The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1250: I have a sword, the world is invincible.

Han Han ignored the painful wow of Pound, and looked incredibly at the petals of the flying dance. I can't believe that it was all changed by myself. !

She turned her head and looked at Qin Xiao, but she saw the faint mist and sorrow in the eyes of the cold.

At this moment, she is stupid and understands that Qin has passed her power through some special method, but why is he sad? Is it because of the female fairy in a black dress?

He must love the fairy sister, too, and the man who is like Tong Datong, who is handsome and kind, and who is heavy and righteous, only has the talent to match him.

It turns out that this world has a more fascinating and admired man in Qinhou!

After repeated considerations, Qin Lan decided to pass the Baihua Shentong to Han Yu.

First, he appreciates this kind girl. Secondly, he is very comfortable with the Qingcheng School. It is also a small compensation to teach Han Hao a magical power.

Of course, he is also selfish.

Baihua Shentong is Fu Yuqing's eternal school. Qin Yu knows that Fu Xiaoqing's hopes of waking up in this life are extremely embarrassing. He does not want to clear the dance of the hundred flowers!

Han Yu dances, peach blossoms, beautiful as heaven!

Qin Lan couldn't help but think of the Qing dynasty under the Qingcheng Mountain, the Qing dynasty alone, the eternal death and unyielding cold and radiant shadows, the past is like smoke, the beauty is no longer, the Qin dynasty touches the scene, actually is a rare oily and sour meaning.

Even if he has the entire country, what about the longevity?

After all, Qing Qing is lonely and lying, and he regrets staying in the world.

At this moment, Han Yu got the exercises, just like the pro-repair, seamless inheritance, how can Qin Xi not like it?

"Qin Big Brother, I, I have to try with him?"

"I am really afraid of killing... kill him."

Han Yu’s helpless rushing Qin Qin shouted.

"Damn, shame me too!"

Pound sees that Han Han is still pretending, but it is even more furious, and the blood of his face is going to smash again.

"and many more!"

"Big brother, I think this goddess is very different, or let us be one!"

The other four people in Lushan quickly pulled Pound and solemnly advised.

"Yeah, Pang Shi, even I am planted in this woman's hand, can't care, don't talk about the rules, the five masters are still together."

Zhang Yi frowned.

Tonight, his three killers have already lost two. If this game is lost again, I am afraid that he will not have to face the leader of the league.

Seeing Pound eating, there are bold and long tongues following the squatting: "Pang Ye, it’s right, you are still old, and the provincial avatar, like Zhang Tianshi, was thrown at the head and lost his life."

"Pang Shi, the overall situation is heavy, and it can't be done."

Silence is also a persuasion.

"Go to your grandfather's overall situation."

"You are a waste of Lao Tzu, I am not."

"All open to me, today I will not kill this woman, I am not surnamed Pang."

Pound asked himself to kill the gods. There was no rival under the master. At this moment, the more people were noisy, the more difficult it was for his heart.


Pound shouted.

Immediately, three of the disciples carried a heavy, nine-ringed ghost knife and lost it. Pound’s one-armed arm, the sword stabbed into the ground, and the hall suddenly slammed.

Everyone saw that the big knife was black and inky, and there was a murderous murderous murderousness. There were countless souls roaring in the knife. It was a few feet apart. The pores were cold, and the neck was hot and painful. The weapon, can not help but worry about the thin and thin little girl.

"Good tyrants, Ge Laoxiong, you have more knowledge, it is better to tell everyone." Asked with an itch.

"This knife is the best of the East China Sea. It is the weapon of the Li Zhiliang Aizi Li Rusong of the Ming Dynasty. It is rumored that this Li Gongzi has the courage of Wanfu, and it is a military general who is a must. Known as the harassment of the island, Li Rusong played, often repeated, and could not be taken, almost to defeat the enemy."

"Only in order to rescue the subordinates, the gods of war are underestimated, and the light rides into the army. In the end, the **** battle to a soldier, killing countless thieves, after all, exhausted."

"After Li Rusong's death, the knife has never fallen, and it has not been returned to the rivers and lakes until nearly a hundred years."

"Because this knife is more murderous, it will hinder the Lord. It is said that people who are not hard-lived will be bad luck, but they never want to fall into the hands of Pound. It is no wonder that the Laoshan Five can kill the North and the South, no one can be a bad person. ""

"Pound has a knife, it is necessary to move the real thing, Miss Yan is dangerous."

Ge Xianmin is indeed a sigh who knows a lot and has no dignity.

Everyone listened to him saying this, but it was a cold heart.

It is that regardless of Zhang Yi or Pound, there is a heart to put Han Han to death, there is no way to go round.

"Little slut, just the old man's miss, let you get a little cheap!"

"If you kneel down now, you can leave a neck, you can leave a whole body, otherwise you will want to dump you for meat sauce."

Pound's one-armed knife squatted on his shoulder and yelled.

"I, I am not afraid of you, you can't scare me."

Han Hao had a hundred flowers and magical powers. Seeing Qin Yan’s face indifferent, his heart was full of enthusiasm, but he had no fear before.

"court death!"

Pound moved long knife flying, black light broke, knife seal printed souls savage, wild roar, a time in the hall is like hell, the wind is overwhelming, ghosts crying, not swearing.

"Going forward!"

Pound's long knife and round knife, the strength of the masters condensed together, such as the peak of Mount Tai to the Han Han.

His knives look far less brilliant than Peng Lianhu's knives, but they are the real murder method. They are like the battlefields of the battlefield, the battle of brave warfare, and the strong imposing manner. .

The master of Yuanjue himself is a man of Jin Gang, who has the power of the gods, and is brave and fearless. However, when the knife comes out, if the army is rushing, it will not be able to continue breathing!

"When it is finished, this knife is combined with the method of the slaughter, and it is feared that the great master will also have a battle."

"Han Hantou is so powerful that he is afraid that he will die."

Ge Xianmin shook his head and sighed.

"Master, hey, she, she won't..."

Tang Ziping’s lips are screaming and he wants to stop.

"Not necessarily, I am still trustworthy."

Han Yuanqiao looked at Qin Hao, who was on the sidelines. He saw his face as usual, and there was no worry, and there was a bottom in his heart.

Pound's knife method has indeed got a bit of truth. It is a real murderous madman. People who have seen countless blood can experience this terrible way of tyrannical killing.

However, Pound is not a **** of war after all, it is not difficult to break a murderer.

Qin Yu pointed to the eyebrows, and a **** read the past.

In the face of Pound's ferocious sword, Han Han suppressed his inner fear and closed his eyes, but his mood calmed down.

She knows that the idea will teach her how to do it, and blind fear will only be counterproductive!

Suddenly, the idea has arrived.



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