The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1258: Must not fight

Today is the last time to choose the lord!

Because of Han Han’s “miracle” yesterday, no one in Nishikawa has clashed with him. The only suspense is what brand Shen Jun will play.

At this time, in front of the Shenjun House, there are thousands of masters from all over the world waiting to be seen.

The Qingcheng School, which has never been ranked in the martial arts world, has now had its face, and for the first time sat in the first row on the left.

Han Yuanqiao smeared the light of Han Yu, sitting next to the "giant" such as Ge Xianmin and Master Yuan Jue. The heart is called a beauty. Even if Han Han can be a ally, this trip is at least a good achievement. It is a matter of course to return to Qingcheng Mountain to take over as the elders.

Tang Ziping’s people are also beautiful enough. If you look around, you will not be able to sit down. Especially when you see other martial art, there are young women who can’t help but show off some fanfare. I’m afraid that others don’t know that he is a Qingcheng school.

No way, these people are not stupid, and Han Hao’s current status and ability, with them now one in the sky, they don’t dare to go to the swan again. It’s only through the opportunity. I’m looking forward to getting another martial art girl.

"Everyone, today is the day to choose the lord. The famous people of Xichuan 18 are gathered together. According to our rules, the lord is still elected by everyone."

"Everything is based on everyone's opinion!"

Silence on the stage.

"The surname Shen is so good to talk, won't you have to play any tricks?"

Tang Ziping asked.

"Let's wait and see, the hearts of everyone are still stunned, unless it is the year of Fengxian to fight, otherwise we will win a lot."

Han Yuanqiao Road.

Han Hao smiled and looked at Qin Hao sitting behind him.

Qin Xiao smiled slightly and gestured to rest assured that Han Yuqiao nodded, and his heart seemed to have fallen into the pinnacle of the sea god, not so panic.

"Don't you say that Fengxian is coming? People?"

"Mr. Mr. is coming, with his prestige, there is nothing to choose from, everyone will be his."

"If there is no other person, Miss Yan's supernatural powers yesterday, the publicity is obvious to all, so don't sharpen it, and quickly determine the demon to go to Mount Emei."

Ge Xianmin rang.

At the moment, the overall situation is heavy. Everyone is worried about Zhang Yi and silence.

"I can tell you with certainty that Mr. Mr. will not stand for election."

"There are other people who are running today!"

Zhang Yi stood up and was proud of it.

"Yang Fengxian does not participate, who will be, in the middle of this house, no one dares to confront the enemy."

Han Yuanqiao was shocked in his heart.

Everyone was also amazed, and the impatient impatient urged: "Well, you don't sell off, who is it, you have to fight for it."

"it is good!"

"Come, please Shen Jun!"

Zhang Yi arched his hand to the sky and gave a long drink.


In the low horns of the horns, the two disciples opened the road with the phoenix flags. A row of handsome men spread the red squares in front of them. The line of beautiful and enchanting women was sprinkled with fragrant flowers, and the drummers played the rather solemn ancient music. As the ancient emperors and emperors cruised, they were grand and solemn.

I saw Shen Yunuo, a red mopping robes, surrounded by black armor guards, with calm, elegant and noble money coming.

Because of the long-term high position, and the generation is Xichuan Wang, the blood in Shen Yunuo's bones is still very noble and arrogant. Although it is a female flow, but the gas field is full, it is the highest ruler of Xichuan 18th Road, Shen Jun.

"Shen Jun!"

Everyone got up and saluted.

Shen Yunuo’s status is placed there. She is Qin Houli. As long as Shen Junfu is still there, she is the head of Xichuan.

"Shen Jun is here!"


"so beautiful."

Tang Zihua and other people's mouths are not close together, it is the Zhang Yi who is holding the arms and arms in the arms of the day and night is also a bright spot, see Shen Yu Nuo so charming and noble, more and more full of pride. Shen Yunuo came out of the mountain for himself, which Zhang Yi did not think of.

Shen Yunuo walked very slowly, and did not squint, as if the world was full of ants.

She didn't pretend, but she didn't take these people seriously. She didn't even want Jiangshan. Why should she care about them?

Until he came to Han Han, Shen Yunuo looked over and took a look at it. It was just a sweep of the corner of his eye.

Her own cultivation is extremely low, and she is not interested in how much Han Han has.

Shen Yuno only knows that Xichuan is the biggest, and she has helped her in her life. Han Yu has a thorough life, and the position of this lord is also unsatisfactory.

"Everyone, as Nishikawa, I have heard about the demon incident."

"Over the past year, I have never understood the affairs of Chuanzhong and let everyone down. This is my fault."

"But the rain is on the inheritance of the ancestors Yu Hui, the next Qin Qin gift, since sitting in this position, this burden must be picked."

"This time, Emeishan demon, I am willing to act as the ally of Nishikawa. Of course, I am not as good as Miss Han, but I remember that someone said at the meeting yesterday that the lord is not necessarily a senior, the key It is the skill of the people and co-ordination."

"This This can be compared with Miss Han."

"I don't know what you mean?"

Shen Yunuo came up to show his identity. The left ancestor, the right Qinhou, was the family card and the background card. At the same time, everyone did not know how to choose.

"Shen Jun’s words are heavy. We are still the commander of the 18th in Xichuan. The so-called ally is just a title. In the final analysis, if you come out and lead the army, then it is appropriate."

The person who spoke is Feng Deliang, the owner of the Feng family who is relatively neutral and honest.

He said that it is more pertinent, but it is also the voice of everyone.

Why do you want to choose this lord? It’s not because Shen Jun doesn’t care about anything. No one is doing this. Now that she’s out, it’s natural that she is the commander.

The crowd also nodded.

"Miss Shen, what do you mean?"

"The comparison between the martial arts and the women is saved. You have to call the greater appeal than this one. You will be seated in this position."

Shen Yu Nuowei asked.

"Oh, our Qingcheng faction is also within the 18th road. We must be ordered by Shen Jun. It is insurmountable. Shen Jun is out of the mountain. This alliance is not to be contested."

Although Han Yuanqiao’s heart is unwilling, but the identity of the people is there, this is a fact that cannot be changed, and it is helpless.

"Qin brother, I, I still fight?"

Han Hao turned his head and asked Qin.

"Controversy, of course, the fight, the replacement of Shen Junfu by Qingcheng School is the trend of the times, Shen Yu Nuo is not worthy of being the King of Xichuan!"

Qin Lan is cold and cold.

"Qin brother let me fight, then I will fight with her."

Han Yu has an incomparable trust in Qin and Qin, and suddenly has infinite power and belief.

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