The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1263: Water disaster

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Bai Shaoyang lived, which Qin Qi did not expect.

On the day of the contest, he personally pierced Bai Shaoyang and then broke into the abyss of Baizhang. He said that Bai Shaoyang was already mad at the time, even if he still had a breath, such a high cliff, it would not fall if the bones fell. It is.

However, Fang Xiu is the best astrology division in China. His words are not doubtful.

"It seems that this is getting more and more exciting. Bai Shaoyang is alive. I can kill him once and kill him ten times, a hundred times!"

"This time, except for the demon, it may not be so simple, everyone must be more careful."

"Tang Feng, you will tell everyone the information of the demon king."

Qin Hao sneered a sigh.

"According to the information obtained before, the monster is likely to be a scorpion of about eight thousand years. Before this, there have been records of this demon-stricken person. Some days ago, I was afraid of getting God’s will. I escaped the thunder and realized that The Taoist line was built into a human body and took the name Wu Tian.

Nowadays, in the Emei Mountain, the call for the Xichuan group of demons is gathered, fearing that there will be two or three thousand monsters. ”

"Zhang Yi is at the time, I don't know what it is for, and I have dealt with this singer. The attitude of the other party seems to be very tough, not so good, so this war, I guess it is inevitable.

Tang Fengdao.

"It’s rare, but it’s rare, but this kind of thing revenge is strong, and the poison is extremely powerful. A 3,000-year-old cockroach can be worth a 5,000-year-old snake. What kind of murder is it? ”

Qiu Changsheng frowned.

"Mr. Fang, can you calculate the stars of the demon?" Qin asked.

"This may be a bit overhanging, but if he is shaped into a human form, he still has hope."

"Well, let's go out to Mount Emei tonight!"

"Try to destroy their nests in one fell swoop before the completion of the gathering."

Qin Hao told the road.


On Mount Emei.

Bai Shaoyang walked side by side with a pretty nun with a lot of charm and color. Both of them talked and laughed.

"Aunt, I have wronged you in the past two years. I thought that you were the first beauty of the white family, wearing gold and silver, full of wealth, and how chic." The young and handsome man who spoke was the first Jiangdong first white Shaoyang.

The rhyme nun is the aunt of Bai Shaoyang, the white lady of the 6 former Zhuangzhuang masters.

6 smelled because Charlie and Qin Hao hit the stage, lost a good light, and finally helplessly committed suicide, Bai Rong fled back to the White House, and finally fell to the Yunhai section home.

After the Duan family was destroyed, because Bai Fei was successful in water, Qin Yu spared her and Bai Fei’s life.

In order to avoid the enemies and creditors outside, Bai Rong went to the Qingguang Buddhism and became the nun of the Emei School.

However, after the Emei school, she is not mortal, often with some fragrant pilgrims who are fragrant, and most of them are too jealous of the Emei school.

He Bairong will come to the event, there is no less management in the view, the dedication teacher is too year-round to clean up, and no effort to manage her.

The time of Changbairong’s position in the Emei School is getting higher and higher. Because there are many people who are moving in the mountains, the girl Nissan is broken by her, and most of them are smashed with the men under the mountain.

"Hey, you are aunt, my aunt, I can't be happy."

"Don't look at this Emei Mountain's clear rules and regulations, it still can't trap the aging mother."

Bai Rong licked his mouth and smiled lightly.

"That is, who my aunt is, that is the woman Zhuge."

"Are, there is news on the side of the sorrowful teacher?"

Bai Shaoyang exaggerated a few words and moved to the topic.

"I have already done a good job. She agreed with your strategy and set up a mountain gate in Emeishan. As long as the Qin thief dares to come, he will be taught to come back."

"Right, what's going on there, that Wu Tian Fairy, will you talk to you?"

Bai Rong Road.

"Does he dare? If I light up the martial arts command, he will surrender."

"There is no dare to fight against the **** of war in the world."

"Qin thief has always been arrogant, this time I and Wu Tian, ​​Ji Laobu under the sky, he is not dead or difficult."

"The key is that the sorrowful teacher of the Emei School is too good. If she wants to get it, she will come out and spoil, but it will be troublesome."

Bai Shaoyang Road.

"Do not worry, she will get her done."

"The post has already gone out. I guess it is not tonight, or tomorrow, the Qin thief must be, and you should go to the good life to arrange it."

Bai Rong Road.

Qin Hao’s allies received a letter of help from the Emei School that night, saying that it was Wu Tian who led the monster to burn and kill in the mountains. It was really difficult to support and requested support.

If this is the past, saving people like a fire, Qin Yu is afraid that he will not hesitate to enter immediately.

But now Bai Shaoyang is hiding in the dark, this is not so simple, Bai Shaoyang is like a ghost, Qin Hao has to prevent.

"Hou, how can I return to the letter of this wonderful teacher too." Tang Feng frowned.

"You said that there are still many people who have not arrived, let them stay for three days!"

Qin Yudao.

Having said that, Qin Lan led the man to the Emei Mountain that night.


The moonlight is like water, and the valley is pale. Hundreds of good hands are dressed in black and loaded into the Emei Mountain.

"Mr. Fang, look at you." Zhang Ningting made a gesture.

Fang Xiu nodded, pinching the finger, silently muttering in the mouth, the original clear sky had a layer of dark clouds, not too big to cover the hidden valley of their hiding.

"Well, everyone can take a break and take a break. I went up the mountain to find out the truth."

Qin Yudao.

"Qin brother, I will go with you." Han said.

"No, people are more complicated!"

After Qin Lan finished, his body shape flashed went to the mountain.

The Qingxin Temple is the largest Taoist temple in Emei Mountain. It was originally the place where the mountain gate presided over and taught. After the retreat, all of her teachers and sisters were responsible for this.

At this moment, there are a few candlesticks in the temple.

Two people are plotting, it is Bai Rong and unrequited love.

"Master, Bai Shao and Wu Tian have already negotiated. They said, as long as this time can kill Qinhou, Wushen will give you a mountain card in Kunlun Supreme, then we can go to Kunlun Mountain. Zong Lipai, in order to seek the law of longevity."

Bai Rong was careful.

"It is not difficult to gather the power of three people and fight against Qin Hou, but the key is that the teacher will soon go out."

"If she mixes with it, our plan will be broken."


"I have to listen to it. I will go out tonight when I am going to teach me. I will give her a green light in accordance with the rules."

"This is the life-threatening poison that Wu Tian took from him. He is overbearing. If he smells a little, he will lose all his temperament."

"At that time, we will take the opportunity to get rid of the teachings, and we will be done."

Bai Rong Road.

"Though this is the case, the teaching of the master is high, and only the Shanmen squad has personally ordered it, and the disciples will open."

"Killing her, this big battle is even more impossible to open."


"This is not easy!"


Bai Rong patted the palm of his hand and saw a nun slowly coming out from the darkness. When he saw the two, they read the sound.

Ps: Dear friends, the update is over tonight, and tomorrow night, good night friends, the day after tomorrow began to replenish.

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