The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Chapter 1269: How much do you have?

"What are they doing?"

"This is a holy place, not a must."

Unrequitedly blind, seeing the disciples being humiliated by the monsters, could not help but rushed to the white rush, the wind screamed.

"Sister, what are you afraid of, are you not being played? You have no life."

"Isn't it a fun person to live a picture? Just play it. After that, the singer and the singer are a family. It is good to get used to it."

White Rong doesn't matter.

She is notoriously swaying, naturally not scrupulous, but rather very interesting and fresh. If the identity is not here, she wants to find a few strong monsters and play with it.

"You, shameless!"

"White, you immediately let them stop, otherwise poor Nepal will refuse to cooperate with you again."

Unrequitedly asked the white Shaoyang.

She wants to be a teacher, but she wants to enter Kunlun in the future. She will find a place under the Cihang Shengzhai Gate and repair the method of Changsheng Avenue. But this does not mean that she can tolerate disciples being humiliated by monsters!

"Are you talking about conditions with me?" Bai Shaoyang held his hand and stood proudly.

"No, I am asking for you."

"Then I tell you, you have no use value."

Bai Shaoyang icy cold road, eyes stunned, a red flame flew out of the shackles, and the temperament suddenly burst into flames, turning into ash in the screams.

"Hey, I don't know what to do, I really take myself seriously." Bai Rong said.

"Aunt, it’s time for revenge, and Qin’s name should go to Guanxintai."

Bai Shaoyang slowly walks the trail.

"Shaoyang, is it sure?" Bai Rong put away the state of letting go, and asked awkwardly.

"No, with Qin Hou, such a person as an opponent, grasping the word is never there." Bai Shaoyang said.

"You will not jump out early in the morning, at least Wu Tian and that Ji Ji first went up, you will make a decision." Bai Rong said.

"My aunt is relieved, I am not stupid enough to go there."

After Bai Shaoyang finished, he stepped up and went to Guanxintai.

Qin Hao did not rush to see the heart.

He has been sitting in the corner of the invitation hall, and outside is shouting and killing, but he is unaware!

He is waiting for time.

When the screams outside stopped, he reached out and touched Jiang Yan's Yintang. Jiang Meier opened his eyes in a dim.

"It’s a good show, let me go and see."

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he got up and went out.

"Hey, my master, she..."

Jiang Meier just wanted to ask, but he saw a mess outside the temple. There were more than a dozen female bodies that had been humiliated and died. The blood was mixed with the air before dawn, which made her feel sick.

"How could this be?"

"Oh... is it finished?"

“Is this also part of your plan?”

Jiang Meier burst into tears and asked.


"In order to get rid of Wu Tian's scum, all sacrifices are worthwhile."

Qin Hao nodded and did not deny it.

He is a commander, a lord of the southern martial arts, and looks at the overall situation. If the lives of these poor female disciples can contribute to this victory, then it makes sense.

Watching the heart!

Bai Shaoyang, Wu Tian, ​​and Ji Wuxie have been seated, surrounded by the masters of the demon, as for the little demon all cheering in the periphery.

"What is the name of the church, the sky is bright, and the name of Qin has not come yet?"

Wu Tian asked impatiently.

"I don't dare to come to see him. He left thousands of disciples and his own men and became a tortoise."

Bai Rong swears.

"He will definitely come!"

Bai Shaoyang closed his eyes and raised his spirits. After spit out a sentence, he stopped speaking. Ji Wuxie was cold and hidden under the cloak. No one knew what he was thinking.


"Qin brother is here!"

Just as the sky is about to dawn, Han Hao suddenly said great joy.

As soon as Qin Lan appeared, the group demon consciously let go of a road.

Bai Shaoyang stared at the young boy in the green shirt, holding both hands tightly on the armrest of the chair. Because of too much force, the knuckles were white.

He will never forget this green shirt, this face, that is a nightmare that he can never forget in his life.

The Qin dynasty is still so calm and calm, and the powerful gas field is on display. The original noisy hills suddenly become silent.

"Shaoyang brother, congratulations, it is not easy to kill from the prince of the prince."

Qin Hao smiled.

"That's all for your blessing, it's not easy!"

Bai Shaoyang stood up and sneered.

"Since it is not easy to know, why not find a corner of this residual, but still not to come to die?" Qin Hao calmly said.

"Do not!"

"Two years ago, I was defeated by you because of the enemy!"

"In the past two years, I have grown up a lot, I don't know if you still have this qualification to be my opponent."

Bai Shaoyang Road.

"Do you know if you try?"

"Come on, the array, the magic weapon, how many tricks are made."

Qin Lan went to battle in the field, looking at the squid belly appearing on the horizon, the smile on his face was even better.

"The wind is not good, I hope a Qin thief." Feng Qi stood up, want to solve the problem for Bai Shaoyang, to get their heart.

"No, since he is the consul of Xichuan 18th Road, I don't think it is better for Wu Laoda to play this battle?" Bai Shaoyang said.



Wu Tian's mouthful of tea almost didn't squirt He is not stupid, Qin Hao is a first-class master, big array is not, it is not a wise move to go up.

"How? The demon king is not willing?"

"Don't forget, you don't kill him, he will kill you."

Bai Shaoyang frowned.

"He is right, I will not only kill you, but also destroy all the demons and ghosts of Wan Yaodong!" Qin Hao nodded.

"Okay, then I will come to you and see how big you are."

Wu Tian avoids inevitable, only the hard scalp should fight.

Before seeing Qin Hou, he was so terrible that Qin Xiao was not afraid. He thought it was boasted. After all, the age is there.

Now, when I meet, Wu Tiancai knows how badly he is.

He has lived for more than 3,000 years. He has never seen such a terrible person since the first generation of Emeishan. The pair of eyes without any look, without any mood swings, calm and scary.

Wu Tian knows that he can't do it. He immediately works hard, and a black armor is added. The hand is a sharp blade of two white bones!


Wu Tianchong came up, it was the impact of a storm.

These two human bones are not the vulgar, but they are refining with the bones of a wicked and wicked person. They contain a strong suffocating power and are extremely powerful. They can break all defenses in the world.

As for the armor on his body, it is the body armor, hard and incomparable, the guns and guns do not enter, the water and fire do not invade, Wu Tian is relying on this armor, blocking the thunder, repaired the avenue.

"Is this the ability?"

Qin Lan sneered, and a green light flew to Wu Tian.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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