The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1259: Last straw

"Miss Shen, you have the blessing of Qinhou, but this can't change the fact that you indulged the Zhang family brothers in the past year!"

"You don't have a strong mind, you don't have me in your heart!"

"Now, when you look at the decline of Shen Junfu, you jump out and think of death, are you too late?"

"I don't think that a woman who is addicted to wine can take on the demon business."

"So, Han Han is not satisfied!"

"Also please please polish your eyes and distinguish between right and wrong. Do not put the safety of Nishikawa on a name."

Han Han stood up and looked straight into Shen Yu Nuo, a powerful counterattack.

Shen Yunuo trembled. This is the first time since Shen Junfu rebuilt. Someone dared to sing against her in public. In the meantime, Han Yu’s words were swaying. Everyone listened to it and whispered. She originally stood as her ally. The voice is also rapidly decreasing.

"Let's let go, dare to be rude to Shen Jun, do you understand the rules?" Silence pointed to Han Han shouting.

"The rules are all set by people. The rules of the past are out of date. Wu Daojun should be based on benevolence and righteousness, not on the size of the family."

"Excuse me, I don't think you have the qualifications and abilities to continue to lead Nishikawa. You don't have to pledge allegiance to a devotee without a virtue."

Han Yu has Qin Yu support, and when he talks about it, it is full of enthusiasm, and Shen Yunuo is opposite to the needle.

When this came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

In the martial arts, the rules are still very strict, especially in the back of Shen Junfu, there is Qin Hou support, although Han Yu said that although it is reasonable, but the so-called dog has to look at the owner, everyone is never Shen Yunuo but her Behind the mountains, Han Han is undoubtedly playing Qin Hou's face.

Although everyone recognized it, no one dared to respond, and the scene suddenly became dead and quiet.

"What do you mean to counter my Shen Jun?"

"I want you to be a messy Miaocheng faction at the beginning, but it is not as infamous. The loss is that Hou Ye has brought the chaos out of chaos and gave you a face."

"Now I dare to speak out in the government. You think that you have the power of a master, I can't cure you?"

Shen Yunuo is a cold face, angry.

"You use less power to press me. I dare say this, it is to fight for justice."

Han Han is doing his part.

"Good justice!"

"Since you insist on opposing me, then I don't have to leave any more feelings for you."

"Please Mr. Year!"

Shen Yu Nolan channel.

Someone immediately voiced, "Please Mr. Year!"

In the year, Feng Xian led a group of people to take a heavy step, and murderously stepped into the square. The elegant face was like the pinnacle of Nishikawa. Everyone who saw him would not be able to settle down.

This is a person who can really express his position. His position determines the direction of Xichuan.

But at the moment, the situation seems to be unfavourable to Han Han.

"Year of the year!"

"The head of the year is good!"

The people respectfully bowed to Fengxian.

In the year, Feng Xian was hand-in-hand, waiting to go to the field, and all the waves were arranged side by side.

"Feng Xian has seen Shen Jun and Xichuan martial arts colleagues, heard that Xichuan is going to the demon, and only one of them will come out to play under the bones."

"Shen Jun is right, the rules are rules, there is no rule without rules, how can we unite people."

"Shen Jun is a Qinhou Fuzheng, even if it is really faulty, it needs to be dismissed, and it must be ordered by Hou Ye personally, instead of waiting for me to discuss it."

"Miss Han, everyone has made a mistake when Shen Jun has had it, but now he is out of the mountain, why don't you give her a chance?"

Feng Xian smiled and smiled.

As soon as he spoke, it was obviously toward Shen Yunuo. Basically, this matter was fixed.

"Hey, Mr. Year is right, don't argue, count the old man begging you!"

Han Yuanqiao eventually compromised.

Shen Yunuo left one counter, another counter, obviously a fair competition ally, and he gave Han Hao an anti-cap.

From a competitor, Han Wei instantly became an antagonistic and market identifiable identity.

In the year, Fengxian now supports Shen Yunuo and insists on his own opinion. Not only will no one support Han Han, but she will not think she is interested.

"Years of the ages say that you are a wise man, but you have not thought of such indiscriminate protection."

"What is the little Zhuge, the righteousness is stunned, I see you are nothing but a false name."

"I know that you are prestigious and everyone will serve you!"

"But I don't accept it!"

"Cheng, I don't argue, I personally quit."

"But I still have to say that the sky has eyes, you can protect her for a while, can't protect her."

Han Han’s eyes were filled with the grievances of the grievances, biting the teeth and staring at the year’s Fengxian, one word at a time.

"Uncle, let's go!"

Han Han finished, got up and prepared to leave.

She knows that even if Qin Qin supports him, how can he fight against the Fengxian, who has the whole Xichuan people's heart?

More importantly, this person is the leader of the bones team, Han Han does not want to put Qin Hao into this name, he has helped himself too much!

The audience was silent, and the smile on the face of Fengxian was also full of bitterness.

Every word that Han Yu said is like a knife on his heart. This is a good girl with integrity and skill. It is this kind of talent that Xichuan wants to be clear and lack of peace.

But not now, at least not this time!

He must close the heart of love and carry Shen Yunuo up.

Han Wei has severely attacked the prestige of Shen Junfu. Although he supported him, the masses of people stood on the side of Shen Yunuo, but they were afraid of this gimmick.

Fengxian is the last straw of Shen Junfu. If he does not pull Shen Yunuo, she will drown and Shen Jun will collapse.

Whether it is out of love or his mission, he has no choice!

"This woman is too arrogant, Mr. Year, you immediately recruit the bones team to give her some color, or else there will be no place to rest on Shen Junfu's face."

Zhang Yi thought about scooping up the roots and quickly yelled.

Tang Feng and others have already been on the sidelines, and everyone has squeezed a sweat.

They are really afraid that the year of Fengxian is confused, and the killing order is issued. You must know that Qinhou is sitting underneath. Today, this Han Shutou is the Lord!

"Miss Han is walking slowly, please remember one sentence, the future is yours!"

"If you have no opinions, you will unanimously determine the position of the Lord of the Sovereign League, and immediately formulate a demon strategy."

In the year, Feng Xian apologized and smiled.

"No, I am not interested in the future you are talking about!"


Han Hao’s head did not return, and he took a firm step.

Just as she was in the eyes and sighs of everyone, she was about to leave the venue, and there was a clear applause in the field.

This applause is particularly harsh in the oppressive atmosphere!

It was like a slap in the face, and it was on the face, burning pain.

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