The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1257: Mountain flag

Shen Yunuo said that the black horse of Qingcheng Hanyu should be said, and analyzed the strong relationship according to Zhang Yi.

Feng Xian frowned and contemplatively said: "Hou Ye is the master of the Qingcheng School. To tell the truth, Shen Junfu should take care of Qingcheng. From this point of view, we have the Qingcheng. Now it is like this. The talented young girl genius is the luck of Nishikawa. The Zhang Yunsong and Pound who you said are all villains who are sinister and evil.

"Yu Nuo, if you really treat me as an uncle, listen to me, stay away from this Zhang Yi, the Qingcheng faction still listen to the opinions of the 18 famous teachers."

Fengxian advised.

"Uncle, you really have the heart to succumb to the hardships of the mountains, so you are taken away?"

"Now Shen Jun's prestige is greatly damaged. It has already reached the end of the crisis. Uncle will not help me anymore. Shen Jun will be in a difficult situation."

"You also know that the Qingcheng faction is marginalized. There is always a Houye support behind him. But who can I have, except for my uncle, who can't help me."

“Don't the uncle really want to make Yuno a loner?”

Shen Yunu cried.

In the year, Feng Xian was silent, and he felt sad in his heart.

He has been in Xichuan for many years. He had been cared for by Shen Yunuo. He knew that her helplessness was helpless. Shen’s family was almost wiped out by the children’s family. After the recovery, in addition to silence the waste, there was no relatives at all. The people in Xichuan were brought by themselves. When he left, Shen Yunuo became an empty shelf and could only let Zhang Yi toss.

He is more able to understand why Shen Yuno is obsessed with the waste of Zhang Yi. What is more bitter and more difficult to understand in this world?

He couldn't pass this pass himself, otherwise he would not be able to tell each other if he was in the same room as Pu Jing.

"What are your plans?" asked Fengxian.

"I want to ask my uncle to go out and do my supervisor, take the position of the lord, and reinvigorate Shen Junfu. At the same time, it is also for the people of Nishikawa. You know that Zhang Yi is a waste after all. This is a matter of life and death of Xichuan. Can't afford it."

Shen Yu promised to ask.

"I won't be a ally."

"The whole southern country already has a martial arts lord, that is Qinhou."

"This kind of small abacus played by Zhang Yi can't help you at all. You have to think about it for the people. Or the sentence will let this singer of Han surname, she can win the hearts of the people, this position is her."

Fengxian frowned.

"I know that Zhang Yi is afraid of losing wealth and wealth, but I also don't want to lose Shen Jun."

"Uncles don't do it, I will be the lord, and I will fight with Han Han. As long as my uncle helps me, I can unify the heart of the 18th, and save the peace of the demon. I can also keep the last of my Shen Jun. A trace of face."

Shen Yunu insisted.

"Yu Nuo, why are you suffering for that waste?"

Fengxian long sighed.

"Because I am pregnant with his children!"

"He is a waste, scum, and the father of my child. This road is my own choice. I can only go on."

"Uncle, beg you!"

Shen Yunuo squatted on one knee and looked cold and decided.

"Well, I promise you are!"

"Hey, why are you suffering?"

Fengxian Road.

During the conversation, Pu Jing took the tea and walked in. Shen Yunuo got up and succumbed to his body: "Uncle, then everything will work for you. I will go first."


Feng Xian nodded.

"Hey, Shen Jun, the tea is soaked, you can sit down for a while." Pu Jing still wants to stay.

"no thank you."

"Uncle is a rare good man, and he still wants to be treasured."

Shen Yu Nuosu laughed and walked out the door.

"Feng Xian, Shen Jun, she..." Pu Jing did not understand.

"She is a bitter person."

"Auntie, Xichuan has a big event. I am going to Mount Emei this time. It is very likely that I will never come back."

"If I can't come back, you will take this fan to the aunt to find a doctor, and ask him to treat the aunt."

In the year, Feng Xian opened the box and took out the paper fan that he had used for many years. He spread the hand of Pu Jing and drankly.

"I know!"

Pu Jing sighed in tears and slowly extended another hand to cover the hands of Fengxian. The two held their hands tightly.

"Okay, I should go!"

"The home is annoying!"

In the year of Fengxian’s reluctance to let go of his hand, he shed his tears in his eyes and went out without going back. The guardian outside the door yelled: “Apu, immediately took my hand to inform the old, Shijie, call In the old department, I said that in the year of Fengxian, I wanted to go out and see the front of the Lugong Pavilion."

"Feng Xian, you must come back alive, my aunt and I will definitely wait for you."

Pu Jing looked at the back of the distance, holding the paper fan tightly on the chest.


Lu Gongguan!

The old home of the former Xichuan Haoqiang Lu family was also the first place of Fengxian’s first master.

After the death of King Lu, Fengxian lived in the Lugongguan office.

At this moment, Lu Gongguan slowly raised the banner of the year!

A red-faced Tang costumed old man was playing with Qiankunzhu standing on the steps in front of the tube. All of them were in front of him.

These people are all famous people in Xichuan. At this time, everyone gathered together to meet the former Nishikawa general manager and go out again.

In the year of Feng Xian’s hands, accompanied by Apu, he walked straight and everyone quickly gave way.

"Old brothers, Xichuan is a demon, I think you already know A certain year has already retired, but I am worried about hanging the people of Nishikawa. When I am here, I will only go out again. Advance and retreat, Bao Xichuan tranquility."

Fengxian Road.

"Mr. Mr., you are back, everyone has nothing to say, where are you, where are we going?"

A beard and big man took a picture of the chest.

"Yes, we all serve Mr. Year."

"But there is a point to say, Shen Yunuo and Zhang Yi’s order for dogs and men, and Mr. Years, we will not."

"Yes, can't be affected by their birds."

Everyone shouted.

"Brothers, this year when I came out of the mountain, it was really to protect Shen Jun."

"In the past, Houye had a burden on me. My sister-in-law was wrong in Xiangbei. I also punish him for Hou, and I think that there is no virtue to take charge of Xichuan, and I have neglected the persuasion of Shen Jun."

"Now Shen Jun intends to reinvigorate the old family. I will wait for the uncles to sit back and ignore."

"Of course, I am willing to go with Shen Junfu with me. If I don't want to, I will never blame myself for the year."

In the year, Feng Xian bowed his hand.

These people are all great-minded people who want to be hot in the land of Xichuan. When Fengxian was the main agent, everyone was taking care of Xichuan and had deep feelings for Shen Junfu.

It is precisely because of this emotion that after being repeatedly injured by Shen Yunuo, all the talents went away with the year.

Now, if Shen Jun is willing to come back again, everyone is responsible for the blame, deep love, and wants to return to Shen Junfu, so in addition to a very small number of dissatisfaction, most have chosen the default.

Feng Xian nodded with satisfaction and led the people to Shen Jun House.

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