The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1261: You don't have this pair of skins

"Hou Ye, except for the four old gangsters of Lushan who were killed on the spot, the squadrons of Shen Junfu are all here. In addition, I have ordered that the guards of Shen Junfu go to Wu Dou Mi to teach people, those who are treacherous. Don't even want to run."

Tang Fengdao.


"Mr. Fu Nian up."

"He is not going to be judged together with these people. As for Miss Shen, I will bring it back first. I will go back and dispose of it."

Qin Lan ice cold road.

He can see at a glance that Shen Yunuo has become pregnant and has not thought about how to execute it for a time. It is not suitable for trial in public.

"Hou, I, I didn't know you, this Taishan, I beg you, extravagant, let us go."

Zhang Yi couldn’t be arrogant at the moment, and the two brothers squatted on the ground like a hoe, pleading for help.

"Feng Xian, you are a native of Nishikawa, and you are in charge of Nishikawa. Their sins, you know better than me, it is up to you to judge."

Qin Hao told the road.

In the year, Feng Xian straightened up and respected him.

"Zhang Shuai, Li Zhi and others have long been bullying women, and they are arrogant and sinful!"

"According to the rules of Shen Junfu, after castration, the limbs should be abolished and allowed to die!"

Fengxian Road.

The rules of Shen Junfu and the rules of the Qin gang are still different. The Qin gang has assassinations and thirteen knives. The disposal is clean and neat, and the rules of Shen Junfu are more cruel!

Immediately, there was a guard coming forward, pulling Zhang Shuai and others on the left and right, pulling the knife on the spot and abolishing the limbs meridians.

Zhang Shuai did not know how many women were killed in Xichuan. It was also a sin to deserve this sin. Everyone was applauded.

"Silent, Zhao Sanmin and others and the Zhang brothers are guilty of greed, greed, corrupted the wind, should abolish the limbs and fight for wreckage."

In the year of Fengxian’s rebellion against the rules, he immediately announced.

He protects Shen Yunuo, but it does not mean that he can tolerate the locusts in Shen Jun's house. At this moment, he is not soft, and he never let go.

"Hou, the general manager, I, I beg you, see me on the face of Yunuo."

"I don't want to die, you just abolish me, and give me a way to live."

Zhang Yi no longer has the prestige of the past, crying and screaming like a dead dog.

"Shen Junfu is defeated in your beast, you are evil, you will die, come, cut his dog's head, to the wind of the Nishikawa martial arts."

"Hou Ye, only I know where the demon king of Mount Emei is hiding."

"If you kill me, you can't negotiate with the demon king."

Zhang Yi shouted unwillingly.

"Who told you, I want to talk to him!"

"Killing you, it's too cheap, you don't deserve this bag!"


Qin Hao did not overdo it and gave Tang Feng a look.

Tang Feng took out a sharp cockroach and grabbed Zhang Yi’s head. Just three or two times, he wiped his head clean and showed a blue scalp.

"You, what do you want?"

Zhang Yi’s heart surged an unpredictable hunch.

"Hey, what do you say?"

"You have been making a fortune in Xichuan in the past year. How many people have been killed is afraid that there will be no more in your heart."

"I'm pulling you a layer of skin today, isn't it too much?"

Tang Feng smiled and squatted on the scalp, then poured the bones into the water!

But when I heard Zhang Yi’s scream, the whole person was like a frog in the boiling water. He jumped suddenly and slammed the whole body skin directly. The blood poured on the ground and rolled up. After a while, the work was alive. The pain swallowed.

The troubles of Xichuan relying on the woman's pomegranate skirt under the authority of Zhang Yi, so tragic death in front of everyone.

Xichuan Zhuxiong sees this horrible situation, and no one is discolored.

"Everyone has seen it. This is the end of the evil spirits by Hou Ye."

"From now on, Zhang Jia's cancer has been removed. It is time for everyone to unite and do something for Nishikawa."

After the rest of the people have finished processing one by one, Feng Xiandao.

"Very good, from today, there is no Shen Junfu in Nishikawa!"

"Xichuan 18th Road was directly managed by Qin Gang, and the Xichuan General Hall was established. The Tang Dynasty was the main body of the Tang Dynasty. The Fengxian was the deacon, and the Qingcheng Han was the supervisor. However, the affairs of the martial arts should be reported to the church. Everyone has no opinion."

Qin Hao asked.

"Hou Yeben is the lord of the South Wudao. If it can be directly managed by Qin, it is the blessing of my Xichuan martial arts."

"I am willing to obey Hou Ye's will and support Xichuan Jiantang."

Han Yuanqiao and others immediately seconded.

This is definitely a good thing for Tianda. Shen Junfu’s people’s heart has been almost defeated in the past year. Once it’s really awkward, Xichuan will be a mess. Now it belongs to Qin Gang. As long as Qinhou is still there, Xichuan The martial arts world is at least incapable of chaos.

In addition, the state of justice between Han Yu and Shen Yunuo, everyone knows in mind, she is a supervisor, and there is no need to worry about chaos or powers.

Since then, the day of Xichuan has been cleared, and everyone is naturally agreeing with music.

"Well, the Xichuan event has been fixed. This time, the main ally will still be Miss Han Han as the ally. I will assist you with Mr. Nian and everyone. After the latest news from Emeishan, you can agree on the demon event at night."

"Everyone has the right to go on, wait patiently for the news."

Qin Hao is also more satisfied with this result commanded.

After the people retired, Fengxian was ashamed and inexplicable. He sincerely feared: "Why is Hou Ye so kind to Fengxian?"

"Your sentence is not right, there are some mistakes, you can change it, some are wrong, and you are destined to pay the price."

"In the case of Xiangbei, sin is not in you, you don't have to blame yourself."

"Today's sin, you protect Shen Yunuo, and my last parting is the first one. Although it violates the avenue, it also shows that you are a sentient person."

"However, you remember, what I need is a principled, positioned year of Fengxian."

Qin Yudao.

In the year, Fengxian cried and thanked: "Fengxian remembers Houye’s teaching!"

"Well, you have to pack up the stalls. The punishment must not be soft and soft. I went in to see the one. Some things have to be broken." Qin Yanran sighed.

He gave the opportunity of Shen Yunuo's recovery and rebirth. He did not expect to destroy it all now. Qin Xin’s heart is also not a taste.

Go to the apse!

Shen Yunuo has been awake.

Zhang Yi and others were cleared, and the government was also in a mess for a while. The maids and bodyguards ran quietly. At this time, the big apse, empty, squatting in the wind, so desolate.

Shen Yunuo sat in front of the dressing table, looking at the beautiful people in the mirror, and brushing the blue silk with a glimpse of it.


Qin Lan walked behind her, holding her shoulder and looking at Shen Yunuo in the mirror.

Ps: Dear friends, I have been attending in Shanghai for the past few days. In the next two or three days, I can only get two more. After I go back, I will make up for it. Thank you brothers and sisters!

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