The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1262: Resurrection

"They all said that I am kneeling. Is this answer enough?"

Shen Yunu smiled coldly.

"This is not Shen Yuno I know!" Qin said.

"Who do you think you are, is it God? Can you see through the world, everyone has to follow your footsteps?"

"No, you are not, I tell you, this is the real me."

"I don't want this walled country. I only want a man, a feeling of his own, a warm nest!"

"You mistaken me, you have to give me all this, now you come to ask me why?"

"You don't feel yourself ridiculous?"

Shen Yunu smiled bitterly.

"Yeah, I am not a god, a mortal, there will always be time to look away."

"Why is it Zhang Yi? You can't get it from me, you can't get it from him. What is the pain?"

Qin Haoran said.

"My life is a bitter tragedy, and I don't need to be pity for others."

"Qin Wei, this Jiangshan is still for you, I don't owe you anything!"

Shen Yunuo flows through the lacrimal road.

"Yeah, so you can go."

Qin Hao raised his hand.


"The big land is big, the people are indifferent, where can I accommodate?"

"I have drifted enough in my life, and I am tired!"

"You are right, you have to pay for the wrong thing."

"One of the most wrong things in my life is that I met you in Dongjiang and fell in love with you!"

"Now, I should pay the price, I will accept it!"

Shen Yunuo looked at Qin Xiao and smiled, and a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"Yu Nuo!"

Qin Biao's brows sank and shouted at her.

Shen Yunuo used his last strength to try to make his smile more brilliant and more beautiful. "Qin Wei, I hope that I will never see each other in the world, and say goodbye!"

After that, her pair of translucent scorpions stunned, slipping out two lines of tears, dripping on the hands of Qin Yu, extremely cold.

"Hey, how happy, why die?"

"You are not wrong, just too stupid!"

Qin Lan slowly closed her eyes, wiped the two lines of tears, sighed faintly.

He got up and walked to the guqin, ten fingers like thunder, chords, and the strings were sorrowful and rushing!

He remembered Shen Yunuo when he first saw him on the east side of the Dongjiang River. The beauty is like a pure white lotus flower, stubborn and clean!

She is so beautiful, so youthful, so brave!

In the end, when Shanjiazhuang left, the gratification and sorrow of the glance was also vivid!

Qin Yu knows her, but life is destined to be difficult to complete, and there is a shortage! The wise man is full, and the stupid person stays in the place forever, waiting for the wound to rot a little bit until the final destruction.

Shen Yunuo is the fool!

"Go, let's go, no more grief!"

"I hope that the future will not see each other, I don't know each other!"


The last note, the strings broke, and the phoenix robe hanging on the bed covered the corpse of Shen Yunuo, and went out without head.

Outside the temple, Fengxian has been bursting into tears!

He knows that the people inside are gone, a woman who is bitter!

"Collect the body, thick burial!"

Qin Lan was cold and cold, and he walked quickly from the side of Fengxian.

"A silly girl, why can't you be kind to yourself?"

In the year, Feng Xian stepped into the hall, holding the body and slamming it in his arms. It was like losing his beloved child. He choked out and couldn't get up for a long time.

At this point, Xichuan no longer has Shen Junfu!


The death of Shen Yunuo is only an episode for Qin Lan. He has experienced too many, and after a song, it is a cloud of smoke, and the devil in front of him is in front of him.

To say that Zhang Yi is completely a waste, not all right, at least he knows that the demon king is hiding in the eyebrow.

Nishikawa 18 is divided into five lines of five-way people, and five points are selected to participate in the demon plan.

Qin Lan sat inside and kneaded his forehead and looked at the information about the demon.

One thing made him extremely embarrassed, that is, the Emei faction is in the most critical part of the rushing demon, but it has never been asked for help from other sects, Shen Junfu and Jiangdong.

It is reasonable to say that the demon king is in Mount Emei, I am afraid that it has already been turned upside down. What is the connection between the two, Qin Qin can not say it at the moment.

"Hou Ye, Mr. Fang, Qiuzhang teaches, there is still someone you can't guess!"

Tang Feng walked in and sold a slap in the face.

"Which is so nonsense, please."

Qin Yudao.

Fang Xiu and Qiu Changsheng walked in quickly, and behind them were a young Taoist in a white robe.

"Zhang Yuting?" Qin Yu was quite surprised.

"Qin brother, you still remember me." Zhang Yeanting changed his tuition and majesty, and came over, haha ​​laughed.

At the beginning of the night, Zhang Jingting helped the Qin and Qin Dynasties to stabilize the position of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain. Since then, he has been retreating and suffering, and now he has reached the realm of the Mid-Tian Shi, which came to the mountain.

"How, is there any news in Emeishan?" After Qin Hao chilled a few words, he made tea and talked directly about business.

"The situation is not very optimistic."

"One thing we can confirm is that there have been no casualties such as the Zongmen Emei faction on Mount Emei. According to some local residents, the daily incense in the Emeishan Qingxinguan is still the same, which means that they probably did not receive the demon king. The interference or there is a connection between them."

"My dear teacher with the Emei School is too old friend. I gave her a letter this time. I haven’t returned yet. I am still thinking that 80% is out of order, and it may be controlled."

Qiu Changsheng said.

As a teacher of the whole truth, there is no more mastery in the capture of the demon.

"I have a bad news here, tell my brother."

"Do you remember Bai Shaoyang?"

Zhang Jingting asked.


"He was killed by me in Longhushan, and the body had already fallen into the abyss."

"what happened?"

Qin Hao asked.

"Someone saw him live!"

"It was a disciple who had inadvertently appeared in the mountains. It is said that some people gave him hands and feet at the bottom of the cliff. In short, this person is alive!"

"It’s a pity that his disciple has disappeared in a few days. This is from a familiar younger brother."

"The specifics are true or false, I am still not sure."

"I heard that you hosted the Demon League in Xichuan this time, and by the way came over and joined in the fun."

Zhang Ye Ting Road.

"Mr. Fang, what do you think?"

Qin Hao asked.

"This person is alive!"

"On the road, Zhang Zhangjiao reported to him the birth of the eight characters, the stars at the seven stars, has been transferred from the original Beidou to the South Dou."

"As everyone knows, Nandou is a student, and his stars are very bright. It should be repaired to be more refined than before."

"There is another point. According to the position of the astrology, this surname is white. It is in the area of ​​Mount Emei. It is very murderous. I am afraid that it will be prepared. Houye must be careful."

The house repairs a dignified road.



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