap in the face. They wanted to get out of the game and hurriedly shouted.

"Teach Zhang, you!"

Han Hao was late when he heard the reminder, but seeing Zhang Yunsong’s face full of grievances and evil laughter, the black character came face to face, where to hide.

"Pushing hands!"

At this moment, Han Yu’s ear rang, and he became a cleverman. He subconsciously extended his right hand, and his wrist was attached to Zhang Yunsong’s wrist. The hook paper that was originally attached to the door was pushed back. .

Zhang Yunsong did not expect Han Hao's technique to be so clever. However, the strength of this gimmick was slippery and clever. He was already seriously injured. He was not able to resist it. The paper was wrapped around his hand. The slamming sound was actually posted on his forehead.

not good!

Zhang Yunsong screamed and wanted to follow the law, but it was already late.

But listen! The sound of a sound, a black light burst, Zhang Yunsong screamed, the soul was broken, straight down quite straight, eyes narrow, on the spot.

"I, I, I really didn't mean it."

"Zhang Zhang teach! Zhang Zhang teach!"

Han Yu’s detective put aside in Zhang Yunsong’s nose, where there is still a little breath, and he has already lost his life, and he was scared when he was on the scene. He was totally at a loss.

"Hey, you dare to kill my father!"

Zhang Yi rushed over for the first time, helped his father to look at it, and shouted in anger.

"Come, come on."

Zhang Shuai was also screaming at the scene. The guards and defenders of Shen Junfu all flocked to the lobby. At the same time, the masters of Yuanjue and others also defended Han Yu, and the situation on both sides was arrogant.

"Don't you say that it's better? Why do you want to kill such a bad hand and kill my father?" Zhang Yi gnawed his teeth and asked Han Shudao.

"I, I didn't kill him. It was his first move. I just avoided it. It was his own collision."

Han Yu’s tears all flowed out, and he was not able to handle his hand.

"Crashing? You are still loading now. My father is the top master of Nishikawa. You can kill him with your hands. Who are you?"

"Big brother, why do you waste so much, and quickly avenge your father."

In the former fatherhood, Zhang Shuai also refused to pity the jade, and called the martyrdom.

"And slow!"

"If I remember correctly, Zhang Zhang teaches to kill Zhao Beifeng that it is a slippery mistake."

"Now Han Han killed your father, and it is also a miss."

"What's wrong, the internationally renowned Tai Chi is not a person, your father is a human, this is not clean up."

The round sense master rang.

"You are really right, Zhao Beifeng is a dead dog, but my father, he is the father of Shen Junfu."

"I don't care what you missed. I only know that today I must have this person to fill my life to comfort my father in the spirit of heaven."

Zhang Yi is extremely stunned, and this time the Alliance will not be able to take care of it, and only wants to avenge the Father.

"General Manager Zhang is too unreasonable!"

"Wu Yousheng has death, Zhang Jiajiao's behavior is despicable, he can't afford to lose money, he can't live without it, and he can't blame me."

"Everyone, everyone's eyes are bright, please be a witness."

Han Yuanqiao worried that Han Han was damaged and rushed to the past. Zhang arm guarded her and rushed to the crowd.

Ge Xianmin and others just wanted to condemn, only to see a silent group of elite guards rushing in. These guards were fully armed, their faces were wearing thick masks, and each hand held a black bobbin and aimed at everyone.

"Oh, I see who dares to go out for her, I will listen to it, here is Shen Junfu, Shen Junfu!"

"Who would dare to speak for this slut, let him taste the taste of bone water."

Zhang Yi shouted.

When it comes to bone water, everyone will change. This stuff has to be stained a little, and the whole person has to be turned into blood. It is one of the famous killers in Xichuan Tangmen. It is also a bit of a relationship with Qin.

In the same year, Qin Yu helped Tang to clean up the portal. The two met and hated each other. Tang would definitely give the Qin Yu to the unique treasure to the rain pear flower and the cannon. Later, after the Qin dynasty helped Shen Wangfu to recover, the year of Fengxian was afraid of Lu and the shards left by the children. In order to protect Shen Wangfu, he went to Tangmen specially, and asked Tang to create this poisonous bone tube and secret training. A group of disciples were used.

The bone tube has a huge impact and can shoot thousands of venom drops between the fingers, but when it is touched, the bones will melt. Because this weapon is too overbearing, Nishikawa has no sorrow.

Zhang Yi made this trick, and everyone in the scene suddenly became guilty. In addition to Yuan Jue, Ge Xianmin and other people who are extremely just and have a good personal relationship with Han Bingzhen, they are still maintaining others have quietly retired. Going down, one by one seems very helpless.

"Master, how, what?"

Tang Ziping asked nervously.

"What can I do, whoever dares to bully, step over from my body."

Han Yuanqiao is always cautious, but this does not hinder his love for prostitutes.

"Uncle, sorry, I didn't expect it to be like this. It hurts me." Han Han did not guilty.

"Okay, then I will send you Huang Quan to accompany my father."

"Put it!"

Zhang Yi raised his hand and ordered that the disciples open the venom plug at the same time, to pull the trigger and spray the venom.


Qin Lanqing drank.

Everyone thinks of this, Han Han is all the trouble of the Lord, it is the one who should let him have an account, and everyone consciously let the road open.

"Almost forgot you, there is one count today, no one wants to live."

Zhang Yidao.

"If I remember correctly, you have no right to mobilize them?"

"According to the agreement between Tangmen and Shen Junfu, the Bone Guard is led by Fengxian in the year. If necessary, there must be a warrant of Fengxian. Do you have it?"

"As long as you pull the trigger, it is against the agreement between Tangmen and Shen Junfu. The rules of Tangmen do not need me to remind you?"

Qin Hao looked at the guards holding the spray nozzle and sneered.

When it comes to the rules of Tangmen, those disciples couldn't help but shudder. Tangmen is the place of the world, the place of gambling, and the doorman has always been extremely strict. If there are rules, there are countless ways to torture people.

As for the agreement between the two parties, these guards who have been trained by Tang, everyone knows that they are in the same place.



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