The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1249: Peach Blossom Thyme

"What rules, don't talk nonsense, their obligations and existence are to protect Shen Jun."

"Now Shen Jun is in trouble, I ordered you to shoot, shoot!"

Zhang Yi did not know the inside story, and the guards shouted.

The guardian uttered a gloomy voice through the mask: "Zhang Zhangguan, can't help, this gentleman said yes, "We are only responsible for the grown-ups, not responsible for Shen Junfu and others! Unless it is the handcuffs of the grown-ups, it is Shen Jun and has no right to mobilize us. ”

The guardian is not stupid. If no one mentions this, maybe you can take a chance. But people who know the inside are here, and they have to do it again. They are looking for a dead end.

In addition, everyone has no good feelings about Zhang Yi, especially after Fengxian was crowded out, the escorts were basically idle, and no one cares. At this moment, they are awakened by Qin Xiao, and they do not buy Zhang Yi’s account.

"you you!"

"I have raised this group of wastes, and I will roll them down."

Zhang Yi shouted.

"General Manager Zhang, please pay attention to yourself. We are working for Shen Junfu. It is an adult, not you. The salary is also Shen Jun, what is your personal relationship."

"We are the dead soldiers of Tangmen training. The duty of effective loyalty is not false, but there is also the pride of the Qingjun side. I dare to speak out and humiliate. I wonder if my brothers are welcome."

The guardian is a man, staring at Zhang Yi through the cold face of the mask, one word at a time.

"Good!" Zhang Yi bit his lip and nodded hatefully.

"This gentleman, thank you for reminding me!"

"Brothers, go!"

The guardian slightly bowed to Qin Lan and thanked him. He waved his hand and led the man.

"Yes, kid, you cow! My site, Laozi people, you can also play."

"Do you think that without this waste, I can't cure you?"

"Pang Gong, look at you."

Zhang Yi is on the side of the five old roads.

The five old men took off the robes from the outside, and they showed the five-color armor inside. The five men wore an armor, which was the color of the golden wood, the fire and the earth, and the five people looked like a twin brother.

Five people appeared at the same time, and at the same time, the atmosphere of the whole body was released, and the five kinds of gas fields were intertwined, forming a circumfluent cyclone. All the people in the room had difficulty breathing and were weak.

Before they started, there was such a clever and powerful atmosphere, and everyone was shocked.

"Is it the Laoshan Lao Lao who is in the north?"

Ge Xianmin changed his face and asked cautiously.

"It seems that your eyes are still not stunned. Since you know that there are five old-fashioned brothers, you still don't roll down."

Pound is proud.

Ge Xianmin hesitated for a moment, and eventually he still said to Han Yuanqiao: "Yuanqiao, I can't help it. I have nearly 100 people in Gejiabao, and it is really..."

The master of Yuanjue also took a step back unconsciously. The Laoshan Wu Lao was a famous murderer. He was known for his **** washing. But whoever wants to be enemies with them, no matter whether it is righteous or evil, must be riddled with roots and killed.

Therefore, they are also called "Shushan Wutu" in the martial arts world. It is the fact that these five people have been cultivated as high-end, and they are free to go north and south.

Both Ge Xianmin and Juyuan have family and teachers, and they don't want to be stared by these five people. They can make the bones awful and horrible, and they must not only retreat.

Han Yuanqiao sinisterly said: "Mr. Qin, Gebao Lord, Yuanjue Master, everyone's kindness, I have received it. Since Mr. Zhang does not reason, he is a hard-working knife. Han’s master and men are determined to fight hard. Everything has nothing to do with everyone. Please retreat. Let's go!"


Ge Xianmin and others reluctantly retreated.

"Count that you are interested."

Pound came to the front, cold and cold.

"Look at the sword!"

Han Yuanqiao did not dare to care about it. Several men and women at the same time pulled out the long sword and urged them to take the lead.


"It's too waste!"

Pound took a handful of sleeves, and the long sword broke down. Several men and women fell to the ground.

"Uncle, brother!" Han Yufu helped Han Yuanqiao.

"Oh, my uncle is incompetent and can't protect you."

Han Yuanqiao smiled bitterly.

"Female doll, don't hide, I know you have the ability to fight the old man."

Pound did not even look at Han Yuanqiao, and the white eyebrows were locked back and forth between Han Yu and Qin Lan. No matter how they look, these two people are not like masters.

With his ability, he could not sense the martial arts field of the two people. He looked at the other four brothers again and his eyes were lost.

There is only one possibility for this to happen. The two men have been trained to enter the realm and can fully converge on the air.

But if one wants to be completely hidden, it must be a master of sacredness and scent level. Is it possible?

"You, don't come over, I, I will fight back."

At the time of Han Yu’s horror, Dan Tian’s heat flow surged again, and it was fiercely agitated.

"Oh, repay? Don't pretend, your girl is a bit of a skill, isn't it like sympathy for everyone?"

"The old man doesn't care about this. It's your hypocrisy."


With the lessons of the past, Pound is ruthless and has to talk.

"Hey, don't be afraid, these five old dogs are not your opponents. Don't worry about playing hard!"

Qin Hao touched the bridge of the nose and said lightly.

Han Wei took a look at Qin Lan, and suddenly felt only in his mind, there was a beautiful girl wearing a black long skirt and glamorous and unparalleled dancing, the fingertips bloomed with a peach blossom!

Every peach flower is mixed with a fierce offensive, and Han Yu realizes that she has obtained some powerful exercises.


"It’s mad, **** it!"

Pound's shot is a hot, smashing mountain smashing hand, and it's like a snake, and it's like a snake.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of offensives sealed all the doors of Han Han, and it was inevitable!

Qin Lan rushed to Han Han and nodded slightly. He raised his hand slightly. Han Han only felt that his body was floating, and the peach blossom sword caused by the beautiful girl in his mind should be moved...

“Peach Blossoms are all over the sky!”

Han Yujiao sighed, and the left and right hands were combined, as a butterfly changed quickly, and a pink peach blossomed between the fingers.

When I was in the hall, there was a peach rain in the hall. The pink color was intertwined with the golden color of the main hall, which was particularly eye-catching!

When the peach blossoms fell over the rain, the cups were broken, and the beams and walls created by the old woods burst out with a burst of cracks, cutting a deep crack for the peach blossoms.


Pound's hand has been swept to Han Han's throat, and only need to breathe, so that she can die.

However, in front of the flower, countless petals from the fingertips of Han Yu, suddenly blocked his sight, the petals are scattered without sharp, cold breath.

Pound was blocked by a move, and then urging him to fight. He wanted to attack and kill again. Unexpectedly, there was a pain in the whole body. He hurriedly took the opportunity to retire, and he took out the rain.

This is the appearance of ragged clothes, blood flow in many places, several of the wounds are deep visible bones, burning pain.

More annoying is that his left eyebrows are cut by the petals, blood flowing down the cheeks, so good.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friend.



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