The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1256: The mouth is not clear, the eyebrows cannot be passed


"Thank you, Auntie."

Fengxian coughed and broke the shackles.

His aunt is called Pu Jing.

In the year, Feng Xian’s parents died early, and they lived with their elder brothers and sisters. My sister is like a mother, and her brother is like a father. In that year, she relied on scavenging, begging, and hard work to bring him up. When Fengxian was thirteen years old, his sister married to Xiangbei, and his brother took the son Pu Jing, Pu Jing. Also eager to fight, the next year is pregnant with the flesh and blood of the family.

Seeing that this family is complete, the eldest sister and eldest brother who have been suffering for a lifetime have finally hoped for it. Unexpectedly, a flying disaster has taken away the life of the eldest brother.

A good home, it is so broken.

Although the scorpion is also a poor child, but the long beauty, then a lot of people are screaming to persuade her to call the child back to her family, and will not find wealthy people in the future.

Who can think of Pu Jing, who is weak in appearance, but has **** and strong shackles in his bones. One is a family member, and his death is a family ghost. He stayed.

Pu Jing has a good family, and he usually does some manual work in the town, plus the subsidy given by his wife, Fengxian, on a regular basis, for him to study, raise children, and support the family.

In the days of fascination, Pu Jing cares for him, and the kind of broad love is submerged in his youthful heart.

Later, Fengxian worshipped the famous martial arts teacher and stepped into the martial arts world. He became a famous celebrity in Xichuan. Whether he was in Lugongguan or Shenjun, he would bring Pu Jing mother and daughter wherever he went.

Now, in a blink of an eye, Fengxian is nearly forty years old. He is a few years old, two of whom are unmarried and one is unmarried.

But in a lifetime, some things are tacit.

It is reasonable to say that to this world, who does not know Fengxian is a good woman, Pu Jing is a good woman, but Fengxian and Pu Jing are both old-fashioned, and no one dares to break through this layer of window paper.

When Shen Yunuo showed his love to him, Fengxian immediately refused because he knew that his heart was already filled with the woman who was taller than her.

After listening to him for more than ten years, he called his aunt, and Pu Jingmei flashed a trace of lost color. "Li Bu and Gan have waited for one night in the concierge and left this morning."

"Oh." Feng Xian put on his clothes, and his heart was extremely warm.

This dress was originally seen by Lu Gongguan. Pu Jing personally gave it to him. Now it has been worn for several years. Although it has faded and sewed and replenished, Fengxian is regarded as a treasure.

Pu Jing certainly knows the mind of Fengxian in the year, but in fact it is the most painful. It is clearly in the footsteps, but the mouth is not clear, and the eyebrows cannot be passed.

"Mr. Zu, Shi Lao, etc..."

Pu Jing said again.

"Auntie, far from these people, Fengxian’s life is floating, and it’s a bearish one. The rest of his life is only willing to accompany you and the aunt, and there is nothing to ask for.”

When Feng Xian finished speaking, he was going to wear a fight.

Pu Jing's face is red. This is the first time she has heard the words of Fengxian in the past years. In her heart, she was born with some joy and sweetness.


The door rang.

"Oh, it’s really a ghost, I’m tired of being aunt, I’m saying I’m not there.”

Fengxian frowned.

Pu Jing nodded and walked lightly to the door. Outside the door was a young, beautiful woman with a gorgeous dress. The phoenix was woven with gold silk, and the end was extremely noble.

The man who is next to her is also very imposing, followed by several people, and it is not a small one.

"you are?"

Pu Jing asked.

"This is Shen Junfu Shen Jun, and he is called Fengxian to come out to welcome the drive."

A disciple speaks loudly.

"To shut up!"

Shen Yunuo screamed at the guard, and then smiled and said: "My name is Shen Yunuo. I have a good deal with Mr. Looking for a good deal. Please also enjoy it."

"It turned out to be Shen Jun."

"Feng Xian he... he is not at home."

Pu Jing was not good at lying, hesitated.

"If I am not there, then I will wait, I hope you don't mind."

Shen Yunuo refused to wait for Pu Jing to refuse. He has already gone in.

In the year of Fengxian, Shen Yunuo and Zhang Yi and other people walked in. They knew that they could not hide. They took off the fight and opened the doorway: "Since it is here, please come in."

"Auntie, please ask me to burn some tea."

Pu Jing nodded and went out. Looking at the soft, warm light scattered in the eyes of Fengxian in the year, Shen Yunuo’s incomparable sorrow and grief, it was a very indifferent look, he never gave her.

"I finally understand why the grown-ups have to leave Shen Junfu. There is such a person who is concerned about it.

Shen Yunuo's eyes are reddish, and the tone of the speech is a little bit ridiculous, but the meaning of the words is only understood by the two of them.

Fengxian was indifferent.

"Oh, Mr. Year, I really didn't expect that you are the master of several generations of Xichuan. It is a power to live in the world, but live in such a dilapidated small yard."

"This is not good. I have a luxury villa in the east of the city. Anyway, it is empty and empty. It is better to give Mr. Mr.."

Zhang Yi called a haha.

"The mountain wilderness is gone, the rough tea is light enough, and the general manager of the mansion is kept using it slowly."

In the year of Fengxian Ping.

"Mr. Mr., I am actually very curious. Why don’t you find a warm bed when you are so old?"

"I see that the woman is very pretty, I know a second-line star who just got off the list, just the body, or introduce it to you."

Zhang Yi tried hard to please Fengxian.

In his view, people live forever, nothing more than color, money, power, and the right to be a good person in the year.

"If you don't speculate, you can leave it. Zhang, please let me go." Fengxian stood up and his sword was heavy and unpleasant.

"Yes, don't be angry, I know that you are high-spirited, you just let me put a fart." Zhang Yi had to ask for him, and quickly closed his mouth.

"Zhang Yi, go out, I will talk to Mr. Year."

Shen Yuno’s eyebrows.

"Cheng, you talk slowly."

Zhang Yi did not ask for a good face, and he retired very interestingly.

Shen Yunuo closed the Looking at the year Fengxian said: "You are a big man, do you think that I am mixed with this man?"

"Do not!"

"I only feel that you are poor!"

Fengxian Road.

"Sir, is that woman really your nephew?"

"She is very gentle, good and good, I can see that you like her very much."

Shen Yunuo lowered his head and filled his eyes with tears.

"She is the best woman in the world!"

Fengxian did not deny it.

Pu Jing not only has the kindness to him, but also the most perfect woman he has ever seen in his life.


"You are right, I am a poor person."

"My father is gone, my family is gone, I am wandering around. When I have a home, my heart is empty, and God is destined to make me happy."

Shen Yunuo’s tears finally fell.

"There is no such thing as a perfect thing in this world. If you don't talk about it, what are you doing to come to me?"

"First, if you are related to Shen Jun, you will definitely not agree."

Fengxian opened this heavy topic.

"I really have something to ask you!"

Shen Yunuo Road.

"Then you can go back." Year Fengxian raised his hand.

"Uncle, don't take me as Shen Jun, don't treat me as the woman who confessed to you. Like the past, treat me as a daughter and be a friend, can you?"

Shen Yunuo’s tears are like rain, and Chu said.

In the year, Feng Xian turned his back and took a deep breath. He said for a long time: "When the grandfather had destroyed the children's family and the Lu family, he and I were entrusted to you by Xichuan. I have been treating you as a relative for these years. If you have a mistake, you can’t do anything. It’s a boon, you say it.”

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