The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1260: who am I?


“Who is so bold?”

Everyone’s eyes fell on the young people sitting in the back row.

It is him again!

This person is absolutely no stranger to everyone.

Let Han Yu and Zhang Yunsong fight, and he is glory for the Qingcheng faction.

It is still him who supports Han Yu to the enemy Pound. It seems that every time he appears, he will break the deadlock and give everyone another unimaginable answer.

However, no one now believes that Feng Xian is here, and he can play new tricks.

In Xichuan, Fengxian is the real day, and he is the one who lives and dies, not Shen Jun.

At this time, it is not wise to take the lead in Han Han.

"This is a bad thing, what exactly does he want to do?" Silent frown.

"He knows, but he has dared to provoke him in the years, that is, he is looking for a dead end. Hey, I will wait and watch."

Zhang Yi was gloating.

However, he did not notice that Shen Yuno, who was beside him, had a white face and his body was crumbling, almost fainting.


"A good mistake can be changed, a fair and wise!"

"A good Shen Jun, a good old man!"

Qin Lan stood up and said five good words in succession!

This is the public name of the provocation of Fengxian and Shen Jun, as long as not stupid, anyone can hear it.

Fengxian is shaking, not fear, but shame and shame!

He is ashamed of himself!

This trip to the mountain is a wrong decision. It suppresses Han Han and publicly defends Shen Yunuo. Everyone uses his own reputation and the trust of all people to do stupid things that are contrary to justice and justice.

He feels that he is a life-saving straw, is completing his mission!

But these few good words made him completely awake. In his year, Fengxian has lost his principle and lost the person who valued him most!

He is speechless and faceless to face this person!

"Qin brother, let's not fight, you, you can't fight them."

Han Wei did not expect that Qin Hao was more stubborn than her, and publicly called Fengxian on the board, and quickly folded back to persuade.

"Mr. Xiao Qin, I will not talk about the big and the big things. For the life of our 349 brothers and sisters in Qingcheng, I beg you not to argue, okay?"

Han Yuanqiao bowed his hand and asked for it.

How much energy the Qingcheng faction has made him clear, once the Fengxian and Shenjun are difficult to take it, it is possible to smash his Qingcheng full door. Han Yuanqiao really does not want to touch this thunder again. How far can he hide?

"see it?"

"He seems to be afraid of you?"

"It used to be a sinister sorrow to fear your integrity. Now it is a prestige that is righteous and fearful of you."

"Year, you tell me, this day has changed, or have you changed?"

Qin Hao walked back to the year of Fengxian, bowed his head and stared at his nephew, and asked coldly.

"The sky will never change, it is the sin of Fengxian."

In the year of Fengxian’s forehead, there was a cold sweat and a straight hook.

"I only have two words for you now!"


Qin Lan is cold and cold.

He is really angry in his heart. He has never shown his identity. He wants to see if Fengxian can preside over justice and obey the big stream and public opinion with his own influence. However, it is obvious that Fengxian has made him extremely disappointed. Shen Yunuo’s faulty words made him speechless.

Qin Lan even couldn't believe that those words came from the mouth of Fengxian.

However, he just said it. Qin Hao naturally understands that Fengxian is guarding the scorpion, but it is undoubtedly foolish for a person to ignore the Nishikawa overall situation.


Everyone was hit by five thunders and numb a large piece.

Some people dare to swear on the site of Nishikawa, and publicly use this word to humiliate the year of Fengxian. Isn’t this a lantern in the toilet, looking for death?

"Tang Feng, are you licking your ears?"

"Don't you hear that he is insulting the adult and Shen Jun? Come on, kill this kid!"

Zhang Yi is still screaming at the side of the road.

Tang Feng didn't even look at him with a positive eye, as if he was like a chaotic mad dog.

"Yes, I am too stupid to live up to your trust."

What makes everyone even more surprised is that Fengxian has suddenly kneel down on one knee and is very respectful.

"This, what is going on?"

Everyone has been talking about it, and I still don't understand what is going on.

Han Yuanqiao and others are even more arrogant. Who is the guy who loves to find things, there is such a big energy.

"This day in Nishikawa is a clean one!"

Qin Lan looked at Fengxian in the year and stepped onto the upper position with his hands.

"The clothes are good, and the arrangement is not bad. Miss Shen’s head is much bigger than when it was in Dongjiang."

"There is still this house, magnificent, it is no wonder that everyone used to call you Shen for the king, and now you are the king."

Qin Lan looked at Shen Yunuo indifferently.

Shen Yunuo looked at Qin Yu as if he had made a dream, so unreal, so incredible.

She always wanted to see this man, but this scene is really not suitable.


Shen Yunuo's legs were soft, and one fell to the ground and fainted.

"Shen Jun, you, who are you?"

Zhang Yiwei asked.

A person who can scare Shen Jun with one sentence alone can't find a few people in the whole world, but Zhang Yi can't believe it.


Because this face is different from him, if he remembers correctly, the photos hanging in Shen Yunuo's bedroom should be exactly the same as himself.

At this moment, with Qin Yan's eyes, Zhang Yicai is now, he is really just a clown.

Extreme ugly!

"who am I?"

"I want to take away the people who are rich and rich, and end your good days."

Qin Lan is cold and cold.

"Come on!"

"Take Zhang Yi, Laoshan four old and all the people from the Zhangjia faction to me."

"Don't choose the lord today, first wash the blood with this day!"

Qin Hao ordered the road.


"Hou Ye!"

Tang Feng respectfully leads the life.

"Hou Ye!"

Everyone is not a big man.

"You, you are Qinhou!"

"Amitabha, Qinhou came to Xichuan, and there are eyes in the sky. I have a rescue in Nishikawa."

Master Yuan Jue and others are very happy.

Those who had previously touched the stinky feet of the wing were sullen and bitter, and more uncomfortable than the dead relatives.

The most strange and shocking thing is that Han Yuanqiao and other Qingcheng factions.

Along the way, they did their best with the Qin dynasty. During this period, there was no less degeneration. This is good. The bitter water fell on the head of the family. How can it be smashed?

It is also the loss of Qin Zhenzhen who regards them as their own doormen. They will not care about them along the way, or else they will be guilty of this offense, and they will die a few times.

"Qin Big Brother, you are..."

"Uncle, I will say, Qin Hou will not control the Qingcheng faction. He gave us a good name and a good name."

Han slammed his mouth, and the tears flowed down. When he was happy, he was moved.

"Yeah, Hou Ye still hasn't forgotten us."

Han Yuanqiao is also delightful and tearful.

Tang Ziping, Li Ziqing and others are all arrogant at the moment, and they are more excited than the lottery tickets. They only travel along the way, and they are enough to brag about them in the future.

Everyone has sadness and joy, and Tang Feng has been ordered to arrest people.

Without a moment of effort, the square is already full of black pressure.

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