The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1251: Big brother is going to finish

"The pear blossoms are full of the city!"

Han Wei is like an arrow from the string, spinning and vacating, and when the two hands are flying, two pear bridges are pulled out!

Left and right hands, pear blossoms one after another, connected into two long lines of a word, forced to the blade!

Every pear flower contains the instinct of the Qin dynasty. The true gas is mixed with fire, coldness and thunder, and everything is a weapon to restrain the knife. !

"The skunk, the old man sees how your little tricks block me."

Pound's knife is not diminished, and he adds three more suffocating, hehe! The knife is like a numb, like a black cockroach. Wherever it is swept, the pillars and walls are all pierced and smashed, and there are still a few unlucky ones. They can’t escape, and they are smashed in two on the spot. on the spot.


Han Yu kept spinning and dancing, black moving with the wind, white, good face to the sky, with a touch of happiness and smile.

She had thought about it many times in her dreams, and she had the opportunity to dance like this. Now she has done it, just like a nine-day flower fairy, a dance in the city, and a vision of all beings.

Two pears and long bridges shoot countless flowers and hit the blade!

At the beginning, Pound was able to smash the pear flower and grab the first hand, but soon he was not quite right. Every time the pear flower hit the big knife, his dantian would have a big shock, his arm was numb, and his suffocation would collapse.

However, his violent knives have repeatedly broken through, and when he saw the long bridge of Pear Blossoms, he wanted to smash Han Han into two pieces, but he was apologetic and forced back for the endless word of the Ewha Bridge.

After entering and retracting and sawing a half-baked tea, the two actually played a split-even autumn, and the violent knife stayed in the air for two pears, which was difficult to enter.

But the discerning eye can see that Han Yu’s pear blossoms are endless and there is no exhaustion. On the contrary, Pound’s knife is much worse.

"It’s a strange thing, this little girl’s dantian gas is endless, isn’t it still in the big brother?”

"Impossible, the big brother is now close to the Tianshi, plus the blessing of the sword, and it is said that there is no one under the master. The little monk is so powerful that it is impossible to reach the master."

The four brothers of the Pang family watching the war were worried.

They know that Pound is not as good as Han Wei, and Han Yu Dan Tian has been quietly entered into a true spirit by Qin Lan. He has the power of the great master of the peak, although Han Hao’s physique and talent determine that she can’t fully exercise her strength. However, she had entered the realm of harmony between man and nature on the occasion of life and death, and added a hundred flowers and magical powers, which can give an amazing 80% power.

This is what Qin Lan did not think of. In this way, Pound is considered to be the fire of the gods, and it is impossible to occupy the wind.

Of course, Pound is also at a loss in strategy.

His knife method inherits Li Rusong's invincible style of play, paying attention to fearlessness and making a slap in the face.

Once the knife is frustrated, the whole person's state of mind and strength will drop drastically.

Therefore, as long as Han Han can withstand this knife, Pound is destined to lose.

"No matter what, we are looking at it today, and the Qingcheng faction is not allowed."

"I will not remove him today. In the future, Xichuan will be afraid to change hands."

Zhang Yi frowned.

Qingcheng School is directly under Qinhou. It is necessary to have such a powerful female lord and win the League ally. The reputation is coming together. The 18th martial arts martial art is still not allowed to vote. At that time, Shen Junfu was completely set up!

"No hurry, Big Brother should have a post-attack. If you can't fight any more, our brothers don't have to talk about rules and go together to help out."

Pang family is four old.

Several people nodded!

Pound was cracked by the smoldering tiger's mouth, and Dantian's breath was also disordered, and his heart was bitter.

After all, he became a well-known master of combat, and immediately the knife edged, the horizontal knife stood up, with the blade blocking the pear blossom rain while retreating a foot, after the pear blossom was separated, Pang Deqiang took a breath, through this rare space, high Jumping up and smashing the top of the temple, mixed with the broken debris on the roof, like a meteorite falling, the two hand-held knives fall down, the human knife is one and the same!

"A battle has become a million bones!"

Pound roared to make a killer!

This is a **** battle, a deadly battle, no retreat, and gathered for the master of his life!

Knife out!

People integrate into the knife and turn into a black stream. In the whistling of the ghosts, they vow to fight with Han Han.

"Is the big brother crazy?"

"Do you have to use your own life to fight this hoe?"

The other four people exclaimed.

They know that Pound is the hand of the four sacred mountains, and he is not completely brainless. If he loses to a different age or a martial arts celebrity, Pound will retreat.

But in a fame and unspoken skunk head repeatedly frustrated, Pound could not stand this bad smell.

If you don’t kill Han Han today, he’s only afraid that he will not be able to lift his head in this life.

“Be careful!”

Han Yuanqiao yelled, and the broken sword that grabbed his hand was thrown over by Pound as his life force. He wanted to resist his offensive. However, the force of the broken sword did not enter the black light, and it became a broken piece.

"Good guy, I am afraid that I have to have the strength of a large master of 100,000 pounds."

Ge Xianmin and others were shocked.

Han Hao suddenly opened his eyes and cleared his eyes: "The lotus roots are unparalleled!"

But see a snow-white, innocent huge lotus flower shape, spread from her chest, such as the South China Sea Guanyin sitting on the lotus group, the petals are outside, full of the size of a car.

Pound only felt that the lotus flower was shining, and there was a faint purple and black fire in the inside, and it was strange and inexplicable!

His heart is unconsciously fearful of fear That is what he has never seen before in the rivers and lakes, Pound has a hunch, those flames will burn him to ashes.

He is afraid!

He also has four brothers, no need to take the life to fight.

When his heart was weak, his knife had already dropped a few points. After all, Pound was a famous master. At a crucial time, he was twisted and wanted to avoid the lotus.

This makes his movements look awkward!

"what happened?"

"How does Big Brother change his mind?"

The third child frowned.

"not good!"

"Big brother is over!"

The relationship between the old four and the boss has recently been seen, and at first glance, the invisible fear that Pound dissipated.

However, it is already late!

Lotus flew dozens of light white filaments, hooked Pound's legs and neck. Pound only felt that his body was out of control. His backhand was a knife. At this time, his mind was broken and he was hanging in the air. This knife is also usually Two or three of the strength of the gas, where is the sturdy and flexible filament?

Immediately, even a person with a knife was involved in the lotus platform!

As soon as he entered the lotus platform, Pound knew that he was completely finished.

The black and purple fire inside is cold and cold, but it is not so powerful. He has not added himself, he can sense the burns from bone blood and soul.

That is not the general fire!

"It’s not that simple to want my life!"

Of course, Pound will not accept this life. In addition to the explosion, the tip of the knife is in the heart of the lotus, and he is strongly urged to participate in the suffocation. He wants to kill the lotus fire with the chilly heat and break the lotus.

His knife from Li Rusong, killing countless souls, the backlog of yin is enough to suppress any of the three products of the righteous instrument, spell!

He believes that this flame is no exception.



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